Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for September 03, 2014
Pig: I'm afraid I offended the whole L.G.B.T. community. Goat: You? What did you do? Pig: I didn't use greasy enough bacon on my bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich. Goat: Why would they care about that? Pig: What else would the lettuce greasy bacon tomato community care about? Goat: Please make it stop.
Bilan over 10 years ago
So you must side with their archrivals, the LCBT Community.
Templo S.U.D. over 10 years ago
I agree with Goat to Pastis to please make it stop. He’s also making Pig sound like a cannibal.
wiselad over 10 years ago
Pastis must be glad it was Goat, and not rat that came by
peggykb9 over 10 years ago
Bless your heart, you must lead a very sheltered life. More sheltered than Pig, anyway.
If you ever stumble across the term LGBTQ, the added Q stands for questioning or queer. Now you know.
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member over 10 years ago
I have to confess, every time I see those initials, I think of a BLT sandwich.
Reppr Premium Member over 10 years ago
scpandich over 10 years ago
So, we’re all just ignoring the fact that Pig is eating bacon?
Sisyphos over 10 years ago
No news in Pig’s eating bacon; he’s been doing it (and loving it) for years! His sandwich looks tasty, though I do not favor greasy bacon. Is Cartoon-Boy advocating unhealthy eating?! That would make Goat’s plea even more urgent….
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 10 years ago
Wow… According to the FBI… and they ought to know…Neither San Francisco nor Portland made it anywhere near the top ten most violent cities in their size ranges….
And police statistics show that most of the violent crimes in areas with high LGBT populations are committed AGAINST them, not BY them.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 10 years ago
Meanwhile…Pig said the line about BLT’s in a very early Pearl’s strip, and it became the title of the first Pearl’s collection:
(Click it if you’d like to see it bigger.)
tuggrover over 10 years ago
jenifer flower over 10 years ago
some of the anti-LGBT rhetoric in these comments makes me want to puke- even with growing accpetance,every day in america, and most of the West, a gay, lesbian or trans person is assaulted- or murdered just for existing (especially in the case of trans)
cdgar over 10 years ago
Finally. Something important.
felinefan55 Premium Member over 10 years ago
They have it in other countries as well. The LGBTQ Peggy mentions I first heard of from a BBC article. I realize this is a wiki link, so it must be taken with some salt, but it is world-wide:
susanwobb over 10 years ago
And furthermore, DON’T call it Frisco.
schpmnk over 10 years ago
@bpullin just because someone is a minority (~10%), doesn’t mean they deserve to be discriminated against. From pastors/priests not allowing them to be buried in their churches to restaurants not serving them food or people yelling slurs at them…how is any of that deserved? If the bigots that hate them really only care about the sanctity of marriage (yeah, right) then how come there’s not even a fraction of the hatred that’s directed towards the LGBT community directed to adulterers (especially with it being one of the commandments, unlike gay marriage)?
puddlesplatt over 10 years ago
make the world stop, we all don’t need labels!
leons1701 over 10 years ago
@susan sunshine. It’s just nab being nab. The next time he posts something true will probably be the first. Even on the rare occasion when he’s right (I could swear it’s happened) he still makes up phony stats or dubious personal anecdotes to support it.
Cameron1988 Premium Member over 10 years ago
Queen of America over 10 years ago
Pastis did a strip or two a very long time ago about Pig eating bacon. As I recall, in one panel Pig is holding his BLT and said something like “This is so wrong.” But he loves his BLTs.
rono38 over 10 years ago
Can all of you political twerps please take your ongoing politics claptrap to another board like the Huffinton Post or Politico? This is a comics’ site. Humor is the key, not the usual personal attacks and usual throwing of monkey feces.
Ermine Notyours over 10 years ago
Wow, in just a few minutes, a third of the comments disappeared. And the gays get to march in the New York City St. Patrick’s Day parade!
Fido (aka Felix Rex) over 10 years ago
1) This is the funniest Pastis Pun in many years. Thank you.2) I am a devoted Dodger fan & anti-SF jint to the hilt. But I would NEVER call it “Frisco”.3) Let’s face it — everyone on the planet (and also those brave souls currently in orbit on the ISS) can be pigeon-holed into some acronym category.4) Re the on-going diatribe: To paraphrase Judge Smails from Caddyshack, “The world needs political morons too.”
gamer2k4 over 10 years ago
Hey Stephan, if you know a joke is stupid, how about not using it? Devoting a fourth of your daily panels to “I’m aware this joke is stupid” is a waste.
Saddenedby Premium Member over 10 years ago
the best thing about this strip is the absolutely ridiculous laughs i get out of it – keep it up pastis in spite of what goat says – LOL
Piksea Premium Member over 10 years ago
I was ready to second goat, but honestly, @saddenedby is absolutely right!!!
bobdingus over 10 years ago
Too much influence and power? Because they demand the same rights as everyone else?
stormsheperd126 over 10 years ago
is it weird that pig is eating bacon ..?
whiteaj over 10 years ago
Pastis obviously had no material for today.
Sherlock Watson over 10 years ago
Personally, I’m into S&M — salsa and mustard.
tmick2001 over 10 years ago
I must lead a sheltered life too, ‘tatar. Or I maybe I just don’t pay attention to certain things, which is more likely!
TimeLordSoundwave over 10 years ago
Pig has been eating bacon since year one. “But BLTS Taste So Darn Good” was also the title of the very first Pearls book.
dmattoon Premium Member over 10 years ago
Not funny. Hasn’t been for some time. Why not try the Crocs for a change??
claire de la lune. over 10 years ago
tomthums over 10 years ago
that’s: Lettuce, Guacamole, Bacon & Tomato!!!!
SkyFisher over 10 years ago
My wife likes to order BLO’sBaconLettuceOnion(She doesn’t like tomatoes.)
Dr Lou Premium Member over 10 years ago
This really is remarkably absurd to the point where I’m getting closer to killing this cartoon from my favorites. Won’t matter, I know….but the thematic ‘dumb’ is getting quite tiresome.
Omniman over 10 years ago
I’m pretty sure all pigs love bacon.
rdav1248961 Premium Member over 10 years ago
Pig is a cannibal!
Scorchwave over 10 years ago
Cannibal! eating bacon psshaah!
water_moon over 10 years ago
Mayo. That’s how you make it greasy after all
PBS1! about 3 years ago
To this day whenever I hear ‘LGBT’ I think of greasy bacon and sandwiches.