Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for June 14, 2013

  1. Wcfields1
    DaJellyBelly  over 11 years ago

    Frankā€™s Danger Alert antennae are sharp today!

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  2. Hatcat
    wiselad  over 11 years ago

    no, he just wants the vegemite Quill sent to be finished

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  3. Papa 2
    mrhappy4aa  over 11 years ago

    I wonder what Tiffany has planned for Quill at Drama Campā€¦and how is Luann going to keep her eye on her and her man???

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  4. Fire scull a
    ridenslide65  over 11 years ago

    Total Boob

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  5. Thcau81l4m
    Miles VanDelay  over 11 years ago

    Is Quill wearing a TJ grin in panel three?

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    Mordock999 Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Geez Frank youā€™re CLUELESS.

    And You WONDER Why You STILL get Crappy Ties and Cheap, Crudely drawn Fatherā€™s Day cards Year after Year.

    Say Frank? On the trip home, why donā€™t You BEGUILE Mr. Perfect with the story of How You and Nancy let Your Highly Impressionable Daughter go out on a Date with Elwood in exchange for a gift card.

    Iā€™m SURE Heā€™ll find the Story Enlighteningā€¦ā€¦,

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    Dconskjk  over 11 years ago

    Luann and Quill did a pinky link in panel 1.

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  8. Presidentgoofy
    Mikeyj  over 11 years ago

    Tonight, Frank locks Luann in her bedroomā€¦. from the outside!

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    charlenelin1201  over 11 years ago

    How come Quill doesnā€™t seem to pay attention when Frank is talking. Either he is too focused on Luann or parents are not part of the equation.

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  10. Thcau81l4m
    Miles VanDelay  over 11 years ago

    On a more serious note, years ago, Evans garnered himself quite a bit of praise and criticism when he presented (tastefully) the situation of a young woman and how she and her family handled the onset of her first menses. You have to wonder if he and Karen are up for the challenge of presenting that same young woman a few years later deciding if sheā€™s ready for sex. Sheā€™s the right age, and heā€™s a nice clean boy who she ā€œreally, really lovesā€. Could make for some interesting reading, and maybe a couple of seven hundred comment pages.

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  11. Oldwolfcookoff
    The Old Wolf  over 11 years ago

    An it were possible for Frank to be more cluelessā€¦

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  12. Avatar
    Gerry Lee  over 11 years ago

    What? Quill! Youā€™re standing right next to Luann! You kissed her, held her in your arms. And you donā€™t know if the long flight was worth it yet?!

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  13. Imagescaiw0lwc
    imbaldeagle  over 11 years ago

    If itā€™s NOT the campā€¦ WHAT-EVVVVVV-ER could he be looking forward to? Tiffany????

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  14. Archer goddess
    Jadearon  over 11 years ago

    Againā€¦WHY, WHY, WHY is Dork Degroot there?? Luann and Quill canā€™t even hold hands as they walk together. Why does Evans make each strip teeth-grindingly annoying in the last panel?

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  15. Img 20241102 155448733
    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  over 11 years ago

    Actually, Quill wouldnā€™t be missing Vegemite yet, whereas he has been missing physical contact with Luann for some time now.-The father is intentionally being clueless. The two only have eyes for each other.Itā€™s sweet.-The only thing which could make it better would be if Donny W could explain to us what it REALLY means.In detailNot being his usual recalcitrant self.Letting it all hang out.

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  16. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  over 11 years ago

    Luannā€¦ Brought to you, byā€¦.Fried Out Combies, Incā€¦Vegemiteā€¦and byā€¦ Chunder Amusement Parksā€¦

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  17. Missing large
    radams36  over 11 years ago

    Omigosh, is this horrible storyline still going? Can someone tell me when this horrible dreck is over with so I can start reading the strip again? This awful Quill storyline makes me wanna poke my eyes out just to be sure I donā€™t see any more of it. Ugh.

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  18. Uspunskull2
    Edward White  over 11 years ago

    Does anyone else notice Quillā€™s not wearing his necklace on the outside or at all??? Tiff only wants him cause heā€™s not all over her. Yo, Mr. D. Remember you were a teen also at 1 time. What comes around goes around.

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  19. Avatar
    Gerry Lee  over 11 years ago

    @Edward White- I donā€™t know, just a few days ago Leviticus posted the link to the strip Quill first appeared in. Tiffany visited the library with young Quill on her arm, eager to show him off to Luann and Gunther. She looked so happyā€¦! She was obviously taken by Quill even before he hooked up with Luann, though I donā€™t doubt she was hoping Luann would be a little jealous. Maybe she would have lost interest in him eventually, but I donā€™t think so. She actually wept when it sank in that Quill was gone back to Australiaā€¦poor Tiffanyā€¦! But, Quill has made his choice, and I hope she will eventually accept and respect that, though I donā€™t expect it will be overnight, and that it may entail a struggleā€¦

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  20. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 11 years ago

    Quill is dropping some hot hints at Luann, and the look in her eyes in panel 2 suggests she is amenable to them. No wonder Frank is striving desperately to change the topic to something innocuous (if one may call Vegemite ā€œinnocuousā€)ā€¦.

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  21. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  over 11 years ago

    Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigarā€¦ ā€”Lu DID say that they were working on romantic scenesā€¦. as in dating scenes, as well as romantic moments togetherā€¦. Heā€™s looking forward to spending time with Lu, and you know that sheā€™s just eating up ALL the attention that sheā€™s receivingā€¦..

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  22. Elkabong
    johnjohn4321  over 11 years ago

    Might want to hand that boy a Trojan.

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    ManateeGag  over 11 years ago

    Frank can just say to Quill, ā€œIf your thing touches my daughter, I will cut it off.ā€ That should get the message across.

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  24. Peter cooke   hood
    Ottodesu  over 11 years ago

    Vegemite used anywhere else apart from crackers or toast is very messy.I will not explain how I know this.

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    loubarra  over 11 years ago

    Pinky link is cool.

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    LittleContessa  over 11 years ago

    Donnyā€¦perhaps you could hop in the shower and wash out your mindā€¦it has been playing in the gutter too long.

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    mikki71  over 11 years ago

    Wouldnā€™t it be funny if Tiffany popped out from around the corner????

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    Mstreselena  over 11 years ago

    VIRGIN ALERT ā€” VIRGIN ALERT, whereā€™s Dot Matrix when you need her? Her alarm goes off before Quill does.

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    cdemattos  over 11 years ago

    Cool your jets, mate. Wait ā€˜til dad is out of earshot. Oh yeah, and way to put the pressure on the young lass. Now sheā€™s got to put out to make up for your long trip?

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    JayBluE  over 11 years ago

    ā€œTheyā€™re NOT walking away "^As evidence to your statement, I submit the fact that the baggage carousel was actually DRAWN in detail (bold, for emph. only..)ā€¦. Why waste ink and color for such detail, just to give the appearance of walking away, since theyā€™d have no more need to be in that area?

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  31. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  over 11 years ago

    ā€œā€¦.counter the nonsense ā€¦.ā€ (ā€œabout how these new characters has ā€™ruinedā€ the strip")^ In support of your countering the silly notion, judging by the number of posts (including for this weekā€™s arc), it doesnā€™t seem to have done anything but continue the interestā€¦.

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  32. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  over 11 years ago

    I guess when a future arc switches to Tiffany getting ready for camp, upon her entrance, perhaps the song ā€œGreen Eyed Ladyā€ by Sugarloaf will be cued (only because of the title, not the lyrics)ā€¦..

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    overtherainbow  over 11 years ago

    Frank obviously came along as chaperone (plus he obviously isnā€™t comfortable with Luannā€™s driving yet). I agree with the posters who say heā€™s completely aware of whatā€™s going on and is trying to steer the conversation away from the danger zone.

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  34. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  over 11 years ago

    ā€œitā€™s for a Qantas flight from Sydneyā€^That was an eye (chart) fullā€¦. I could see the ā€œSydā€ā€¦ the other, Iā€¦ Iā€¦ my eyes!!ā€¦==And looking back at yesterday, it even showed them in conversation walking towards the Baggage Area, (as the sign with the arrow pointed immediately overhead) in the direction they were walking ā€¦

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  35. Thcau81l4m
    Miles VanDelay  over 11 years ago

    Your aunt Marge sounds like a fine, generous woman. I donā€™t think Luann has started her sex life (with someone else) yet.

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  36. Thcau81l4m
    Miles VanDelay  over 11 years ago

    If Frank was really that concerned with his daughterā€™s chastity, he could just have her stay close to Brad.

    Sensory Processing Disorder: An affliction where the victim frequently says the same thing over and over again, for no apparent reason.

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  37. Thcau81l4m
    Miles VanDelay  over 11 years ago


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  38. Thcau81l4m
    Miles VanDelay  over 11 years ago

    You flatter yourself. About 5% of the times you mention ā€œBrad ainā€™t gettinā€™ anyā€, I point out that you already said that, and said that, and said thatā€¦

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  39. Photo on 2011 01 14 at 12.01
    luann's zit  over 11 years ago

    Did Evans draw Quill with a tent in his pants?

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    3pibgorn9  over 11 years ago

    It would be interesting and rather nice if you are right, Miles.

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    3pibgorn9  over 11 years ago

    The arc of Edda and Amos of 9 Chickweed Lane in Brussels was a very nice example.

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    3pibgorn9  over 11 years ago

    It would be interesting and really nice, Miles.

    9 Chickweed Lane did a nice job with Eddaā€™s and Amos blossoming love in Brussels a few years ago.

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  43. Images 1
    Trails4GMZ  over 11 years ago

    I think Mom needs to have a talk with Luann.

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  44. Thcau81l4m
    Miles VanDelay  over 11 years ago

    The legion of your posts that i donā€™t respond to expose the lie there. But Iā€™m bored with this conversation. Out.

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  45. Billcat
    tbritt99  over 11 years ago

    Uh dad, just go away please.

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  46. Popeyesforearm image
    Popeyesforearm  over 11 years ago

    dadā€™s gonna have him digging for opals in the back yard if he catches him messing ā€™round.

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    hippogriff  over 11 years ago

    Brdshtt: Or the reaction our band gets when the trumpet and trombone use the plunger mute ā€“ confused amusement.

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    dodgeedwardusa  over 11 years ago

    I disagree with Miles Vandelay. She is not the right age for sex. The right age for sex is after you are married!

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  49. Thcau81l4m
    Miles VanDelay  over 11 years ago

    Lev, Since weā€™re on a different topic ā€“ I donā€™t think I know you, where would you get that idea? I know your posts here, and like Dave53, I enjoy poking gentle fun at your preoccupation with Bradā€™s sexual status. I donā€™t consider you an adversary, I like most of what you post. Iā€™ve tried to read several things that DW has posted and had to walk away frustrated ā€“ he really has trouble stringing together cohesive thoughts, and iā€™ve noted this before. He might think of me as his posting buddy, but rest assured, I remain a free agent.

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  50. Underdog
    ACTIVIST1234  over 11 years ago

    To all: Am I just bored, or are todayā€™s comments especially funny? Iā€™ve been literally snickering out loud all afternoon. Thanks for the humor!

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  51. Rick o shay
    wiatr  over 11 years ago

    A friend in Oz tried to send me some vegemite along with some magazines but it didnā€™t make it past Customs. Maybe they decided it was a harmful substance?

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  52. Takagibike   comics
    Takagi-san  over 11 years ago

    OK, Iā€™ve read todayā€™s strip 5 times and I canā€™t stretch my mind enough to convince myself that the innuendo is not implicitly sexual. Heā€™s looking forward to having sex with Luann and implies it pretty clearly right in front of her dad. Pretty bold for Evans, isnā€™t it? Let me read it a 6th timeā€¦ Yep. No question of it. Quill is leering in both panels and itā€™s a familiar leer. I have a feeling the Skyping worries from earlier were well-founded. Shrug. What is she, 16? 17?

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  53. Marina and cruise ship from dick s resized for avatar
    kfccanada  over 11 years ago

    IMHO, the introduction of this arc, which brings Quill back in close proximity of Luannā€¦this time with him being MUCH MORE interested in Luannā€¦is meant to depict how much ā€˜angstā€™ is a part of every teenagerā€™s life. At some point in time, every female teenager will have a ā€˜Quillā€™ momentā€¦.shall I or shanā€™t I???. This is mainly a female moment as most teenage guys wouldnā€™t hesitate a second to give in to the heat of the moment. Girls have a lot more risk to measure before giving in. As we see in the news, girls are dumped readily by their lover for anotherā€¦.or videotaped and plastered all over the Internetā€¦or become single moms on welfare and out of school.

    Frank is the typical father, standing on the outside looking itā€¦and looking foolishā€¦because he knows that what transpires will do so in spite of all he says or does. Heā€™s a loving father and will be there for Luann no matter what happens to her.

    Even if Quill were to find a Trojan lying on the floor, or handed discreetly to him, it does not mean he will use itā€¦as most men claim to hate them. And, it does not mean he is only interested in Luann for that reason. Teenagers really can have meaningful relationships without the burden of early activity. Society almost talks young couples into doing itā€¦society assumes young couples willā€¦the Internet environment reeks of innuendoesā€¦.and it is not fair to young couples to dump on their relationships before they have barely begun.

    Luann is level-headed. She will do the right thing even if it means asking her mom for a prescription.

    That said, I think Quill is alluding to taking Luann to the promā€¦not to a back seatā€¦and I also bet that Tiffany causes a break between the two and Quill switches to her and dumps Luann. However, teenage angst will ensure that Luann spends the rest of her life thinking she still loves Quill.

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