Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for August 24, 2014
The world according to the U.S. Supreme Court 'Spending large sums of money in connection with elections... Does not give rise to quid pro quo corruption.' -McCutchen v Rec Man: Hi I'm a billionaire. Here is a large sum of money for which I expect nothing in return. Rat: I could not give you anything in return, as that would be quid pro quo corruption. Man: Of course. As an aside, sir, there is a bill before you now that I am very much against. Rat: I see. I will consider your position without regard to the limitless sums you can now hand out. Next. Man 2: Hello, sir, I'm Joe nobody. I have no cash to give you, but I would really like you to vote for the bill that is before you now. Rat: I see. Well, I will give your position the exact same consideration I will give the man who just singlehandedly funded my entire campaign. Man 2: Thank you, honest congressman. Rat: Thank you, valued constituent. That settled, they all rode away on unicorns to Candyland. Pig: So money doesn't influence anyone! Rat: Nope. Now have a gumdrop from the gumdrop tree.
Sherlock Watson over 10 years ago
Stephan Pastis is the master of sarcastic humor.
Ida No over 10 years ago
Stephan Pastis is a former lawyer. Sarcastic humor comes with the job.
RobertPlunkett over 10 years ago
love your strip but stay out of politics
reatta45 over 10 years ago
LOVE the accurate political quips⊠Just wish more people could understand how this works.
socalvillaguy Premium Member over 10 years ago
Love it!
Darsan54 Premium Member over 10 years ago
One of the better political commentaries I have seen in recent memory.
Sisyphos over 10 years ago
You can take the Cartoon-Boy out of the bar, but you canât take the bar out of Cartoon-Boy. I want some gumdrops! Or a unicorn! If I donât get them, I may sue you for fraud, Cartoon-Boy!
Arianne over 10 years ago
Look closely at panels 3 and 5 â our two faced congressional rat is showing his true nature. If you cover up his left half, you sort of see a profile on the right. Nicely done, Stephan!
Arianne over 10 years ago
If I listen long enough to you Iâd find the way to believe that itâs all true Knowing that you lied straight face while I cried
doublepaw over 10 years ago
Seems like for once Pastis took the other non-conservative side with his political statements.
Newrulz1951 over 10 years ago
Too bad that this wasnât available to show the goofballs on the SCOTUS before the 5 idiots make their stupid decision on Citizens United.
Jeff0811 over 10 years ago
A word on the comic itself, Money influences me to get up and go to work every business day, it influences lawyers to be lawyers, and then some of those lawyers to run for political office. For a politician to say money doesnât influence people by someone who was influenced by money to hold political office is the height of hypocrisy.
Already Fuzzy over 10 years ago
Best. Pearls Before Swine. Ever
gzitver over 10 years ago
Rat for Congress!
Nighthawks Premium Member over 10 years ago
the rats are already there, gerrymandered to stay there, no matter what
OldestandWisest over 10 years ago
Yeah, freedom of speech is SO overrated, government really need to restrict it more. After all, theyâre the government and theyâre here to help us!
Mentor397 over 10 years ago
This is totally wrong. Gumdrops come from bushes, not trees.
puddlesplatt over 10 years ago
and there are no cats in America!
Diane Lee Premium Member over 10 years ago
adssteve over 10 years ago
Brilliant. Period.
oldschool434 over 10 years ago
Bring back the crocs
Queen of America Premium Member over 10 years ago
The strip should be posted on every single politiciansâ office wall.
Godfreydaniel over 10 years ago
IF a corporation is a person, then it must necessarily have multiple personality disorder!
Oxnate over 10 years ago
I wish theyâd call a spade a spade and just rename âcampaign contributionsâ, bribes.
A_NY_Outlaw over 10 years ago
Rat the Politician. Thereâs a marriage made in heaven.
bshamblin79 over 10 years ago
I knew Candyland was real!
Dapperdan61 Premium Member over 10 years ago
Todayâs comic should be put in every elected officials office. This strip speaks volumes about the influence money has on what drives legislation. Regardless of party affiliation all politicians are beholden to those who donate to their campaigns.
Timothy Madigan Premium Member over 10 years ago
McCutheon v. FEC wasnt about per-candidate spending limits, which HAVE been upheld but the limits on spending across candidates nationwide.youâre still restricted on how much you can give but not how many you can give to
YatInExile over 10 years ago
Itâs not often that I laugh at the first panel of a strip.
cactusjack99 Premium Member over 10 years ago
Good one Steve, you nailed it!
Ermine Notyours over 10 years ago
The main expense of political campaigns is television advertising. Commercially-supported television seems to be declining, so thereâs hope. If commercial television declines to a low enough levels, politicians wonât be able to accept large âcampaign contributionsâ with a straight face, but I may not live long enough to see that day. Local news seems to be doing okay, so it may take a while.One time when I was forced to watch local news at work, I saw a pro-candidate X ad, followed by an anti-candidate X ad followed by a pro-candidate Xâs opponent ad. I was getting whiplash from all these messages. Itâs no surprise that political ads contribute so much to local television and radio stations, but itâs not a sustainable model.
steverinoCT over 10 years ago
Pastis shoulfd credit TBogg:Your Mumia Sweatshirt Wonât Get You Into Heaven Anymore
Chrisstopher over 10 years ago
Unfortunately, I donât think Itâs simplified enough for most people to understand.
Nairebis over 10 years ago
While I agree with the idea that money is corrupting, itâs worth giving the additional context of the Supreme Courtâs ruling. There is a reason for what they said:
âThe line between quid pro quo corruption and general influence must be respected in order to safeguard basic First Amendment rights, and the Court must err on the side of protecting political speech rather than suppressing it.â
So the point isnât that the Supreme Court believes money doesnât influence politicians, itâs that the Supreme Court gives a lot of weight to not suppressing the freedom of speech of the people.
WineStar Premium Member over 10 years ago
Follow the money.
Spot on & well done, SP!
A_NY_Outlaw over 10 years ago
You can see by the thread that Pastis has stirred up trouble! ;-)
Robert Pratt over 10 years ago
No different than the squeaky wheel getting the grease. Itâs all a form of speech. The rich guy, or group of people incorporate, have as much right to attempt to influence their elected representatives as anyone else.
jbmlaw01 over 10 years ago
Leftists believe the first amendment allows congress to constrict freedom of speech â reading difficulty I suppose. There is an intelligent alternative â vote against people who support stupid intrusions on your freedom.
Saddenedby Premium Member over 10 years ago
this strip is like going to a impressionistic modern day art gallery. everybody sees what they want to see and interprets it the way they wish. so this makes an excellent strip for people to âdiscussâ. however my winged unicorn is calling and iâve had too many gumdrops so i am off to purchase a law that i can call my own and make everybody else bow down and obey that law â because it is all about the power â not the law â UP UP and AWAY! just keep electing them and others will keep buying them and we will all be flying unicorns and eating gumdrops in a far off land of Utopia!!!
adamsdc over 10 years ago
Money and politics go hand in hand. The campaign laws limiting money also limit speech. The Supremes have decided that unions and corporations have equal rights to speech, and thus contributions, to any cause their shareholders or union members support. Does this buy influence? You bet. Just look at the rulings from the leftists who control the NLRB and NMB appointed by Obama after they contributed billions to elect him. Iâm glad Pastis has shown this to be the truth in this strip, although it should be noticed that he talks about âbillionairesâ which would include the unions who have spent billions to elect their candidates.
Joy Sabl Premium Member over 10 years ago
Union leadership is elected, and union positions are also put to a vote of the membershipâas is whether or not to donate to candidates, vs focusing on public education, issues activism, etc. Thus itâs hard to argue that union contributions are exactly equivalent to the donation of a single multimillionaire (even if the size of the donations may be comparable).
trm over 10 years ago
Thereby proving once again that inside every leftist is a totalitarian screaming to get out.
Carl Rennhack Premium Member over 10 years ago
Rat as a Congressman proves that, if PRO is the opposite of CON, the opposite of PROgress just has to beâŠ
adamsdc over 10 years ago
I suspect the reason there are no bankers in jail is that they give far more money to the Dems than the Pubs. Canât get any money from your sponsor when heâs in the clink. But money buys votes, even if the money comes from unions whose members may be forced to join to keep a job, or a leftist billionaire who made his money polluting the climate like Steyer.
mjb515 over 10 years ago
Obviously, the SCOTUS decision flies in the face of that great principle of American jurisprudence âguilty until proven innocentâ.
Due to the obvious baleful influence of cartoonists over politics much greater than the âJoe Nobodysâ of this great nation, Cartoon Syndicates are limited to spending $250 per week in total to produce a single comic strip title. After all, âmoney is not speechâ.
cupertino jay over 10 years ago
too long dint read. um, too many comments to read neither.
barister over 10 years ago
Let them eat cake.
Brass Orchid Premium Member over 10 years ago
Specifically, corporations are representative of people.So are Unions, Advocacy Groups, Special interests of all stripes, and the stray Citizens Grass Roots Collective. But why do people hate collectives so much if they feel that we need one Collective to Rule Them All?If that is the Imp of the Perverse, does that make Joe Carroll from The Following a caricature of Joe Biden?
claire de la lune. over 10 years ago
This is the second political strip this month.
claire de la lune. over 10 years ago
However, once I get this, this will probably be the best strip of the month.
Ermine Notyours almost 7 years ago
Rat used to be a congressman? I guess he has more political experience than the current real-world president.
phobos 10 months ago
I like the way the cycle is explained is in this comic.