Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for March 04, 2025

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    Da'Dad  about 9 hours ago

    Wasn’t sure HGTV was still a thing but I guess they are still at it.

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    jkomlos27  about 8 hours ago

    I don’t like where this is going, but let’s see what develops.

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    yoda1234  about 8 hours ago

    Yeah!! Let HGTV pay for it!!

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    DorothyGlenn Premium Member about 5 hours ago

    I thought the kids were going to take over the acres that Gus found after Arlo and Janis settled in their current house

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    coffeemom88  about 4 hours ago

    Arlo is just fake stalling. Once he saw Janis’ face, he knew his future involved moving boxes!

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    mgl179  about 3 hours ago

    Gene and MaryLou aren’t qualified to be adults, much less reproduce

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    Riders on the Storm Premium Member about 3 hours ago

    Love my kids but I don’t want them living in my back yard.

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    Bill The Nuke  about 3 hours ago

    They’re going to keep part of the land? I foresee problems cropping up with the vegetables.

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    easymoney5419  about 2 hours ago

    I would love to live next to my kids, but I can never move from my home in the woods.

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    jmarkow11  about 2 hours ago

    Gee dad, when did you change your name to HGTV?

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    NaryGancy  about 2 hours ago

    Around here its called “in-law quarters” or “grandparents house”, and its pretty popular. The difference is, there’s no separate ownership, the entire property stays in the family with different members moving around as they age. In other words, when A&J pass on the house will revert back to the kids. Much better than dividing up the property and selling to strangers when they’re gone.

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    sundogusa  about 2 hours ago

    I would lean towards This Old House.

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    reedkomicks Premium Member about 2 hours ago

    So A&J will live in the kids house, and the kids will live in the chicken coop? Where will the chickens live?

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    Durak Premium Member about 2 hours ago

    I like the scene in panel 3, with her cooking dinner and him in the background, on the phone to Dad. It really sets the idea that this is a family at home, doing peaceful, normal things. Nice.

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    BJDucer  about 1 hour ago

    There’s something about having mom and dad living so close that can be bothersome….like mom or dad feeling free to walk in the house unannounced without knocking. Long ago I had to set my in-laws straight on the fact that I expected them to knock AND WAIT for one of us to answer the door before they entered the house. They were non too happy when I informed them their smoking wasn’t going to happen inside my house, either. I’m not sure why parents think they can do whatever they want in their kids’ house. It’s as if they don’t recognize or like the fact they’re adults and have house rules of their own that all must abide by.

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    ladykat Premium Member about 1 hour ago

    It could be a valid plan.

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    fusilier  35 minutes ago

    Call the “Good Bones” crew!


    James 2:24

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    KEA  33 minutes ago

    Sounds like a job for Bob Vila (oops, showing my age)

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    T Smith  23 minutes ago

    Sounds like a plan… until a hurricane hits that they weren’t prepared for because all the meteorologists at NOAA and the National Weather Service were let go, and they can’t get any disaster assistance because FEMA was dismantled and all the funding went to another Elon government contract.

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    Milady Meg  23 minutes ago

    I once flipped on an episode of “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition”. The people looked at and insulted the house and decided they had to tear it down and start again. I wondered if this was just “Extreme Makeover” if they’d look at someone and say “he’s ugly and bald and has no manners and walks like a gorilla. Shoot him and start over.”

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    Bruce1253  16 minutes ago

    Many years ago my mom and dad bought about 10 ac in the hill country outside of Austin, TX. They acted as their own General Contractor to build a custom home. It took them several years and many “Discussions.” In the end they built a very nice home.

    For me the problem was the location. The South is hot, humid, full of bugs, snakes, and if you are anywhere near the Gulf of Mexico there is a Gator in every mud puddle. I have lived or worked in Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, and Kentucky. Lastly their politics are not compatible with my Philosophy of Life. When I retired I moved to San Diego, CA.

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