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Gravel Gertie took an axand gave ole Measles forty whacks.When he saw what she had doneTracy shot ole Measles with a gun.OK, so the order of events is wrong, but I just couldn’t resist. (grin)
Gravel Gertie took an axand gave ole Measles forty whacks.When she saw what mom had doneSparkle seared ole Measles just for fun.No, I like the first one better.
……….going back to yesterday’s comments/complaints I can’t understand why, especially considering the storytime limitations Mike and Joe work under, people would want less story build up and more ending. Anyway you look at it – how many panels should it take to show the bad guys being shot, covered with hot ash, or whatever? I mean, we all pretty much know in advance the baddies are going down in the end…the fun is in the mystery and plot beforehand…..I don’t think they could do a better job of the distribution ratio then they’re doing right now!
Wow. This is the kind of violence that used to get Dick pulled from newspapers (I think there was an incident where Lizz used a car cigarette lighter?)
Measles made his dastardly play. Tracy shot him. Gertie chopped him. Sparkle burned him. Unless he is like Jason Voorhees, Measles ought to be pretty much subdued by now. ’Course, he is hopped up on drugs….
A little disappointed that the dreaded grits weren’t involved, but still happy with the outcome. In the words of Ted Allen, “Sorry Measles, you’ve been chopped.”
btw, measles dropped his cigar when tracy shot him yesterday, but today its back in his mouth. no wonder why gertie got him, he stopped to pick up his stogie
Labelling with little pointy arrows is a Tracy tradition. Chester Gould overused it sometimes, but the current team has been fairly restrained in its use.
One thing I don’t get – How in the world did Measle’s hang onto that gun after Tracy’s bullet hit his forearm? You would think that anyone would have dropped the gun from sheer reflex if hit in the arm – he’ll be extemely lucky if the bones aren’t shattered.
Awesome! Perfect! I personally ENJOYED what happened to Measles, the bush-whacking, un-rehabilitated, autoloader packing, ole woman hurting, drug dealing, dung eating, A-hole, (not to mention; partner murdering) double crossing criminal. You can count on one hand how many times that I’ve said; thank you DT team; so thanks a lot for this one. I am not at all disappointed in this outcome. Not that it matters one way or another what any of us think, but I’d sure like Wndrwrthg to put a classic together.
Now this is how true Appalachian riled up weeeman would react, gents! No fancy tazers or such. We use what we got; ax, shotgun, and Sparkle’s hot ash. Doesn’t get any better dan tish!
Hmm… reading about those Fentanyl patches. My guess is that Measles is using Duragesic. It says that the patch is often used for “breakthrough pain”. Well I think this qualifies. I did notice one warning though. It says not to apply heat, as it may cause a release of too much medication. I wonder if he has a patch on the left side of his neck? It may be getting a little warm about now.
sorry night gaunt and i checked as well and when tracy shoots measles, theres NO cigar in his mouth. and save your psycho analysis for someone who may be impressed, because i am not
Hey all detectives here, answer me this: what was Tracy, a dead shot, aiming at when he did shoot? Because he wasn’t aiming at any part of Measles body, that’s for sure. No “bullet coming through Measles’ arm and causing severe body damage.”
My favorite DT Gould classic story is the one with Pruneface from 1942; which in a nutshell has to do with a Patricide, Japanese and German spies (Pruneface takes a room at Mrs Trueheart’s boarding house and sends messages back to Germany by a secretly hidden radio), the kidnapping of a Doctor after Pruneface breaks his leg, Pruneface and his colleagues turning on each other (Pruneface kills his fellow German spy), ending with an amazingly realistic standoff between Tracy and Pruneface at the Nazi’s “Safe house”; during a snow storm. Incredible story telling at it’s best!
I got the great cigar mystery solved! When Measles turned around to answer Tracy, he took out his cigar and held it in his left hand, unfortunately, the colourist seemed to mistake the cigar for Measle’s thumb; if you magnify the art 3X, you can see the cigar, in the second pic, I coloured it to make it easier to see
Just read the Sunday strip on a site that actually has it. Those of us (including me) who want a desperate villain on the lam…it looks like we might get our wish!
After getting shot, chopped and scorched, Measles decides to do himself an injury by crashing through a window. It could only get better if BO Plenty is standing under the window as he tests a king-sized meat grinder.
Now, under the Wisconsin Force Option Continuum, if I told someone to drop his weapon, and he swung around to point the weapon at me, I would stop trying to pursuade him, and turn the argument over to Messrs. Heckler & Koch, and thier friend, Mr. Winchester, and his marvelous Silvertips. Richard is showing great restraint, and the ladies are behaving in an understandable manner.
The legal defination of assault is:In criminal law, an act, usually consisting of a threat or attempt to inflict bodily injury upon another person, coupled with the apparent present ability to succeed in carrying out the threat or the attempt if not prevented, that causes the person to have a reasonable fear or apprehension of immediate harmful or offensive contact. No intent to cause battery or the fear or apprehension is required so long as the victim is placed in reasonable apprehension or fear. No actual physical injury is needed to establish an assault, but if there is any physical contact, the act constitutes both an assault and a battery.
A person is guilty of aggravated assault if he or she attempts to cause serious bodily injury to another or causes such injury purposely, knowingly, or recklessly under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human life; or attempts to cause or purposely or knowingly causes bodily injury to another with a deadly weapon. In all jurisdictions statutes punish such aggravated assaults as assault with intent to murder (or rob or kill or rape) and assault with a dangerous (or deadly) weapon more severely than “simple” assaults..Measles merely pointing a loaded weapon, at Gertie could land him an Aggravated Assault charge..The More You Know…
Tarry Plaguer over 12 years ago
Gravel Gertie took an axand gave ole Measles forty whacks.When he saw what she had doneTracy shot ole Measles with a gun.OK, so the order of events is wrong, but I just couldn’t resist. (grin)
puckerpuss over 12 years ago
The shading is terrific.
Tarry Plaguer over 12 years ago
Gravel Gertie took an axand gave ole Measles forty whacks.When she saw what mom had doneSparkle seared ole Measles just for fun.No, I like the first one better.
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ over 12 years ago
Good morning everyone…
Sparkle did play a part in Measles downfall! I suspected that she would since she took an immediate dislike to him back at the store.
Bill Thompson over 12 years ago
Measles, you can kiss her ash!
cpalmeresq over 12 years ago
Sparkle played a part. The grits didn’t. Props to whoever first commented on the shovel being there.
Tarry Plaguer over 12 years ago
Sparkle, I have heard of giving someone the coaled shoulder, but I don’t think this is what they meant. (grin)
Llewellenbruce over 12 years ago
Measles ashed for it I’d say.
VISTA BILL! I was just wondering what part ofthe country you reside in? I live 30 miles westof Toledo, Ohio myself.
fredville over 12 years ago
……….going back to yesterday’s comments/complaints I can’t understand why, especially considering the storytime limitations Mike and Joe work under, people would want less story build up and more ending. Anyway you look at it – how many panels should it take to show the bad guys being shot, covered with hot ash, or whatever? I mean, we all pretty much know in advance the baddies are going down in the end…the fun is in the mystery and plot beforehand…..I don’t think they could do a better job of the distribution ratio then they’re doing right now!
DaJellyBelly over 12 years ago
I don’t like to nit pick. But in the last panel, hot coals would have been a better description.
jumbobrain over 12 years ago
Wow. This is the kind of violence that used to get Dick pulled from newspapers (I think there was an incident where Lizz used a car cigarette lighter?)
Way to go, team! Seriously.
DaJellyBelly over 12 years ago
In the 2nd panel, there appear to be motion marks in back of the axe head. Did Gertie whack him before Sparkle lit him up?
60sFan over 12 years ago
Whoa! Measles getting it from all angles. Makes me almost feel sorry for the murderous drug addict. Almost.
Sisyphos over 12 years ago
Measles made his dastardly play. Tracy shot him. Gertie chopped him. Sparkle burned him. Unless he is like Jason Voorhees, Measles ought to be pretty much subdued by now. ’Course, he is hopped up on drugs….
Major Matt Mason Premium Member over 12 years ago
Lookslike Sparkle is making an ash of Measles! ;D
coldsooner over 12 years ago
A little disappointed that the dreaded grits weren’t involved, but still happy with the outcome. In the words of Ted Allen, “Sorry Measles, you’ve been chopped.”
Mikeyj over 12 years ago
So THAT’s the cure for measles…. and I wasted my time by getting a booster shot!!! ;)
tsull2121 over 12 years ago
extremely dissappointed in this strip today, thats all i can say
tsull2121 over 12 years ago
btw, measles dropped his cigar when tracy shot him yesterday, but today its back in his mouth. no wonder why gertie got him, he stopped to pick up his stogie
WaitingMan over 12 years ago
And people thought those two resourceful ladies would need “Moon Maid” to come and save the day.
CaptainKiddeo over 12 years ago
Labelling with little pointy arrows is a Tracy tradition. Chester Gould overused it sometimes, but the current team has been fairly restrained in its use.
Mdstudio over 12 years ago
Yikes! He’s really taking a beating. Serves him right.
mjmsprt40 over 12 years ago
It’s just not safe to be a bad guy at Gravel Gertie’s. Even worse luck for you if you came in trying to kill Gertie.
Morrow Cummings over 12 years ago
7:30 am here and I see the name calling began a half hour ago. Some people have a miserable time with life.
Ken in Ohio over 12 years ago
One thing I don’t get – How in the world did Measle’s hang onto that gun after Tracy’s bullet hit his forearm? You would think that anyone would have dropped the gun from sheer reflex if hit in the arm – he’ll be extemely lucky if the bones aren’t shattered.
Max Starman Jones over 12 years ago
As the “Star Wars” people would say, “Tracy shot first.”
admwrlk Premium Member over 12 years ago
Could Sparkle be the returned Moon Maid? She seems to crave action. Didn’t Tracy shoot measles in the arm?
HannoX over 12 years ago
Measles is learning that when you mess with the Plenty women you’re in for plenty of trouble!
johnrussco over 12 years ago
Awesome! Perfect! I personally ENJOYED what happened to Measles, the bush-whacking, un-rehabilitated, autoloader packing, ole woman hurting, drug dealing, dung eating, A-hole, (not to mention; partner murdering) double crossing criminal. You can count on one hand how many times that I’ve said; thank you DT team; so thanks a lot for this one. I am not at all disappointed in this outcome. Not that it matters one way or another what any of us think, but I’d sure like Wndrwrthg to put a classic together.
Asakura over 12 years ago
The family that slays together…
charlie over 12 years ago
My respects to Da Jelly Belly for picking up the shovel possibility last Monday.
Stagger Lee over 12 years ago
The only other person there that hasn’t hit Measles with something is Jewel Tracy.
Det.DanDone over 12 years ago
Awe, how nice of Sparkle to cauterize Measles’ wounds. Hope he appericates it!
kcredden over 12 years ago
Ooo that’s gonna leave a mark!
Now this is how true Appalachian riled up weeeman would react, gents! No fancy tazers or such. We use what we got; ax, shotgun, and Sparkle’s hot ash. Doesn’t get any better dan tish!
- KC
prrdh over 12 years ago
I don’t think this is the way Measles likes his ashes hauled.
lecrenb over 12 years ago
I see Measles got his cigar back…
Meander061 over 12 years ago
Axe or hot ash? That’s some crazy intense Dick Tracy violence. Good stuff!
Tarry Plaguer over 12 years ago
Hmm… reading about those Fentanyl patches. My guess is that Measles is using Duragesic. It says that the patch is often used for “breakthrough pain”. Well I think this qualifies. I did notice one warning though. It says not to apply heat, as it may cause a release of too much medication. I wonder if he has a patch on the left side of his neck? It may be getting a little warm about now.
tsull2121 over 12 years ago
sorry night gaunt and i checked as well and when tracy shoots measles, theres NO cigar in his mouth. and save your psycho analysis for someone who may be impressed, because i am not
daedalusomega over 12 years ago
Hey all detectives here, answer me this: what was Tracy, a dead shot, aiming at when he did shoot? Because he wasn’t aiming at any part of Measles body, that’s for sure. No “bullet coming through Measles’ arm and causing severe body damage.”
Mikeyj over 12 years ago
My favorite DT Gould classic story is the one with Pruneface from 1942; which in a nutshell has to do with a Patricide, Japanese and German spies (Pruneface takes a room at Mrs Trueheart’s boarding house and sends messages back to Germany by a secretly hidden radio), the kidnapping of a Doctor after Pruneface breaks his leg, Pruneface and his colleagues turning on each other (Pruneface kills his fellow German spy), ending with an amazingly realistic standoff between Tracy and Pruneface at the Nazi’s “Safe house”; during a snow storm. Incredible story telling at it’s best!
Mikeyj over 12 years ago
I got the great cigar mystery solved! When Measles turned around to answer Tracy, he took out his cigar and held it in his left hand, unfortunately, the colourist seemed to mistake the cigar for Measle’s thumb; if you magnify the art 3X, you can see the cigar, in the second pic, I coloured it to make it easier to see
fredville over 12 years ago
Mikeyj, I couldn’t agree more………the Pruneface one is my all time fave too!
Mikeyj over 12 years ago
Thx, I’ve been drawing all my life, sometimes I can see things others miss
David53 over 12 years ago
tough comments today :(
DaJellyBelly over 12 years ago
Where’s the strip for 11/4 ?
Judy.Hansel over 12 years ago
My question, too!
coldsooner over 12 years ago
Good morning all. I guess they just want to keep us in suspense. Well, okay, if that’s the case, STOP IT! WE WANT OUR TRACY! That is all.
coratelli over 12 years ago
Good Morning,where is the sunday page????
CaptainKiddeo over 12 years ago
Just read the Sunday strip on a site that actually has it. Those of us (including me) who want a desperate villain on the lam…it looks like we might get our wish!
coratelli over 12 years ago
Bill Thompson over 12 years ago
After getting shot, chopped and scorched, Measles decides to do himself an injury by crashing through a window. It could only get better if BO Plenty is standing under the window as he tests a king-sized meat grinder.
60sFan over 12 years ago
I notice there are a number of strips here on gocomics that have not updated to Sunday yet. Must be having some technical issues.
SCOTTtheBADGER over 12 years ago
Now, under the Wisconsin Force Option Continuum, if I told someone to drop his weapon, and he swung around to point the weapon at me, I would stop trying to pursuade him, and turn the argument over to Messrs. Heckler & Koch, and thier friend, Mr. Winchester, and his marvelous Silvertips. Richard is showing great restraint, and the ladies are behaving in an understandable manner.
Stagger Lee over 12 years ago
The legal defination of assault is:In criminal law, an act, usually consisting of a threat or attempt to inflict bodily injury upon another person, coupled with the apparent present ability to succeed in carrying out the threat or the attempt if not prevented, that causes the person to have a reasonable fear or apprehension of immediate harmful or offensive contact. No intent to cause battery or the fear or apprehension is required so long as the victim is placed in reasonable apprehension or fear. No actual physical injury is needed to establish an assault, but if there is any physical contact, the act constitutes both an assault and a battery.
So yes, Measles can be arrested for assault.
Det.DanDone over 12 years ago
A person is guilty of aggravated assault if he or she attempts to cause serious bodily injury to another or causes such injury purposely, knowingly, or recklessly under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human life; or attempts to cause or purposely or knowingly causes bodily injury to another with a deadly weapon. In all jurisdictions statutes punish such aggravated assaults as assault with intent to murder (or rob or kill or rape) and assault with a dangerous (or deadly) weapon more severely than “simple” assaults..Measles merely pointing a loaded weapon, at Gertie could land him an Aggravated Assault charge..The More You Know…
Stagger Lee over 12 years ago
You can see the Sunday strip HERE
dag8686 Premium Member over 12 years ago
Where is Sun. Nov 4th strip?
johnrussco over 12 years ago
what happened to Sunday DT