Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for December 08, 2014
Luann: "Hi, gang!" Kids: "Hi, Miss Luann!" Child 1: "What's in the backpack?" Luann: "Books. I have lots of college tests to study for" Child 2: "Like spelling? I'm a good speller!" Child 3: "I know the whole alphabet! ABCDEF-" Child 4: "I can count to a hundred! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-" Child 1: "Um... the bores?" Child 5: "Why would you hafta know that?"
Templo S.U.D. about 10 years ago
Them kids have a lot to learn themselves later on.
ORMouseworks about 10 years ago
Way over the kids’ heads, Luann! ;)
JayBluE about 10 years ago
How do you defeat the Turkish empire? Don’t ever sit on the Ottomans….
JayBluE about 10 years ago
“History’s A Thing Of The Passed”“Sore Subject”“Iran So Far… And I Was Russian The Whole Time”“Feeding A Hungary Mind”“Wherever I May Rome”“Your Civics Duty”“A Classy Lady”“Don’t Get Testy With Me”“Parsley, Sage, Rosemary And A Long Time Ago” (♫)“Let’s Get Civic-al…Civic-al” (♫)or“You’re Such A Boer, Hun”
ORMouseworks about 10 years ago
Even I don’t know who won the Boer War, and I don’t even know why there was a war in the first place! I loved taking history classes in college, but hated all of the discussions about who killed whom over what… ;)
JayBluE about 10 years ago
“Those who fail to learn from History are doomed to repeat it”
-said just about every teacher before report cards come out…
seismic-2 Premium Member about 10 years ago
Well, we finally know what one course is that Luann is taking. I wonder whether she’s opened that textbook yet.
ORMouseworks about 10 years ago
IJB: GoComics is being pesky this evening…can’t link my response to your post… How many times did I hear “‘Those who fail to learn from History are doomed to repeat it.’”? Lots of times, LOL! Seriously, though, even as adults we need to re-read your question…way too much repeating going on in today’s world… ;)
seismic-2 Premium Member about 10 years ago
I suspect that Luann finds the whole course to be a “Boer”.
Faith :) about 10 years ago
This is why I am not looking forward to college
ORMouseworks about 10 years ago
Another thing I’ve been thinking about today’s comic…why does Luann think she can care for those children when she has to study ??? I had to have absolute quiet when I was studying for an exam…outside noises were just too distracting for me! ;)
seismic-2 Premium Member about 10 years ago
Why is she there at all? Does she still work at the school? This is the first mention of it since she graduated from high school.
ORMouseworks about 10 years ago
Yes, I can see how that might work…but the kids are going to have to be quiet and stay in their seats while they are working on various projects… Still think Luann is going to be too much distracted, however… ;)
Angelalex242 about 10 years ago
Darn that Boering war.
ORMouseworks about 10 years ago
Ahhhhhh, it is late!!! Gotta find IS Katie and both of us need to schlep upstairs and fine a nice, warm electric blanket! (Well, not Katie…not safe enough for her to lie on. She likes her kennel with its foam pad and her very own blanket and favorite toys!). And with this, I will say ‘Nite all! ;)-————————————————————————“Every man who is high up loves to think that he has done it all himself; and the wife smiles, and lets it go at that. It’s our only joke. Every woman knows that."(J. M. Barrie, 1860-1937)
spaced man spliff about 10 years ago
I forgot to add: perhaps South Africa is at the phase where the Guelfs split into factions. In SA’s case, a lot more than two.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 10 years ago
Hey, kids!How many story arcs has Evans left in limbo?Turn in your answers here!The winner wins an all expense paid trip to…Limbo!
Michael Peterson Premium Member about 10 years ago
Because that’s when concentration camps were invented, children!
carlosrivers about 10 years ago
it’s nice she’s busy in college, but, still has time for reading to the kids…
Editman about 10 years ago
The 2nd Boer War was Canada’s first overseas war—a voluntary troop of 1000, (270 killed) under British Command.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 10 years ago
“You mean there’s more than counting to a hundred and the alphabet? Bummer, and I thought I was nearly through.”
Mordock999 Premium Member about 10 years ago
Hey Lu?
Read to the “Little Comrades” about the Tet Offensive.
Dour Scotsman about 10 years ago
The Brits won……but at great cost to both them and the Boers…….and it is I believe the war that the term “Concentration Camps” was coined
Duncan Idaho about 10 years ago
History professors don’t care if you know who won the Boer war, they only care that you are required to purchase their book explaining who won the Boer war.
carollert about 10 years ago
For those “punning” on “boering”, it’s pronounced “Boo-er”
Thomas Scott Roberts creator about 10 years ago
If the word weren’t Anglicized, Boer would be pronounced closer to ‘boor.’ In Afrikaans it means farmer. But then, Luann’s last name, which is Dutch, would be pronounced "DeHHHrote.’ (We don’t have the Dutch ‘G’ sound in English. It’s like a very raspy ‘H.’)
Argy.Bargy2 about 10 years ago
Pipe Tobacco about 10 years ago
I really like and appreciate the way Greg has drawn the kids today. They look very cute, and the expressions and the general drawing style is wonderful. Thank you!
maverick1usa about 10 years ago
Even tho Luan doesn’t seem to go to classes she claims to have to study for a lot of tests. All history? And does she plan on studying there?
TheLiam about 10 years ago
Pushing an educational strip with a place called “Kidz 1st”
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 10 years ago
The (Second) Boer War.Quite a dreadful business; the story of Harry “Breaker” Morant, and his penchant for shooting surrendered prisoners, being a case in point.
ACTIVIST1234 about 10 years ago
The kids are beautifully drawn— they are definitely a year older!
flowergirl19 about 10 years ago
@ORMThat’s why I love reading historical novels. I’ve learned so much history from James Michener. I’m pretty sure I read one that he wrote about South Africa, but I can’t remember the name of it.
And what’s weird is how I thought that history was so boring when I was in school. But then when I was helping my kids with their homework and I would read their history lessons, I couldn’t believe how incredibly interesting it was. Unfortunately, my kids thought it was boring!
Airman about 10 years ago
Oh my, why does anybody care? Isn’t Luann supposed to be studying drama? Let’s get her where she belongs, in a production. Get rid of the “kids” (but not Gunther).
autumnfire1957 about 10 years ago
Time to watch “Breaker Morant”
doverdan about 10 years ago
That shocking posting has no relation to facts, past or present.
And if you want to study WAR, it is a very useful thing to study that one — so many dimensions of importance today.
Moreover that war had a great impact on the British Empire —and on the facts leading up to two World Wars.
Some here seem to think that studying WAR is a trivial pursuit. A joke. Far from it. We need to understand the causes to prevent them.
I hope Greg did not throw it in here just for the fact that Boer might sound like “boring.” That war was not boring at all. Far from it. (read of Churchill’s exploits, etc.)
doverdan about 10 years ago
Might read:
There were no expulsions. The 2011 census figures showed Black African at 79.2%, White at 8.9%, Coloured at 8.9%, Indian or Asian at 2.5%, and Other/Unspecified at 0.5%. That is about where it stood during apartheid.
Mandela may be hated by a few unreformed apartheidists, avid neo-Nazis, or some others here and there (remember how J. Edgar Hoover hated Martin Luther King) but not by many who know the facts.
Sisyphos about 10 years ago
“The History of War” in a community college?! Seriously?! One would be lucky to find anything more than a survey course in world history and a course or two in American history. Something like the history of war would be found only in more expansive history departments, in (some) four-year colleges, or in universities (not that the terms have much real difference today)…. I hope Luann is ready to devote her whole attention to the little kids, since she doesn’t have Tiffany to cover for her anymore.
BuffaloBusker about 10 years ago
Ask Quinn. I’ll bet his great grandfather led the mounted regimental unit of AUSSIES IN AFRICA.
Alan Smithee about 10 years ago
Just rent Breaker Morant
doverdan about 10 years ago
This arc is to show that Luann has a life.’Even if not very interesting.
wndrwrthg about 10 years ago
“Remember Majuba, boys”.
JayBluE about 10 years ago
No, it’s the same one as last year’s “Kidz 1st” “branch” operating out of “Principal Chin”s" turf…look at the kids… – She evidently has a “return to work offer”, contingent upon specific terms as agreed upon, on hire….
wiselad about 10 years ago
interesting drawing of how one of the kids see Greg ;)
ORMouseworks about 10 years ago
Re: “French and Indian War:”It seems to me that the French and local Indians were fighting against the presence of the pre-Americans. George Washington made a man of himself during this war. One of my direct ancestors took shelter in a house which had an underground tunnel. I have a picture of the house in the Appalachians. It is no longer in the family unfortunately. Seems my ancestor was “granted” 5000 acres in what is now Virginia from the British king of that point in time. History becomes more interesting when it is personal…that’s been my experience, anyway. ;)