Gil Thorp by Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill for June 07, 2014

  1. Rainbow phoenix   wide
    Ravenswing  almost 11 years ago

    This is where you take her in your arms and kiss her hard, just because.

    Whatcha waiting for?

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  2. Bitsy twill update
    bitsy twill  almost 11 years ago

    My god, if the close-ups get any closer-up, we’ll soon have a panel with just a single freckle.

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    rusty gate  almost 11 years ago

    What a prom!! Going from bad to worse.

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    chiphilton  almost 11 years ago

    This is crazy, of course. How could any team be successful without players ready to step in if needed? I’d like to see LeBron have cramps again in Sunday’s game, and someone on the Miami bench tell the coach, “Sorry, I can’t take advantage of LeBron’s bad luck. I won’t go in the game.”

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    chiphilton  almost 11 years ago

    This line of thinking could have altered the course of sports history. Wally Pipp gets hurt, but Lou Gehrig tells Miller Huggins, “I don’t want to be in the lineup because of Wally’s misery. Sorry, I’m not your man.” The Yankees trade Gehrig to the St. Louis Browns, and he leads the Browns to six pennants.

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  6. Bitsy twill update
    bitsy twill  almost 11 years ago

    Or that lip tattoo. Looks like MII. The roman numeral for 1002. Hmm.

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  7. Red shoes solo
    WoodyTB  almost 11 years ago

    Did Amy break her nose filling in at 3rd? She looks as if she took a ball to the face. (Yeah, I know…………go for it, gang. There’s your hanging curve for today’s episode.)

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    Mr Reality  almost 11 years ago

    In all reality, Amy needs to lighten up , the things that happened which allowed her to play wouldn t be considered as causing misery by most people.

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  9. Milford
    miffedmax  almost 11 years ago

    What about our misery, Amy? What about us?

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  10. 2015 wku chf golf scramble
    bearwku82  almost 11 years ago

    Amy and Lucky are products of our society today. They put the ME in TEAM.

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    twainreader  almost 11 years ago

    and the hanging curve about a ball to the face is from a guy named Woody. In P2 she’s so self centered, she’s hugging herself.

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    gilthorp57  almost 11 years ago

    In P1, is Lucky wearing 1970s-style bell bottoms, or has he just slit his pants up to below the knees?

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  13. Luhm 2 27 10
    Mopman  almost 11 years ago

    Okay, today’s MUT is a bit “out there”.

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    kdizzle  almost 11 years ago

    That lip tattoo clearly says “NINA”

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  15. Wmac
    wmac8898  almost 11 years ago

    I wonder what bit of misfortune happened to Lucky’s ex-girlfriend to open the door for Amy to step in.

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  16. Luhm 2 27 10
    Mopman  almost 11 years ago

    The Sunday edition of Mopped Up Thorp is up. Not sure if I like how the story has progressed lately, seems to have morphed too far away from the Thorp characters. Just have to figure out how to end it now!

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  17. 5v65o35x13n83of3pfbaq59a7b680210e10f0
    TheBrownStarfish  almost 11 years ago

    Maybe they can dump some root beer on each other to lighten the mood.

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    bagbalm  almost 11 years ago

    Dump the superstitious boyfriend. In Africa he’d accuse you of being a witch and that would be the end of you.

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