Bloom County 2019 by Berkeley Breathed for October 01, 2015

  1. Missing large
    Randallw  over 9 years ago

    Until this strip I’d never even heard of the idea of two spaces after a full stop. I only had one year of learning to type because my schooling was in that vague period between things like slide rules and typewriters being ubiquitous, and using calculators and computers.

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  2. Cat29
    x_Tech  over 9 years ago

    When you post a comment here multiple spaces are reduced to one space. Not sure what that says about GoComics.

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  3. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 9 years ago

    I love to see the guys go at it over the really big issues!

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  4. Missing large
    mdhutton1949  over 9 years ago

    Two spaces after a full stop (period) are only visually necessary when using a mono-space font e.g. Courier.

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  5. Gd
    Bittermelon of Truth  over 9 years ago

    I can make a paragraph in the comments by inserting a p between carets (the greater than and less than signs).

    Like this.

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  6. Step 1
    mr_sherman Premium Member over 9 years ago

    I think there’s a setting in Word for that.

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  7. 7 sisters
    SkyFisher  over 9 years ago

    I was taught that, when typing an address, there should be two spaces between the state and the zip code. It’s very hard to break that habit, and I get criticized by people who proofread my letters.

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  8. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Aren’t there 2 spaces after a colon?

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  9. Shepherd sam
    peabodyboy  over 9 years ago

    I was taught to fire your pistol in the air to get the stagecoach to stop and pick you up when out on the lone prairie. Bur times have changed, so I don ’t do that any more.

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  10. Rankin badge   tartan 2
    jrankin1959  over 9 years ago

    Since when did Bloom County start a cable news channel?

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  11. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 9 years ago

    If formal, I use 2 spaces, informal, one or 2. How about cursive writing which no one could ever read!

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  12. Calvinhobbscalmdown
    texasl  over 9 years ago

    Let’s up the ante and take a stance concerning the Oxford Comma.

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  13. Avatar92
    David Rickard Premium Member over 9 years ago

    I wanna know where Opus stands on the Department of Redundancy Department? And on the mine shaft gap with Russia?

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  14. Missing large
    Old Texan75  over 9 years ago

    I learned to type before electric typewriters became common. I never heard of the two spaces after a period, colon, or any other punctuation mark.

    What happened to the interrobang?

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  15. Penguin hero
    grainpaw  over 9 years ago

    Indenting paragraphs is an endangered species on computers, though magazines and newspapers still manage to do it.

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  16. Missing large
    Timothy Madigan Premium Member over 9 years ago

    2 spaces after a period or any other end of sentence punctuation.Oxford Commas are for people who either can’t construct sentences/paragraphs or don’t know when to use a colon.

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  17. Grand canyon picture
    Ricky Bennett  over 9 years ago

    I type two spaces after a period. If you’ve been married, you know that you need to be as far away from the wife’s period as you can get…

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  18. Airhornmissc
    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Number me among the Antique Neanderthals. What else is new?

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  19. P1040145square
    ThelmaWickwere  over 9 years ago

    Charter Member of the Antique Neanderthal Club. Two spaces is for the comfort of the reader (like paragraphs); one space is lazy and selfish, besides being just plain wrong. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it!

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  20. Purple hippo of happiness centered
    archipelago Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Even with newer proportional fonts, I find 2 spaces looks cleaner and is easier to read. Down with the 1-space morons! ;)

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    johngregor Premium Member over 9 years ago

    I think the problem can be solved through the liberal use of run-on sentences and by liberal I mean the other meaning of the word so please don’t think I’m being political even though I probably am so anyway my point is that periods are over-used to the point where they should probably be considered the 1% of punctuation and I really think run-on sentences solve the problem.

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  22. Cat
    Ericacook  over 9 years ago

    Hay, I’m a liberal and I use two spaces. It makes it easier to read.

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  23. Missing large
    DutchUncle  over 9 years ago

    That’s the way I learned to type on an electric typewriter in 9th grade. “Thus has it always been, thus shall it ever be.” But oddly enough, that’s how the early computer formatting programs also worked (though later versions of Runoff and TROFF made it a parameter), presumably because they were still formatting monospace type for people who had all been taught the same way. I have read various discussions about typography standards being one space, and understand the difference between proportional and monospace visual effects; OTOH I still find it clearer to have the period and the extra space. (Besides, I think book typography is wrong about double-justification; ragged-right would always be my preferred approach because the spacing is always consistent rather than differing from line to line. So appeal to that particular authority does not convince me.)

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  24. Panda 2024
    Redd Panda  over 2 years ago

    a paragraph ? wow

    double wow

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