Betty by Gary Delainey and Gerry Rasmussen for March 05, 2025

  1. Ava2
    C  1 day ago

    Desperately irrelevant

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    DIF20  1 day ago

    you need your by with wallpaper… doesn’t come off like wallpaper.probably look good as a lamp shade. smart people do without.

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  3. T128
    saywhatwhat  1 day ago

    There is also that sitting still while someone sticks a needle in you skin thing. That was a deal killer for me. And then you have to pay someone to do it. And in the end, at least half the people with tattoos don’t look better with them than they did before.

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  4. Ironbde
    Carl  Premium Member 1 day ago

    Remember a tattoo can make it easier for a witness to remember and identify you.

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    buer  1 day ago

    Tattoos are very convenient to identify social categories. There are 3 only 3 kinds of people who wear tattoos: Maoris, sailors and criminals. So when you meet someone with a tattoo, unless they’re big guys from New Zealand or are on their way to their boat, to the jail they go!

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  6. Grey haired lady2
    Caerin Premium Member 1 day ago

    The reason is that they have better sense, having lived through many other fads, and looking at the tattooing fad from the advantage of age, know that it is not worth the time or effort; and that they don’t need to please anyone else with their decisions.

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  7. 122 1994 usaf photo
    KimSwearingen Premium Member about 24 hours ago

    Nobody needs a tattoo.

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  8. Image
    MuddyUSA  Premium Member about 22 hours ago

    Betty has it all covered……..

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  9. Martini glass blue
    RadioDial Premium Member about 22 hours ago

    ..also, the canvas isn’t as taut as it needs to be to draw on..

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  10. Comics 2022
    Milady Meg  about 21 hours ago

    I met a young woman on a plane. She had a weird tattoo. I asked what it was and she said “the artist messed up and tried to fix it.” She showed me another tattoo and said “I gave him a second chance.”

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    CeceliaWD Premium Member about 20 hours ago

    How about not having anyone stick me with a needle unless it’s for a medical reason?

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    bobbyferrel  about 20 hours ago

    Interesting that people will have etched indelibly and forever an image on their body that they would not even consider hanging on their wall.

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    Brent Rosenthal Premium Member about 20 hours ago

    Since when does one have to justify not getting a tattoo?

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  14. Tiger tawnya  1
    felinefan55 Premium Member about 18 hours ago

    I got my only tat at 17. Health issues preclude me from having another. My sister got her first one when she was in her 40s!. The woman has always been very down-to-earth. She has an innate sense of what will stay in fashion at what is just a fad. The same thing happens with technology. She does not curse (which is weird considering who our mother was). She works in a boring aspect of the banking industry.

    Both of my daughters have tattoos. Neither has ever been in trouble with the law. Both have worked non-stop since graduating high school.

    My oldest got her first in her 30s. She has a Masters of Library Science.

    My youngest has 9. All are works of art that took hours to do. She has images from around the world. She has worked at the same place for almost a decade.

    So, for all of those talking about only miscreants and what-have-you being the only ones with body art I would suggest expanding your frame of reference.

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    vilho Premium Member about 11 hours ago

    I was drunk enough once to consider getting a tattoo (Vietnam, 1968). Fortunately I passed out before getting it done.

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  16. Zoot and saxophone
    Boise Ed Premium Member about 6 hours ago

    Perhaps you’re too intelligent.

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