Michael Ramirez for November 13, 2023

  1. Img 1351
    Zykoic  8 months ago

    Good old Joe. No worries. He’s on course. No malarkey! I mean it!

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  2. Th marvin da martian
    Flashaaway  8 months ago

    The polls would be higher if you let someone else stand for the democrats in the presidential election.

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  3. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 8 months ago

    Ramirez again expresses the current republican governing principle: Hatred Of Biden.

    I guess he longs to have Bone Spurs as president again, so Republicans can return to their previous principle: Hatred Of Hillary.

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    baroden Premium Member 8 months ago

    If I believed polls, Hillary Clinton and Al Gore would be former POTUS’s by now.

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    My First Premium Member 8 months ago

    Biden couldn’t project weakness anymore if he tried, so that is why you see Russia invading Ukraine, China preparing to invade Taiwan, Iran getting ready to complete their first nuclear bomb (first target, Israel, second target, USA). The world is on fire and Biden whistles past the graveyard. Any resemblance to Barney Fife is strictly coincidental.

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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  8 months ago

    Michael want facism to win again

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    Retrac Premium Member 8 months ago

    Per the polls any one of the Republican challengers could beat Biden today. The only one who doesn’t understand that is Biden. We voters deserve a much stronger Dem candidate.

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    Pogostiks Premium Member 8 months ago

    Nobody is talking about the elephant in the room: Kamala. People wouldn’t mind Biden so much if he had a truly reputable VP that everyone was impressed with. Kamala is what is keeping Biden’s numbers down… because everyone is aware that if somehthng happened to Biden, she is not really up to the task of taking over in ways that people trust.

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    The Nodding Head  8 months ago

    If polls were our guides, we’d still be living in caves.

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    DC Swamp  8 months ago

    Recent NBC News poll: 74% have concerns about Biden’s age and mental fitness. It’s rare that 74% of people agree about anything.

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    Ontman  8 months ago

    Polls are always sooooo accurate.

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    Denver Reader Premium Member 8 months ago

    Ramirez is right here. Biden’s been great, but his PR has been terrible, so his approval is way down. Any other President would be thrilled to have Biden’s accomplishments.

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  13. Yin yang
    Havel  8 months ago

    When the actual campaign begins, and if Trump is the GOP nominee, then all of his flaws, his lack of empathy for others, his revenge/retribution plans for his second term, etc. will be laid bare. Then, how much more than the 33% (or so) that make up his core supporters will be there for him?

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  14. Can flag
    Alberta Oil Premium Member 8 months ago

    Hard to take polls seriously when you see what trump polls. A loser by any measure and dangerous to America and it’s friends. Traditional hostile nations though will be ecstatic if trump was ever to wear the crown again.

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  15. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member 8 months ago

    The US economy is growing…. 8.8 Million open Jobs… Unemployment 18 straight months under 4 %… a manufacturing super cycle started by Biden’s build Back better pieces… 800,000 new manufacturing jobs… 13.5 million jobs created since Biden took office… small business applications are record levels with more that 10 Million applications to the SBA… and massive record investment in the US manufacturing construction sector… 3 times as great as before… 180 BILLION dollars per year.. " By the numbers: As of April, spending on manufacturing construction — new factories — is tracking at a $189 billion annual rate, triple the average rate in the 2010s ($63 billion). And, all of this is being reported on the news. Just doesn’t seem to register with a lot of people.

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    piper_gilbert  8 months ago

    Don’t believe the polls. All the elections leading into 2024 contradict the polls. Media cherry picks polls for headlines, and we are supposed to believe them? The elections in Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia tell me something different.

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  17. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  8 months ago

    You won’t see the footage on MSM, but you really should have seen Biden attempting to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns yesterday. With palms held in parallel like a robot, he looked for all the world like a Roomba that had just entered a room and was trying to decide where to vacuum. “Why aren’t my handlers doing a better job at directing me?”, he seemed to say.

    No doubt, Roomba Biden is asking the same question of his nameless, faceless policy makers that are running this country in his demented absence.

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    ChristopherBurns  8 months ago

    Ramirez is laying down the argument Trump will make if he loses the 2024 election:

    All the polls had me ahead and then this guy wins? It was fixed.

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    Al Fresco, the Librarian  8 months ago

    No sandbags this time.

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    ShadowMaster  8 months ago

    While T is trying to dodge a multitude of holes he could disappear down any second

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  21. Gcwg
    MC4802 Premium Member 8 months ago

    TFG wouldn’t fit thru the manhole.

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  22. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  8 months ago

    Its the republicans who are losing at the voting polls, the only one that counts.

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    tomwheaton  8 months ago

    Why does he always draw Biden as Lieberman?

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    TheTruthHurts  8 months ago

    Switching gears here. 60 minutes had a story on Russia “intentionally” destroying monuments in Ukraine. Funny, I don’t remember a similar story being run for THIS country 3 summers ago. (at least Russia has the plausible excuse they are at WAR)

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    ncorgbl  8 months ago

    Biden’s approvals are up, and much higher than tRump’s ever were.

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    casonia2  8 months ago

    Yep. Evidently he’s also OK with purging federal departments of employees who aren’t “loyal” to Trump, revoking birthright citizenship if you can’t prove one of your parents was legally in the US, Trumpublicans setting the curriculums for schools and colleges, and persecuting LGBTQ people in any way possible. Vote BLUE, unless you want Trump in your bedroom.

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  27. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  8 months ago

    When lying criminal Trump goes to jail Biden’s polls will rise.

    How can ANYONE support crazy Trump?

    After several reports about Trump’s recent remarks, including ones being compared to dictators Hitler and Mussolini, calling those who oppose him “vermin,” “joking” again about the near-deadly attack on Paul Pelosi, all amid reports there is a massive and well-funded operation to install over 50,000 Trump loyalists into every corner of the federal government if Trump takes the White House, former Republican Charlie Sykes has issued a warning.

    Sykes, writing at The Bulwark, says Trump “genuinely admires the brutality of the Chinese; he finds violence exciting; and he’s a sincere fanboy of the world’s fascists. And he keeps telling us what his presidency will mean if and when he regains power.”

    Trump’s “rhetoric is escalating,” says Sykes. “The enemy is us. The ‘vermin’ are fellow Americans And he is coming for them.”

    “So, once again, it is essential to pay attention. Trump may be clownish, but the clown car is carrying a neutron bomb. Possibly several.”

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    rodgerjacobsen Premium Member 8 months ago

    I agree with David Brooks, Take Polls with a grain of salt, people say whatever they’re angry about on a poll but vote differently. Look at the results of the last election

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    DrPawl  8 months ago

    Ramirez is no fan of Trump:


    I take this as a warning. Trump could win a second term, and that would be a disaster.

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  30. Cigar smoker
    Jack7528  8 months ago


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  31. Sunimage
    Sun  8 months ago

    Klutz ‘R’ Us Joe Biden is never aware of his surroundings.

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    Gaius Julius C.   8 months ago

    It ain’t over till the fat lady sings….

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