Oh, those were the days in which I lived (the dial-up Internet). (Imagine Michael Winslow of “Space Balls” and “Police Academy” doing that sound effect if this strip were animated.)
Modem speak! God, I remember this terrible shriek. Possibly my favorite strip to-date, as I worked for a couple of local ISPS and then a cable company that also provides Internet services.
You can’t forget this dial-up sound! And the soft soothing melody of the SHRWEEEEEEEEKRWEEEEEEEWEEEEEEWEEEEEE once the connection was established! (Because YES dial-up used to failed. Often.)
And he isn’t kidding. I lived in a duplex that was located betwixt and between cable providers, aka no-cable-land. And the phone service was the lousiest in the area. It took an hour to download 10-Megabytes, so something like a 30Meg Scientific American monthly magazine took 3-hours! I would start it Saturday morning, then do the weekly shopping, laundry, etc, and then maybe it would be done (unless it felt like crashing instead.) Where I am now I have high speed cable/internet, and a direct router to computer connection with Ethernet. Takes 2 or 3 seconds to download a 10Meg file!
When the first 28.8 modems came out the noises it made were so strange and startling – AND so rare, those puppies were expensive! – that people would record the noise so others could hear it.Gods, I am old.
Averagemoe over 6 years ago
I’ve heard dial tones on a phone being used as a musical instrument. Big businesses might get into a bidding war for numbers that play famous songs.
codycab over 6 years ago
Marigold is not wrong actually.
Templo S.U.D. over 6 years ago
Oh, those were the days in which I lived (the dial-up Internet). (Imagine Michael Winslow of “Space Balls” and “Police Academy” doing that sound effect if this strip were animated.)
Cemalidor over 6 years ago
Did Marigold ever had to work with AOL Dialup by chance? :)
asrialfeeple over 6 years ago
GirlGeek Premium Member over 6 years ago
I’ve been through dial up. Glad I never need to go through that again.
DHBirr over 6 years ago
As always, I LOVE Marigold’s weird facial expressions.
DDrazen over 6 years ago
At an old job I used to have, I’d occasionally whistle until the acoustic coupler responded. I like to think I was driving it crazy.
Nebulous Premium Member over 6 years ago
He forgot the “Bong Bong!”It won’t connect without the “Bong Bong!”
tripwire45 over 6 years ago
Why didn’t he just get on YouTube and play the “modem mating call?”
scyphi26 over 6 years ago
Glad we’re in agreement, Marigold.
Brass Orchid Premium Member over 6 years ago
And then you change the handshake to renegotiate from 300 baud to 450 and watch the text fly by!
BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 6 years ago
We must remember, when the internet and dial-up came out, we thought it was fantastic and cutting edge.
BiggerNate91 over 6 years ago
Being in this generation, I want to know what dial-up was, but at the same time I don’t.
Major Matt Mason Premium Member over 6 years ago
This is a tech joke, right? ;D (Yeah, yeah, I know that’s ‘Nancy’ snark. Tough.) ;)
eladee AKA Wally over 6 years ago
That’s a sound you’ll never forget once you’ve heard it!!
Darwinskeeper over 6 years ago
I thought he was describing what it sounded like to accidentally call a fax line.
ZarPaulus over 6 years ago
Ah yes, the days when AOL was the only ISP anyone used.
Wichita1.0 over 6 years ago
Modem speak! God, I remember this terrible shriek. Possibly my favorite strip to-date, as I worked for a couple of local ISPS and then a cable company that also provides Internet services.
Wichita1.0 over 6 years ago
It’s funny, but I recall the early pitch days of this strip, when the first one appeared on Furaffinity, back when I was writing comic books.
Kwen over 6 years ago
You can’t forget this dial-up sound! And the soft soothing melody of the SHRWEEEEEEEEKRWEEEEEEEWEEEEEEWEEEEEE once the connection was established! (Because YES dial-up used to failed. Often.)
STACEY MARSHALL Premium Member over 6 years ago
And he isn’t kidding. I lived in a duplex that was located betwixt and between cable providers, aka no-cable-land. And the phone service was the lousiest in the area. It took an hour to download 10-Megabytes, so something like a 30Meg Scientific American monthly magazine took 3-hours! I would start it Saturday morning, then do the weekly shopping, laundry, etc, and then maybe it would be done (unless it felt like crashing instead.) Where I am now I have high speed cable/internet, and a direct router to computer connection with Ethernet. Takes 2 or 3 seconds to download a 10Meg file!
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 6 years ago
Hard to believe those are now considered “prehistoric times” now by the young.
rgcviper over 6 years ago
Ahh … dial-up Internet. That takes me back. Quite the memorable sound effects—that’s for sure.
Pedmar Premium Member over 6 years ago
I remembering a Zits comic from around Y2K where those noises were visualized. I don’t remember it all, but a clown was one of the images.
Kali over 6 years ago
My first computer was RadioShack’s TRS-80, aka, the Trash80.
I think it probably just completed loading my program about ten minutes ago.
wjones over 6 years ago
The good old dial up, If someone used the phone while you were down loading all was lost.
Stephen Gilberg over 6 years ago
I knew what Dad was doing by the second panel.
bigcatbusiness over 6 years ago
I remember that tone too well.
KiraHatfield over 6 years ago
ah the sound of my childhood
stefaninafla over 6 years ago
I do not miss modem pong.
L Ron Pony over 6 years ago
When the first 28.8 modems came out the noises it made were so strange and startling – AND so rare, those puppies were expensive! – that people would record the noise so others could hear it.Gods, I am old.