Piggly Wiggly, the company that first introduced the shopping cart had to resort to using paid actors to use them in their stores before they caught on.
Packaging is getting a bit out of hand. I understand the need for tamper evident packaging. The human race is flawed and there are those who wish to do others harm for no reason. But going full armor is not necessary. After ascertaining the package is uncontaminated since leaving the packer, it should be accessible to the purchaser. I’ve actually had to resort to going out to my shop for a tool to open food products. Ridiculous and unnecessary. As is the often 100% too large package attempting to cozen the purchaser into believing he’s getting more than he is. Wasting resources and unnecessarily overloading waste handling.
The Duke about 10 hours ago
That candy bar entry is out of this world! $2.53 for a candy bar is crazy! I hope he got to eat it too! I remember when candy bars were a quarter.
chaosed2 about 10 hours ago
Piggly Wiggly, the company that first introduced the shopping cart had to resort to using paid actors to use them in their stores before they caught on.
Pickled Pete about 9 hours ago
Shopping Cart Limitations
A married couple on a tight budget were shopping in a supermarket. The husband picks up a case of beer and places it in their shopping cart…
The wife complained, “Put that back, we only have enough funds for essential items – not luxuries such as beer costing $35.”
A little later while walking through the cosmetics aisle, the wife picks up a beauty cream and other products and place them in the cart.
The husband says, “I thought we were on a tight budget, buying only essential items, right?”
The wife responds, “These items are essential. They make me look beautiful!”
“Well,” says the husband, “the beer also makes you look beautiful and its half the price!”
Jayalexander about 7 hours ago
The new packaging con’t be torn by mortal man, you need a knife or tear it with your teeth.
Shirl Summ Premium Member about 7 hours ago
I just open bags with scissors, or my pocket knife if I’m not at home.
Huckleberry Hiroshima about 4 hours ago
Heavens no.. a flat Mars bar? Alert the media.
Gameguy49 Premium Member about 4 hours ago
I think Mars bars left in a hot vehicle may lose their wrinkles.
AZCoyote about 2 hours ago
Has he heard of scissors?
Donaldo Premium Member about 2 hours ago
it’s been said that angry feminists tried to force the Mars company to remove the ‘dick weins’ from the chocolate bar
oakie9531 about 1 hour ago
i remember buying candy bars for 5 cents…soda was 10 cents
bobbyferrel about 1 hour ago
Packaging is getting a bit out of hand. I understand the need for tamper evident packaging. The human race is flawed and there are those who wish to do others harm for no reason. But going full armor is not necessary. After ascertaining the package is uncontaminated since leaving the packer, it should be accessible to the purchaser. I’ve actually had to resort to going out to my shop for a tool to open food products. Ridiculous and unnecessary. As is the often 100% too large package attempting to cozen the purchaser into believing he’s getting more than he is. Wasting resources and unnecessarily overloading waste handling.
zippykatz 11 minutes ago
The hard plastic shells are almost impossible to open, even with shears. Folks have ended up in the ER with cuts.