I personally feel it’s more laziness. People are too lazy to actually do a smidgen of research to make an informed decision, and figure, “better the devil you know than the devil you don’t”. Incidentally, NO ONE will know who I will vote for…but I will vote…and I’m not lazy.
All of you, except the Socialist, should support term limits. If we can stop the carrer path of getting elected, perhaps we would have people in office who think of country rather than how to buy votes for re election.
There is no need for this continuous arguing. When I am acclaimed Emperor, I will be a benevolent despot, and everyone can blame everything on me, thus uniting the country. If not, you have only yourselves to blame.
I voted early. I voted only for Democrats. The usa needs astrong viable Socialist party to the left of the Democratic party.The (ugh) republican party should be disbanded and outlawed.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I’m with you on all points! And there’s no excuse for not voting — if you’re too lazy to go to the polls, then ask for an absentee ballot. You don’t even have to leave your LazyBoy recliner to vote.And I like your last suggestion the most:
There should be only 2 parties— Democratic and Socialist. And get the money-hungry Republicans out of the running altogether!
I think you mean VERSUS. (That sounds like someone is a fan of C&W. “Love of country verses, love of self.”)
I wish when people wrote things, they paid attention to the spelling and grammar more. They should know when what they are trying to say is not undermined by a misspelled word.
Boy, this went downhill fast! I am sure some folks would like the “None of the Above” option; however, I am also sure this option would also fail miserably…
I will be so happy when this election is over and we can start fretting about the next election in two years..Or, maybe we could just go back to normal? Whatever “normal” is! Oh, I almost forgot, it is a town in Illinois…
The biggest problem is with the system itself. Start with gerrymandering – arranging political boundaries to virtually ensure that the incumbent wins. Then move on to the primary system, in which most candidates can only advance by kowtowing to the desires of their party’s extremists – if your only choice is the extreme left or the extreme right, is that really a choice? Add in campaign financing, where millions upon millions of dollars are thrown behind the preferred candidates of big corporations and interest groups, and it’s little wonder that our elected officials rarely actually serve the people.
I’ll vote socialist when the government outlaws employment, then when they take care of me, they will get my vote every last time. Otherwise I’m not going to be a fan of working and having it all taken away.
We voted earlier get ahead of the line and voting early there was a line. We have no political signs in the yard either. Be glad with politics are done with for awhile.
Elections ARE term limits.Everyone is voted out of office if rejected by the voters.The voters are free to put back in office those who satisfy them.We may gripe about specific actions just as married people sometimes gripe about perceived flaws in their spouses, but many choose to not divorce their spouses.(Some do but few do so lightly.)
Personally, I think there shouldn’t be any political parties at all. Just get rid of the system entirely. Then whoever wants to run for office would only have to file the necessary paper work to run, then start campaigning. Then there wouldn’t be any ideological stuff to follow according to a political party. Just the person’s own convictions and what they think they can do for the office they are running for in representing the people, city, county, state, and country. And attack ads should be outlawed. I really don’t care what a candidate thinks of their opponent. I’m more interested in what they have to say about the current issues and how they will act on them. Mudslinging doesn’t impress me at all.
stlwahoo over 10 years ago
The problem is neither candidate is the choice. They only do as the money tells them to.
sheplives over 10 years ago
Reminds me of that song by the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band: “No Matter Who You Vote For, The Government Always Gets In.” :)
Kaputnik over 10 years ago
Unfortunately “throw the bums out” only puts new bums in their place. And yet, I still try.
stuart over 10 years ago
“The average voter can’t remember back to last January.”
You nailed it.
Wren Fahel over 10 years ago
I personally feel it’s more laziness. People are too lazy to actually do a smidgen of research to make an informed decision, and figure, “better the devil you know than the devil you don’t”. Incidentally, NO ONE will know who I will vote for…but I will vote…and I’m not lazy.
rshive over 10 years ago
For the Fink, it’s an inherited democracy.
Mneedle over 10 years ago
All of you, except the Socialist, should support term limits. If we can stop the carrer path of getting elected, perhaps we would have people in office who think of country rather than how to buy votes for re election.
KEA over 10 years ago
Politician is not a dirty word.
KEA over 10 years ago
HEAR HEAR! It Could also use a true Republican Party to the left of today’s Christian Fascist Republicans.
KEA over 10 years ago
ah, another sad dupe of the Capitalist ruling class.
tired-one over 10 years ago
I end up voting for whoever I think will do less damage to the country :-(
grainpaw over 10 years ago
There is no need for this continuous arguing. When I am acclaimed Emperor, I will be a benevolent despot, and everyone can blame everything on me, thus uniting the country. If not, you have only yourselves to blame.
goweeder over 10 years ago
I voted early. I voted only for Democrats. The usa needs astrong viable Socialist party to the left of the Democratic party.The (ugh) republican party should be disbanded and outlawed.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I’m with you on all points! And there’s no excuse for not voting — if you’re too lazy to go to the polls, then ask for an absentee ballot. You don’t even have to leave your LazyBoy recliner to vote.And I like your last suggestion the most:
There should be only 2 parties— Democratic and Socialist. And get the money-hungry Republicans out of the running altogether!
loner34 over 10 years ago
Don’t you know, MY Senator and Rep are fine it is all those OTHER ones that are the problem.
sheldan over 10 years ago
You gotta be kidding! Is this “Left and Lefter”? The USA needs two parties with liberals, conservatives, and moderates, like it used to be.
sheldan over 10 years ago
I think you mean VERSUS. (That sounds like someone is a fan of C&W. “Love of country verses, love of self.”)
I wish when people wrote things, they paid attention to the spelling and grammar more. They should know when what they are trying to say is not undermined by a misspelled word.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 10 years ago
You voted for Democrats as closest to your beloved Socialists?That’s inspirational.
Duncan Idaho over 10 years ago
It is the job of all patriots to defend their country from their government.
RalphZIggy over 10 years ago
The Country is the We the People. It is NOT the government, who are anti-American lap dogs of big corporations.
whiteaj over 10 years ago
More like we should pull the chain on the incumbents.
neverenoughgold over 10 years ago
Boy, this went downhill fast! I am sure some folks would like the “None of the Above” option; however, I am also sure this option would also fail miserably…
neverenoughgold over 10 years ago
I will be so happy when this election is over and we can start fretting about the next election in two years..Or, maybe we could just go back to normal? Whatever “normal” is! Oh, I almost forgot, it is a town in Illinois…
fishbulb239 over 10 years ago
The biggest problem is with the system itself. Start with gerrymandering – arranging political boundaries to virtually ensure that the incumbent wins. Then move on to the primary system, in which most candidates can only advance by kowtowing to the desires of their party’s extremists – if your only choice is the extreme left or the extreme right, is that really a choice? Add in campaign financing, where millions upon millions of dollars are thrown behind the preferred candidates of big corporations and interest groups, and it’s little wonder that our elected officials rarely actually serve the people.
angelfiredragon over 10 years ago
I’ll vote socialist when the government outlaws employment, then when they take care of me, they will get my vote every last time. Otherwise I’m not going to be a fan of working and having it all taken away.
kab2rb over 10 years ago
We voted earlier get ahead of the line and voting early there was a line. We have no political signs in the yard either. Be glad with politics are done with for awhile.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 10 years ago
Elections ARE term limits.Everyone is voted out of office if rejected by the voters.The voters are free to put back in office those who satisfy them.We may gripe about specific actions just as married people sometimes gripe about perceived flaws in their spouses, but many choose to not divorce their spouses.(Some do but few do so lightly.)
cbrsarah over 10 years ago
Personally, I think there shouldn’t be any political parties at all. Just get rid of the system entirely. Then whoever wants to run for office would only have to file the necessary paper work to run, then start campaigning. Then there wouldn’t be any ideological stuff to follow according to a political party. Just the person’s own convictions and what they think they can do for the office they are running for in representing the people, city, county, state, and country. And attack ads should be outlawed. I really don’t care what a candidate thinks of their opponent. I’m more interested in what they have to say about the current issues and how they will act on them. Mudslinging doesn’t impress me at all.
Anweir88 over 10 years ago
Letting our totalitarian side show a bit early, aren’t we? Your type usually starts its pogroms AFTER it scams an election.