Endtown by Aaron Neathery for November 22, 2012

  1. Formal cat
    JusSayin  over 12 years ago

    Oh good, some fellow named Dickens started a story this way.

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  2. Civil defense symbol
    firedome  over 12 years ago

    looks like someone’s about to get her chain rattled…

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  3. 3goddessxxxx
    dirtyoldlady1  over 12 years ago

    That is a really ()% *^# twist in the plot. I sure hope that this is just a drunken, battered dream. Need a little hand showing up and showing down for “like”. NopeBlessed Be

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  4. Me
    aneathery  over 12 years ago

    Zowie.. Big ’ol typo in panel three.. Just in time for Thanksgiving. Sorry, folks. :-(

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    Superfrog  over 12 years ago

    Well I had to read it three times to find it. Gee wiz..No worries. :)

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  6. Gocomic 2c
    RickD Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Awww…. Geee, Aaron. :-)

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  7. Gocomic 2c
    RickD Premium Member over 12 years ago

    And happy Thanksgiving to you, Aaron.

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  8. Emma on her wheel
    coffeemugman  over 12 years ago
    Happy Thanksgiving AN! I was wondering if there are any gerbils in your storyline, just curious? Typo aside…great stuff.
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  9. Docrat logo avatar
    Jenner Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Don’t wory. I make typos all the time. : )

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  10. Docrat logo avatar
    Jenner Premium Member over 12 years ago

    So… Linda Kowalski is going to have a nightmare dream sequence, in which a Topsider skins her alive, screaming and bleeding.Well, as long as she doesn’t use any strong language, it should be good enough for GoComics.

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  11. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Physically she’s out of her suit, but mentally, she’s still filtering other people out.

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  12. Missing large
    Robert Nowall Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Awesome metaphor for Linda’s state-of-mind…unless, of course, she really is in her suit and everything she’s been through since putting it on is an illusion—-Wally and Holly and Marx included.

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  13. Version 2
    The Eclexian Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Only her body is out of the suit; now her soul needs to be liberated from it.

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  14. Penguins
    DADOF3  over 12 years ago

    In life. I was your partner, Doug…. ;-)

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  15. Hct
    Herb Thiel Premium Member over 12 years ago

    What is the typo? Unless there is some subtle thing wrong with the art, I can’t find it in the spelling.

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  16. Smaug
    the other ghost girl  over 12 years ago


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  17. Tamandua walkies
    crookedwolf Premium Member over 12 years ago

    If the Topsiders saw idealized versions of themselves all the time, would they recognize one of themselves in a suit?

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  18. Formal cat
    JusSayin  over 12 years ago

    Just a thought. For everyone doing Thanksgiving today, encourage everyone you see to learn how to vote early and often for Endtown and Doc Rat. Especially encourage the youngsters to learn how to game the system anyway to make sure Aaron’s and Jenner’s strips are in very high places on the topwebcomics rating system.

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  19. Image
    Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Happy Thanksgiving to one and all.Now the strip is showing some interest.It is common with head injuries to sometimes suffer hallucinations.Not saying this is one. This could be deep seated training buried in her mind as a Topsider and could only be accessed after a severe traumatic event. Psyops military projects tried and maybe succeeded in planting persons waiting only for a series of words, numbers (COD Black Ops), physical conditions to trigger them into action. It was dismissed as somewhat unreliable but still in the military is suspected as possible. Just this would be a deep operation implant if it is one.Either way this is not manifesting itself well for her. Even if it is a hallucination following it could be really bad especially if it suggests killing, exposing Endtown. To crookedwolf the one in the suit is a male. It appears to her as it could be an instructor. If it was her the Topsider would not address her by her name. The Topsider would use a more personal touch. Now does she follow the instructor?Is this a pyschological event or a physical event?It remains to be seen.

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    Guilty Bystander  over 12 years ago

    I couldn’t find it either. Glad it wasn’t just mee…for once.

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  21. Image
    Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago

    I think it was probably the suit word. Maybe caca rings a bell. Re read it sub it for suit.surfstuff55 we will fix your “tipe oh” later.H and U are close on the common keyboard and spell check wont catch it. The Moral Police might.

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  22. Tornado clip art tornado clip art 14
    Storm F-1/4  over 12 years ago

    Happy Thanksgiving!

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  23. Formal cat
    JusSayin  over 12 years ago

    FWIW, the typo was “throuh” instead of through".

    @VETERAN: I suppose she could have a sleeper program implanted, but the suit being kind of baggy for an hallucination. It could be that anyone going outside the domed cities could have a program deep in their unconscious, just in case they ended up a mutant among other mutants.

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  24. Knotts char 3
    Habogee  over 12 years ago

    Could that be the younger Kowalski in that suit?In her mind, of course.

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    mr_sherman Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Hallucinating or dreaming. Even if it’s how she’s recalling some kind of training, which I doubt. It’s not what she’s seeing now that will be the problem. It’s what she does with it. Most likely she is still delusional with a superiority complex from getting drunk and now she’s creating for herself a reason to betray Endtown with a hope of becoming human again. It is interesting that at present, I have opposite feelings about Linda as I did for Flask. Maybe part of it is the difference between bravery and bravado.

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    Buzzwronganswer  over 12 years ago

    Aaron Marx mayhaps?

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  27. Aslan avatar
    Aslan Balaur  over 12 years ago

    Oh this sure seems off to an interesting start. I have high hopes for Kowalski getting over her anger, fear and other issues that being changed has left her with, because I think she would be a valuable asset to Endtown. Hmm, Or a valuable asset to the strip, as the real pain in the @$$. Choices choices. I guess I am just too hung up on how cute koalas are, and want her to live up to that cuteness.

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  28. Davidstudy
    fuzzyimages  over 12 years ago

    Something about Endtown has been bothering me for weeks and I couldn’t quite put my finger on it and it finally hit me today when I saw the top-sider in Linda’s bedroom. I’ve gone back and looked at each panel written so far and have come to the conclusion that this world has a very odd gravity field. Everything acts as though gravity is pulling it down EXCEPT for the characters!! They act as though there’s a gravitic component pulling on them from the right as well as from below. Check it out yourself, eveyone leans ever so slightly to the right! What exotic gravitational constant is at work in this universe that only effects living things in this way??? The plot thickens!! Bwah Ha Ha Ha!

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  29. Smaug
    the other ghost girl  over 12 years ago

    the entire world is a suit kowalski…..

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  30. Denver boone  an american icon
    GoNordrike  over 12 years ago

    Happy Thanksgiving fellow Endtowners!!!

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member over 12 years ago

    I guess neither the Endtowners nor the Topsiders will be sitting down to a Thanksgiving feast…you long-time readers remember what Mallard passed off as turkey…

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    witchspell63  over 12 years ago

    New kid on the block. Discovered Endtown awhile back while on Kevin and kell. Just got caught up. I LOVE IT!!! Also part of the Underground

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    mr_sherman Premium Member over 12 years ago

    It has since been corrected. Through was spelled throuh.

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    witchspell63  over 12 years ago

    Linda will hav a tough time, her kid is probably with another family..she is going to need some heavy duty counseling to keep from Schism Syndrome, let alone maybe PTSD. I feel her pain:-(

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    witchspell63  over 12 years ago

    BTW HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL!!DONT FORGET OUR TROOPS OVERSEASSpecial thanks to Aaron, Bill Hollbrook, and Doc Jenner for letting me in your world and play in it!

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  36. Angel cat
    noreenklose  over 12 years ago

    HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!To Aaron, and all the devoted readers.

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    Darwinskeeper  over 12 years ago

    Aaron,You finally have someone doing your “coloring”??? Tell Dana that at least one of your readers thinks she’s doing a great job.

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  38. Civil defense symbol
    firedome  over 12 years ago

    good point…an ellipsis usually has three.

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