No, no, no! You’re not supposed to give your doctor advice about your treatment, you’re supposed to go in there and demand a prescription for this new drug! That way, the pharmaceutical company makes money! This has (almost) nothing to do with improving your medical condition, it has to do with making money, and lots of it!
I’ve been saying this for a long time. If a drug requires a doctor to prescribe it, why the heck do they advertise to the patients? Are hamburger-flippers supposed to know more about a drug than a medical school graduate just because they watched a freakin’ commercial put on by the people who profit from making the drug???
I am a nurse, and I can tell you that the fastest way to irritate your doctor is to tell them what drug you want to try because you saw it on the internet or television. They went to school for eight years or more. Tell them what your symptoms are and how you are feeling and for God’s sake tell them the truth. Then let them do the diagnosing.
Lucy Rudy 9 months ago
The ads always say not to take it if you are allergic to it. How would you know if you are allergic unless you take it?!
McColl34 Premium Member 9 months ago
No, no, no! You’re not supposed to give your doctor advice about your treatment, you’re supposed to go in there and demand a prescription for this new drug! That way, the pharmaceutical company makes money! This has (almost) nothing to do with improving your medical condition, it has to do with making money, and lots of it!
markkahler52 9 months ago
Be sure to mention the side effects, which are curiously just like the symptoms you’ve been experiencing!!
saylorgirl 9 months ago
Watching these ads, the side effects are worse than what’s wrong with you.
treutvid 9 months ago
It has
NeedaChuckle Premium Member 9 months ago
I think she is the one who went to medical school and graduated, not me! I do ask about getting shots for things though. Again I ask, I don’t tell.
GoComicsGo! 9 months ago
Yay, they’re back.
Ken Otwell 9 months ago
I’ve been saying this for a long time. If a drug requires a doctor to prescribe it, why the heck do they advertise to the patients? Are hamburger-flippers supposed to know more about a drug than a medical school graduate just because they watched a freakin’ commercial put on by the people who profit from making the drug???
landyk 9 months ago
Largest personal hates:
Pharma Ads
Lawyer Ads
I’ve got to find an ad blocker for over the air tv.
toppsjeff 9 months ago
About half the ads on TV seem to be drug ads.
Cozmik Cowboy 9 months ago
If you ask your doctor for a specific med, doesn’t make him/her just a drug dealer?
david_42 9 months ago
I don’t make drug choices, except OTC.
ChessPirate 9 months ago
It’s not “they ask you to tell”, it’s “they tell you to ask”.
Meh, don’t ask, don’t tell… ☺
ChukLitl Premium Member 9 months ago
They weren’t allowed to advertise medication, doctors, or lawyers, but ads for booze & cigarettes were everywhere.
thomasdadisman 9 months ago
Why are drug companies even allowed to advertise in the media. Drug pusher is all they are.
John Lamb Premium Member 9 months ago
I am a nurse, and I can tell you that the fastest way to irritate your doctor is to tell them what drug you want to try because you saw it on the internet or television. They went to school for eight years or more. Tell them what your symptoms are and how you are feeling and for God’s sake tell them the truth. Then let them do the diagnosing.
Teto85 Premium Member 9 months ago
The civilized countries do not allow for such advertisments. They also have national health / single payer
cuzinron47 9 months ago
If the Doctor doesn’t know about those drugs already, and what’s right for treating my medical issues, it’s time to find another Doctor.
Brent Rosenthal Premium Member 9 months ago
Those commercials are one reason drug prices are so high. The production costs and air time are incredibly expensive
wjbillthompson 9 months ago
And when people think they are smarter than doctors and scientists.
snowedin, now known as Missy's mom 9 months ago
No truer words have ever been spake.