Bozo by Foxo Reardon for February 28, 2025

  1. Earl flag
    Mark Thomas  about 18 hours ago

    1. Bozo should just flea the scene.

    2. Is Bozo gonna beat the stuffing out of him?

    3. Bozo gave the brick away because there weren’t any cops around.

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  2. Snoopy laughs
    HappyDog/á”€ÊłÊž ᎟ᔒᶻᔒ ⁎ ᔗʰᔉ ᶠᔘⁿ ᔒᶠ ᶊᔗ Premium Member about 18 hours ago

    1Ëąá”— But my dog was attacked as the performers tried to escape!

    2ⁿᔈ Bozo cannot abide such rakish behavior.

    3Êłá”ˆ Liquidation sale. Everything must go !

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  3. 69d0b071 fa4d 4ec7 b51d 0862919e3c88
    soundcomm  about 18 hours ago

    Actually the rake would have hit him in the face, not the back of his head, so he should’ve seen it coming!

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  4. Mountain lynx
    Shikamoo Premium Member about 16 hours ago

    1. The circus ran away with the dog.

    2. Bozo raked up a fight.

    3. Paper weight makes a good building block.

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  5. Cicada avatar
    Dirty Dragon  about 16 hours ago

    3 – Bozo hod a hard day, he just wants to finish the job.

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  6. Nc201206
    some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member about 16 hours ago

    Mistaken identity – Bozo attacks another strawman argument.

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  7. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  about 13 hours ago

    1. Gots caught when tryings to fleas with it eh.

    2. There a small error here but me ain’t gonna rakes it up now.

    3. Just two cents for brick. You want?


    Make yours every Friday a Fabulous Friday with Fabulous FoXo’s Brilliant BOZO!

    For those who come in late, these fabulous fun funnies was envisioned and executed so beautifully and brilliantly by FoXo Reardon, a true master cartoonist who told his funny tales with his awesome artwork alone, without any of his characters in BOZO ever saying a single word.

    An especially excellent epitome of pictures speaking thousand words, BOZO also the most pleasant picturesque pantomime where every panel is like a photograph of a three-dimensional cartoon world of realistic-looking depths and details. Such was his powerful perspective artwork which brought to life a lovely lively world of BOZO!

    FoXo a rare combination of both sharp wits and artistic talents which is rarely seen together in the same cartoonist, a true master and professional cartoonist whose work quality speaks for itself and as you can see for yourself BOZO is pure gold coming from a golden era of cartooning! More about FoXo and BOZO in the About page.

    So no wonder that these wonderful wordless wonders still bring great joy and sheer cheer to many even today.

    But despite being a great classic of great creative calibre, neither BOZO nor FoXo are much known or remembered these days.

    Spread the word, friends, so that BOZO can spread more joy and cheer to many many more!


    And yes of course another big thumbs up, big applause, and three cheers once again for the marvellous master FoXo’s magnificent masterpiece, the most pleasant picturesque pantomime, the ever entertaining ever energetic ever enjoyable ever excellent evergreen entertainer, the brilliantly beautiful and beautifully brilliant BOZO!


    And yes of course many thankses to Micheal Reardon for bringing BOZO back for us all!

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  8. Mmdash6
    Pequod  about 13 hours ago

    1. Flea circus is shoplifted. Pup has it on his skin. Bozo is confounded. Mean cop does run him in.

    2. A hard knock on the noggin. Bozo can’t abide that. Spins and lands a mighty blow. Knocks off the Scarecrow’s hat.

    3. Bozo sells his papers. That newsboy sure is slick. When the stack is all sold out, he gives away his brick.

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  9. Missing large
    CoffeyCup  about 12 hours ago

    Joined the flea circus, but it went to the dogs. Read all about it, in the police logs.

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  10. Missing large
    goboboyd  about 11 hours ago

    2. Scared ya, didn’t it?

    3. The one time Bozo ever put a brick back without injuring someone, or something.

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  11. 408d88d8 e2c2 4505 a6ba 203d823a0b79
    General Trelane (Ret.) Premium Member about 10 hours ago

    Bozo ! That’s not your usual with the brick .

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  12. Missing large
    lemonbaskt  about 10 hours ago

    bozo smokes cigar frankenstein smokes pipe both say smoke good

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  13. Missing large
    guenette.charlie(BozoKnows)  about 10 hours ago

    1) The manager should’ve put a “NO DOGS ALLOWED” sign for that very reason!

    2) The scarecrow manipulated the rake so it would turn over and whack Bozo in the back of the head!

    3) Here, buddy, take this brick so I don’t fall for my baser impulses!

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  14. Image
    MuddyUSA  Premium Member about 9 hours ago

    Panel 2 – Good ole slap stick


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  15. Img 3761
    Zebrastripes  about 9 hours ago

    Copper will now get fleas

    Bozo needs to watch what he’s stepping on

    Awwww, Bozo, just give it to him

    Extra extra, read all about it


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  16. Animiertes spass lustig bild 0179
    in-dubio-pro-rainbow  about 9 hours ago

    1. Officer don’t be too “ruff”, please

    The swag was not “the Golden Fleas”

    2. I’d unravel ev’ry riddle

    for my Individdle

    In trouble or in pain

    You would know just what’s at stake here

    That you stepped right on a rake, dear

    If you only had a brain

    (Sorry, fellas, this is NOT my opinion but the scarecrows’
 Weeell, I think I’ll miss you most of all)

    One, two

    Ah, freak out!

    Le brick, c’est chic

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  17. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  about 3 hours ago

    Inspired by the great Pequod and the great in-dubio-pro-rainbow and thems consistently great poetry, here it goes one attempting of some rhyming stanzas

    1. Flea flee with doggie, see.

    No catch me, it not me, it not me!

    2. Rake hit in head’s back like a bat, how’s that?

    It gotta be steenky scarecrow with a hat! Take that!

    3. Ain’t none in sight for the old schtick

    Me rather hands over this free brick!


    And thats all folks. It the last BOZO for this week. Sees ya all next week on Moanday! And if course Fabulous FoXo’s Brilliant BOZO will removing the moans frol that day and making it magical.

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    mreardon53 Premium Member about 2 hours ago

    All three great, Gent! And LOL!

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