Yes, there are problems, with making a Corporation a legal person. A Corporation isn’t a person in documentation at all. There are employees, stock holders and customers who are real persons. Really a Corporation is about property rights, “no this has nothing to do with slavery”. If the Corporation is bad enough, the government should absolve it if needed.
Corporations are a legal entity—or a legal fiction. Treating one in any way as a discrete person makes zero intellectual sense. You might as well call a town a person.
comixbomix 14 days ago
Only one of the tragic consequences of equating corporations with individuals.
braindead Premium Member 14 days ago
Magats will never recognize this as satire.
Not any part.
Panufo 14 days ago
I’m a Christian, and I agree with my atheist pal Bolling. This blows.
wrd2255 14 days ago
Someone posited that they’d believe “corporations are people, my friend” when one could be executed. Seems timely now.
Decepticomic 14 days ago
Capitalism sucks.
Packratjohn Premium Member 14 days ago
Adam and Eve were blond? Whoda thunk it?
Jack7528 14 days ago
Yes, there are problems, with making a Corporation a legal person. A Corporation isn’t a person in documentation at all. There are employees, stock holders and customers who are real persons. Really a Corporation is about property rights, “no this has nothing to do with slavery”. If the Corporation is bad enough, the government should absolve it if needed.
Plumb.Bob Premium Member 14 days ago
Of course the liberal Bolling is infavor of indoctinating young cooporations! Homeschool your coorporations people!!!
ChessPirate 14 days ago
Corporations may be legal “people”, but they don’t worship the same God…
Godfreydaniel 13 days ago
Corporations are a legal entity—or a legal fiction. Treating one in any way as a discrete person makes zero intellectual sense. You might as well call a town a person.
Godfreydaniel 13 days ago
Oh, the Supreme Court decided that a bribe can be nice
Only if it’s a corporate bribe
They’ll attack with their PACs and other such like vice
But I don’t belong to that tribe
Godfreydaniel 13 days ago
I don’t have the money to buy polit’cal honey
Or give Congress my shirt and coat
My bribing funds are lacking
From pollution I am hacking
No, you can’t buy a vote with a vote
PoodleGroomer 13 days ago
If you give to them and buy their stocks and bonds you will be rewarded a thousandfold.
thedogesl Premium Member 13 days ago
“Corporate Christianity” and “Christian Nationalism”: two obvious oxymorons.
willie_mctell 13 days ago
Like a friend of mine’s mother in law explained to him, the Constitution is based on the bible.
jpozenel 13 days ago
Corporations worship the almighty dollar.
richardclayton1000 13 days ago
Another Supreme Court blunder.
eddi-TBH 13 days ago
If these were sincerely held beliefs, I’d worry. But their true profit, Gordon Gekko laid it out for them. “Greed is good”.