Mary Lou: Is Meg asleep?
Gene: She just went to bed!
Mary Lou: So, you discussed everything with her?
Gene: Some, yeah...
Gene: Actually, she seemed like she couldn't care less!
Mary Lou: Uh-oh...
Gene: It's a little weird being the only guy in the house!
Agent54 almost 11 years ago
No snit Gene, I have two grown daughters. By the time they grew up andmoved out, I was talking full time to Harvey the Rabbit, to stay sane.
cabalonrye almost 11 years ago
Now you understand what your mother went through being the only woman of the house
Cozmik Cowboy almost 11 years ago
@cabalonreClose, sort of, but not the same. Arlo & Gene are guys, and thus simple creatures who say what they mean. Now poor Gene is alone in a workd where everthing is said in code!
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 11 years ago
Idea being women don’t tell you the truth about their feelings?
Doctor_McCoy almost 11 years ago
Looks like Arlo and Janis may be exiting stage right, and a new family is going to upstage them.
Chuck_it_all almost 11 years ago
In the words of that great American philosopher, Norm Peterson: “Women, you cannot live with them, pass the Beer Nuts.”
Pipe Tobacco almost 11 years ago
I do not know…. it may just be me…. but…. to ME, MaryLou seems like a big grouch lately. And, by lately, I mean for at least the last year…. probably since she and Gene got married. She never seems to be happy or content about anything. Her character did not used to always be this way, though. It is an interesting, albeit not the nicest, change to her character.
ARLOS DAD almost 11 years ago
She feels her daughters feelings…
ChessPirate almost 11 years ago
Or you’re just supposed to know…
bsqnbay almost 11 years ago
Mary Lou is the equivalent of Toni Daytona from Luann. There is always a sense of drama when she is in the story arc. I say good riddance to both characters.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 11 years ago
Do you mean the snit?
locake almost 11 years ago
There is no bad language in Agent’s comment.
StoicLion1973 almost 11 years ago
I think Meg’s apparent lackadaisical attitude about the Dock’s closing (see last week’s strips) is her way of coping. The restaurant has been a part of her life; the prospect of losing that and the adults’ keeping it “secret” for a while, are unnerving. But she’s a kid and may not be able to fully deal with the emotions, so she appears to not care.
rldavid almost 11 years ago
You’ve walked into a girl jungle without a machete.Dean ,Heart of the City
Varnes almost 11 years ago
StoicLion, I think Meg is actually kind of relieved…..When she was describing her life at the restaurant, it kinda sounded like it wasn’t all that pleasant for her. All family members work in a family owned business……And some of them resent it sometimes….I think she’ll miss it and have fond memories of it someday, but right now, she’s ready to put it behind her…
lsheldon almost 11 years ago
Tell me about it. It is (and was) nice to have a male cat in the house.