Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for February 25, 2014
Reince Priebus: So to improve our messaging, we've decided to recruit a GOP celebrity task force! Sid: Uh-huh... Sid: Okay, couple problems I see with that, Reince. First, there aren't any A-list celebrities who support the GOP. Your second problem is there also aren't any B-list celebrities who support the party! Reince Priebus: How about the C-list? Sid: That I'd have to check on. Trump may hold all the rights.
Kali39 almost 11 years ago
How about Clint Eastwood and Invisible Obama™?
Donaldo Premium Member almost 11 years ago
no celebrities younger than 80 that is
Basqueian almost 11 years ago
Yeah, ya get down to that Nugent idiot, that’s what, D list, E list? Certainly the itshay list
hawgowar almost 11 years ago
Tom Selleck, Harrison Ford, Ah-Nold, Gary Sinese, Adam Sandler, Gene Simmons, Taylor Swift, Kid Rock, Kathy Ireland, Lynyrd Snynyrd, Dennis Miller, Angie Harmon, Elizabeth Hasslebeck, Meat Loaf, Steve Young, Jason Sehorn, Joe Perry, Joe Pesci, Heather Locklear, Jessica Simpson, Tom Brady, Hillary Duff, Peyton Manning, 50 Cent, Britney Spears, Carrie Underwood, Gloria Estefan, etc, etc.
wmbrainiac almost 11 years ago
HA ha. many c-listers mentioned above. at best.
wmbrainiac almost 11 years ago
and the others are lies, as in Harrison Ford:“Like his parents, Ford is a lifelong Democrat,65 and a close friend of former President Bill Clinton.20On September 7, 1995, Ford testified before the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee in support of the Dalai Lama and an independent Tibet.6667 In 2008, he narrated the documentary Dalai Lama Renaissance.[citation needed]In 2003, he publicly condemned the Iraq War and called for “regime change” in the United States. He also criticized Hollywood for making violent movies, and called for more gun control in the United States.68 He opposed the recall of California Governor Gray Davis, and stated in an interview that replacing Davis with Arnold Schwarzenegger would be a mistake."
Polsixe almost 11 years ago
A few years ago I saw a bit in SI that showed every single starter in the Daytona 500, NASCAR drivers, were Republicans.
LeoAutodidact almost 11 years ago
I am ALWAYS astonished that allegedly “Serious people” take the opinions of Actors/Actresses seriously.
An Actor is a LIAR, a professional LIAR.
They stand in front of a Camera, in “Clothes not their own” and recite words that OTHERS have devised for them to say. Yes, they do so convincingly, THAT is their tallent. But the words are NOT theirs, nor the opinions.
I suppose, given the sorry state of today’s elected “Officials,” that they are similar to most Office-Holders in being LIARS, but other than that they have little in common.
skycorgan almost 11 years ago
Let’s be honest, most Republican celebrities are the ’don’t take my millions I made playing a game or singing a song’ republicans rather than the drown the government, gays and Mexicans are bad, Obama is a nazi style republicans that have been pervasive.
Ray Thomas almost 11 years ago
Where’d you get that? I saw it, and I wasn’t “taken in,” as you say. And I stayed up very late to see Jr. win his first race in years.
montessoriteacher almost 11 years ago
Yeah, call the NASCAR drivers.
rpmurray almost 11 years ago
It seems to be a peculiarly Democrat thing to try to divert the attention of the voters from issues to bread and circuses. That’s why they need all the celebs they can get.
beprepn almost 11 years ago
We are proud that Ed Asner is on our side because???
Beleck3 almost 11 years ago
ever since St. Reagan, any actor who is pro Republica typifies teh idiocy found in morons. after all St. Reagan is the patron saint of idiots.mindless, protozoan zombies. one celled aberrations. proof that abortion needs to be mandatory for all Republicans. oh and Democrats too. lol
Nighthawks Premium Member almost 11 years ago
D-squared said, about 2 hours ago@PolsixeAnd their fans were all taken in by a repeat of LAST years Daytona 500 even though there was a crawl at the bottom of the screen saying so. Not smart people.
yeah, I thought that… reminded me of the 1938 radio performance of ’War of the Worlds".I suppose, in this case, the lack of comprehension was because one had to actually READ lines of script (that ran CONSTANTLY across the bottom telling viewer this was last years race)
Gokie5 almost 11 years ago
My, the discourse today is so elegant . . .
karljegolf almost 11 years ago
ANYONE who supports this admin. should be writing a comic strip.
roctor almost 11 years ago
Nascar needs new writers.
stillwaterart almost 11 years ago
Even the announcers said they were getting emails complaining they were mistakenly talking about Juan Montoya in the 42 car. (last years driver of the 42)
kaffekup almost 11 years ago
Actually, after listening to many actors interviewed on Fresh Air, I’ve come to the conclusion that they are actually very smart people. Rather than just hitting their marks and reading a script, they actually delve into the characters and try to figure out what makes them tick and why they do the things they do. Most good actors have a deep interest and understanding of human nature and care for other humans.Those that don’t, wind up on the D list and flacking for the republicans.
Linda Pearson almost 11 years ago
If the Republicans are so bad, how come your Dem’s, who are the majority in congress, have messed up our country? Perhaps you like being told what to do and when to do it?? I am reall tire of bashing republicans. I don’t say anything about Dems unless you tick me off. Why cant you have some curtesy?
Malcolm Hall almost 11 years ago
Dennis Miller! I almost fell of my chair! Priceless.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr almost 11 years ago
Britney Spears,“Smart-R-Us”
Linda Pearson almost 11 years ago
Fine, have it your way. When your lovely Socialism turnes to Communism, as if always has and always will, Let me know how your making out,
unca jim almost 11 years ago
While looking through old newspapers online, I found an editorial cartoon by Carey Orr for the Chicago Tribune. It’s used as a sample on his Wiki page. Take a look (magnify) and compare the days of 1934 and ‘us’…
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 11 years ago
There sure some angry people here today.Don’t worryBe happy
caligula almost 11 years ago
There are Republican celebrities, it’s just the hateful and spiteful prejudices of their fellow travelers require that they stay in the closet.
Kind of an interesting case of discrimination based on ideology.
kaffekup almost 11 years ago
If you don’t like “bashing republicans”, maybe you could go visit one of their cartoons, like Mallard Fillmore or Prickly City, which I assume are full of mindless adulation of the republican party. As for the “Dems in Congress”, except for the House, which is in the grip of the Tea Potty, the rest are struggling with the Grand Old Boat Anchor Party to fix things. And they are, regardless of what you have been fed by Faux.
Diane Lee Premium Member almost 11 years ago
“C” I would guess stands for crazy. Nugent and Trump come to mind.
wetidlerjr almost 11 years ago
I’m done with this strip. Trudeau needs to just shut it all down permanently rather than this come-and-go nonsense. It has come to the point where the daily strip is no longer relevant to anything, past or present. And he can shove his online show crap where the sun don’t shine, with or without John Goodman.Have a nice day!
kaffekup almost 11 years ago
Nice of you to drop by and spew hatred, considering I’ve never seen you here before. You’ll probably run into it, since your head appears to be in that same place you want the show to go.
kaffekup almost 11 years ago
According to “Sarge”, if the Democrats don’t rubber-stamp the tea potty’s irrational demands, they’re responsible for the consequences.Kind of like, if the bank teller doesn’t give the robber the money quickly enough, it’s her fault she got shot.
Kip W almost 11 years ago
Still trying to pretend Affordable Care is a disaster? Yeah, ride that dead horse to the finish line in 2016, please. You’re sure to sweep the ticket.
kaffekup almost 11 years ago
What does Tom Selleck do besides have lunch with Nancy Reagan?Has Sam Elliott had a starring role since Lifeguard?
jrgtr42 almost 11 years ago
The way Nugent is going and spouting off, I think he’s helping the Democrats more than the Republicans.
kaffekup almost 11 years ago
Sorry, the republican Baldwin is Stephen, definitely not an A-lister. Although he did say he would vote for his decidedly liberal brother Alec if he ran for office.