Pluggers by Rick McKee for April 05, 2024

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    ASpruce2020  12 months ago

    And the doctor that is prescribing them is the one who asks for you to update the list everytime you visit. What, seeing more than one doctor???

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    Gent  12 months ago

    Eh no thankses. No steenky pills for me. Me no want to dies from side effects.

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    juicebruce  12 months ago

    Sorry I can not relate to this one …. Vitamins and that is it ;-)

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    PraiseofFolly  12 months ago

    Just starting yesterday: The Doctors Have Me: My first regularly prescribed medication! Drugstores, here I come … (—

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    bjballard1  12 months ago

    My doctor asks me to bring in the bottles each time, then the nurse checks them against what she entered the last time.

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    phritzg Premium Member 12 months ago

    I keep a list of my current prescriptions and dosage information on a Word document which I can update when needed. I made the list small enough that if I print it out and trim the paper, what’s left will be about the size of a credit card, which I then can carry in my wallet.

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    kaycstamper  12 months ago

    Type your list on your computer, keep a print out and take it with you to the doctor when you go, include supplements below Rxs.

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    ctolson  12 months ago

    This is why my wife and I have all our meds and surgeries listed on a separate sheet of paper and write “See attachments”.

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    DaBump Premium Member 12 months ago

    I praise God I don’t have any pills I have to take. Have to watch what I eat and get exercise, keep an eye on my blood pressure and weight, got some muscle-joint aches and pains, tinkle breaks interrupting my sleep, but otherwise I’m healthy as a horsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss (I’m fine! Just kidding there.)

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    g04922  12 months ago

    I routinely review my prescriptions with my physician with the goal of reducing dosages are completely discontinuing medications as my health changes and or improves. As Dr. House explains to his patients… “Yes, the drug I am prescribing you can be addictive or dangerous. All drugs are either addictive and or dangerous, including prescription drugs.”

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    jhpeanut  12 months ago

    Loose leaf steeped tea, supplements and homeopathies unless it’s dire. Most pharms will make you sicker or eventually kill you.

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    Indiana Guy Premium Member 12 months ago

    My late wife died of lupus. Her rheumatologist (the specialist who deals in autoimmune diseases like lupus) believed that it was drug-induced lupus. And by “drugs”, I’m not referring to illicit drugs, but to FDA-approved prescription drugs.

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    tpcox928  12 months ago

    Just carry a list.

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    MichaelSFC90  11 months ago

    The bane of my existence.

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    mafastore  11 months ago

    I have a memo app in my cell phone. (In the “old days” I had a notepad note in my Palm Centro.) I have various memos for various purposes – what we need to buy when food shopping, specifications for items we might buy – button sizes for husband’s breeches for reenacting, etc. One of the memos is food shopping (another is general shopping).

    When we are running low on something I add to the memo so when we make our just about daily visit to one Walmart or another I know what we need to buy in food or otherwise.

    I also have a memo which has a list for each of us of our meds. Around 6 years ago husband was not feeling well – thought he might be having heart problems and we ran to the emergency room. Since the meds list in my phone I was able to list his meds with no problem or question. Husband has since copied the list for each of us into his phone also – just in case.

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    mafastore  10 months ago

    Okay we had an odd situation with a prescription renewal this past week. Both are Diabetics. Husband takes daily insulin. I called in to renew his insulin and he also needed new “pen needles” for same so renewed it also. The pen needles should cost us US$3 with our insurance coverage. (Insulin quite a bit more.)

    There were no pen needle renewals showing for him at the pharmacy so I called our doctor and explained to the woman who handles same and she was calling it in to the pharmacy. When I got a call it was ready the price for the needles – instead of $3 it was $18! Call the pharmacy – prescription was written for generic pen needles not the usual brand. HUH? The generic needles cost more than the brand name ones? After another call to the doctor’s office the needles were changed to the brand name and it cost $3. But this is something I REALLY don’t understand.

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