Teacher: "Your job here is to be a nothing. A void. Why? Because creativity fills a void!"
Teacher: "Look at Mr. Jock. H;es ready to be an artist! It's obvious that he's achieved full emptiness. Mr. Jock is a perfect nothing!"
Mr. Jock: "YEAH! WHOOO!"
JayBluE about 10 years ago
Hmm… Zébo’ must play tennis. He seems to be good at serving, and that serve doubles as a wicked backhand …. With the result in “no love” …. – Can Mr. Jock be so full of optimism, and yet be so empty at the same time?
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 10 years ago
The high-brow and the low-brow are united.And Evans is in his heaven.(What a load…)“Mr Jock” is the empty vessel into which Mr Z will pour his Bauhaus Brew.
JayBluE about 10 years ago
“Dis(s)-Orientation”“Less Than Zero, More Than Nothing”“Passive/Suggestive”“Loaded Questions And An Empty Canvass”“An Iron Fist In A Velvet Glove” (♫)“The Sharp Sword Of Double Edged Words”or“The Shot Heard Round The Classroom”
seismic-2 Premium Member about 10 years ago
The dude in the hat seems pretty empty, too.
NancyPrancy about 10 years ago
You think Greg enjoyed his college classes?
Templo S.U.D. about 10 years ago
You, Luann, sure are studying with oddballs and being taught by an oddball.
ShagsCA about 10 years ago
Professor Ben Dover?
JayBluE about 10 years ago
Ha ha!!! Flying endlessly, with no particular place to go…and no way to stop their “momentum”..
ILuvLu about 10 years ago
The stereotyped stupid jock is tiresome.
tammyspeakslife Premium Member about 10 years ago
He just doesn’t know that the prof is making a mockery of him
seismic-2 Premium Member about 10 years ago
Have we forgotten all about Peru yet? Does Greg Evans want us to?
wrwallaceii about 10 years ago
‘I may not know art, but I know what I like…’ :from HUDSON HAWK.
‘I don’t really care if someone stole a few swirls of paint that are only important to some very silly rich people…’:from The Thomas Crown Affair(paraphrased).
MeGoNow Premium Member about 10 years ago
Somehow, Zébo and Jock remind me of the fulfillment of a certain sort of Craigslist ad.
krys723 about 10 years ago
This is going to be a funny arc
jemgirl81 about 10 years ago
This is hilarious!
kenhense about 10 years ago
Great expressions on Luann and the other guy next to Mr Jock. I predict Mr Jock will turn out to have talent.
JayBluE about 10 years ago
Jacques “Jock” Lowenbrau….
wiselad about 10 years ago
Jock is making Ox look like a genius
JayBluE about 10 years ago
Maybe Jock can tutor Piro… –
Editman about 10 years ago
I went to Vancouver Community College for a job training course, they told me it would be challenging. I didn’t realize until the first day that they meant that the students were “challenged”
sheplives about 10 years ago
C’mon, Zebo…. NOBODY’S perfect!
artybee about 10 years ago
The stereotypical art snob and the stereotypical jock BOTH are boring. Back to (ech) Gunther.
Barry1941 about 10 years ago
And someone is actually paying money for tis class?
BillH77 about 10 years ago
The prof could be out of a job tomorrow if this is being caught on a cell phone video and the student decides to go to the dean and file a harassment charge.
This strip isn’t funny nor is it even close to true to life.
artheaded1 about 10 years ago
Hope this lame “eccentric artist” arc is short.
Mordock999 Premium Member about 10 years ago
Gee. I wonder How Much LONGER the Red-Shirted Guy is going to Continue to Put Up With Prof. Ze-Bat’s INSULTS Before Justifiably STRANGLES Him with His Ascot??
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 10 years ago
Colleges always complain the kids aren’t prepared.This chap thinks they’re over prepared.
TORAD_07 about 10 years ago
Well, hopefully, the objective for Zébo (in particular) and Pitts CC (in general) is to get Lu to start thinking about herself and firing her up to do better in life. By showing how ridiculous some people can be, she’ll get the “I know I can do better” itch and start scratching it.
wrwallaceii about 10 years ago
Zebo is just like one of those ‘Wine Snobs’ you run into at a cocktail party. He has Waaay too many adjectives in his vocabulary and feels that he needs to use them all in every conversation. Or… he is a failed artist who has been put down by the critics too many times.
Those that can; do. Those that can’t; teach…etc, etc.
StratmanRon about 10 years ago
Knute would be a PERFECT student for this Mr. Zebo…
seismic-2 Premium Member about 10 years ago
OK, we’ve seen inside a Pitt CC classroom. Now can we set that aside and move on to something less annoying than this instructor? (Mr. Raine’s class on “Introduction to the Digital Age”, maybe.)—Personally, I still hope there will be much more to the Peru story than Gunther has seen to relate so far. Maybe he will tell us something intriguing about his week on the Sun City Senior(ita)s tour bus, such as they all turned out to be drag queens? Or after Sofia gave him his last paycheck, she dragged him off to a bar and…
ckeller about 10 years ago
Mr. Jock just pawn in game of life.
drewpamon about 10 years ago
So is Luann going to start dating mr jock.
miracleshappen about 10 years ago
In the 1920s there was a comic strip called “Fritzi Ritz.” The antics of her niece became so popular, artist Ernie Bushmiller created the comic strip “Nancy,” and Fritzi became a supporting character. I can see the same thing happening with Shannon and Luann. Storylines without Shannon have become boring.
reedkomicks Premium Member about 10 years ago
Greg seems to be into the detail of Zebo’s clothing. Very funny arc! Don’t worry, I’m sure Mr. Jock will make a mockery of Zebo.
Pipe Tobacco Premium Member about 10 years ago
I hope that Mr. “Jock” surprises Zebo. Just because Mr. Jock may not be overly book smart does not mean he will not have talents… if he puts his mind to it. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ It very well could be that Zebo’s idea about an empty vessel being needed to create significant art is true to an extent…. for example, look at Picasso…. his cubism work did FILL A VOID in the art world…. and it took Picasso’s mind to see/envision this (Before any art majors become flummoxed, please know that I am aware there are several key players in what became the cubist movement… I used Picasso as a well known example). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++That said, I think Zebo may be (as most suggest) more on a tare just trying to be “smary” and cut down his students (today, Mr. Jock). That is unfortuante. No good professor would purposefully belittle a student. It is our job to instruct and, to the best of our ability, motivate our students. I have had several students in my courses over the years who either a) had little or no academic success/interest in high school, or b) came to my university from a wretchedly problematic school district and with abysmal entrance scores… who were able to succeed and learn and grow…. in large part to their motivation, but also in a smaller way in my willingness to be a mentor and my attempts to be a motivator… in addition to a traditional instructor.
ACTIVIST1234 about 10 years ago
Not so fast, “Prof”. I may have forgotten my own art instructor’s words, but we both create and interpret art based on our own unique senses, experiences, philosophies. A person who has “nothing” has precisely “nothing” to give.*I bet even Mr. Jock has had a childhood and young adulthood filled with lessons learned, memories to stimulate, a life philosophy to share.
seismic-2 Premium Member about 10 years ago
Or do we have analogues of Mr. Jock here, empty vessels into which the person in charge of the strip can pour any sort of drivel he chooses, and they will feel enlightened?
thebigboot about 10 years ago
Stereotypical dumb jock, stereotypical pompous art teacher. Why is this not surprising?
Sisyphos about 10 years ago
Zébo is a sham, a fraud, a true nothing underneath that smoking jacket from the 1930s. If Jock ever figures out how he is being publicly insulted and humiliated, he might just gag the pompous prof with his own foulard….
TORAD_07 about 10 years ago
I feel for your brother’s difficulties. When I taught briefly back in the mid 70’s, it was hard enough not adjusting the scores so that the class mean wasn’t a “D” …
Almost all of our profs “curved” in some fashion. Because if they turned in that class mean of “D,” it would be their arse… It often put pressure on the smart kids in the class not to score so well, as they’d mess up the curve (and, more importantly, the “distribution”) for the jocks.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member about 10 years ago
What a pretentious arse.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 10 years ago
“Those who can, do.Those who can’t, teach.”.The saying is well known, but some can both and do.Others COULD do until disabling problems stopped them but they still know and can share their knowledge.
ACTIVIST1234 about 10 years ago
Check out “Calvin and Hobbes” today. Even at six, Calvin has something to say.
dirtdawg about 10 years ago
Losing interest in this stripe fast!!!!
drewpamon about 10 years ago
I had a finance professor in College for whom the class average (for all his classes for as long as he had taught the class) was around the 20% range. He would then Curve that up to a C. It always seemed like a flawed system to me.
Cattus99 about 10 years ago
Luann in first frame = ‘Zombie Luann’
Cattus99 about 10 years ago
I would have loved it if Zebo always referred to himself in the third person. As in: “Zebo wants you all to be a void like Zebo is.” It’s the ultimate in pretentiousness.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 10 years ago
I would like “Mr Jock” to take Zébo apart……intellectually.Any bets on Evans staying with making fun of people’s outward appearance, or will he throw us a curve ball?
2Goldfish about 10 years ago
How did mr. Jock get into college?
Ginny Premium Member about 10 years ago
Creep. Nothing worse than a know-it-all teacher who makes fun of students…
capricorn9th about 10 years ago
I think Zebo is insulting the class, especially Mr. Jock
locake about 10 years ago
Jock had better be that student’s last name. He knows the last names of other students and he certainly wouldn’t keep him job for long if he was actually insulting the students like that.
Argy.Bargy2 about 10 years ago
-He is so full of-I was thinking of something else, myself….
atomicdog about 10 years ago
Has anyone noticed that every single new instructor and student character that Evans has introduced so far has been portrayed to be absolutely worthless?
atomicdog about 10 years ago
You must not be a fan of Mst3k or Rifftrax, then.
seismic-2 Premium Member about 10 years ago
> What if this guy isn’t an athlete, but rather his last name is Jock? He’s only been referred to as Mr. Jock, so it’s likely that’s his actual last name.>His first name is “Jacques”.
Argy.Bargy2 about 10 years ago
and @wrwallaceii-Let’s truly extend this to 2015:-Those who can teach are leaving the profession;-Those who haven’t a clue are passing laws and requiring constant tests to evaluate the profession…
montylc2001 about 10 years ago
Jock reminds me of a joke someone once told me: In every class there is always that one guy that could play with his chest hair in 3rd grade elementary.
seismic-2 Premium Member about 10 years ago
For all we know, Mr. Jock may turn out to be by far the most talented artist in the class. People are jumping to conclusions.
imbaldeagle about 10 years ago
Cheer Up, you can always serve as a bad example.
ACTIVIST1234 about 10 years ago
Oh, just wait. Mr. Jock is going to defy stereotypes and surprise us. We’ll find he is actually a physics major with a minor in music education.
atomicdog about 10 years ago
I enjoy the How It Should Have Ended series on YouTube. Every artistic endeavor, good or bad, is not above being snaked on.
atomicdog about 10 years ago
MST3000: The Movie – Normal View! HD:
Mst3k has also snarked on This Island Earth, universally regarded as a SciFi classic.
ACTIVIST1234 about 10 years ago
“A sniper rifle vs. a P90 .”*Dave 53— Thanks for the heads up. Remind me not to do coffee with you. ;)
atomicdog about 10 years ago
I had a friend in college who was a linebacker on the football team and an art major. His dorm room was always covered with drawings and paintings he was working on.
ACTIVIST1234 about 10 years ago
“I might guess that Mr. Jock’s room at home is similar – his walls full of petroglyphs he is working on…”*BS – That explains it! Those cave pictures ARE modern art works, drawn by 1st year college comic characters! See, the world is only 456 years old after all. :)
atomicdog about 10 years ago
That is so full of win.
seismic-2 Premium Member about 10 years ago
Perhaps after Mr. Jock completes his studies in art at Pitt CC, he will try his hand at creating comic strips. Maybe he can think of more interesting and life-changing experiences for a character who travels to Peru than Greg Evans was able to do.
wrwallaceii about 10 years ago
Or…Those who can, do.Those who can’t, teach; manage.Those that can’t manage work for the government.
Argy.Bargy2 about 10 years ago
I was in grade and high school long before their were teacher unions, and we took tests called the ‘Metropolitans’ at the end of each year. The tests measured not what the students could cram into their heads during memorizing sessions, but how we could solve problems. (There would be a brief story, and we then had to answer questions about it; reasoning and logic played a role.)-Those tests were part of what was used to decide whether we moved up to the next grade or not (homework, short quizzes and class performance also counted.) And before we ended up in high school, we had ‘skills’ tests that helped counselors decide whether we should follow a ‘general’ curriculum, an ‘academic’ (college-oriented’)curriculum, a ‘business’ curriculum (mostly business math and accounting, but, for the girls of course, typing and shorthand) or the ‘mechanical/home ec’ curriculum (shop and machine type classes for boys, home ec and cooking for girls. Like boys would always have Mom to feed them…)-As simplistic as all that seems, it makes more sense to me than the stuff shoved down kids throats in Florida now (thank you Jeb Bush) and nationally, where kids are pressured to memorize and regurgitate a series of facts every few weeks. -If the kids fail, they are held back, but that is what is used to decide if the teachers fail. And that’s why so many good people are leaving that profession.-I had two aunts and four cousins who taught. They all had to deal with kids who came to school hungry, or who had to work part time to keep a roof over the family’s head, or took care of their younger sibs, or lived in shelters. And those kids may have wanted to do well in school, but always lagged behind.-If you prefer to believe that this means the teachers are totally to blame, you are simply part of the effort that dates back to colonial times to eliminate publicly funded schools. -It is no ‘theory’ that kids from poorer conditions can struggle more in school than those from stable homes. And blaming that on teachers makes as much sense as throwing all your food away and then complaining that you’re starving.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 10 years ago
“It means “good surroundings” the opposite of “eugenics” which means “good birth” which is still out there and believed. ".Irrelevant unless you are proposing taking the children away from their homes and families to improve their surroundings..For the moment, let’s just check variables we can improve without breaking up families. Are the children with free breakfast and free lunch performing better??You can try out the income improvement if you think it will help.
boldyuma about 10 years ago
Knute Rockney all american…still just a clelft chinned nut for como9c fodder..
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 10 years ago
Later this week:
TORAD_07 about 10 years ago
I am very much against the proven poor record of teaching to the corporate test. A poor way of education.
I’m much in favor of curricula and teaching methods that stress “thinking, synthesizing and problem solving…” not simply a recitation of facts (which is what I found, mostly, in the public school systems).. It’s not enough to know the facts… it’s being able to put them to good use to solve problems.
Take History, for example. In the public HS, I’d be asked test questions like,“In what year did this happen?” Seriously? In the private school I went to (and graduated from), History test questions would go something like this. You’d be given a statement by some prominent Historian, and then be asked to “Assess the validity of the statement.” Even biology questions were designed to make you think. A favorite were “structure related to function” questions (i.e. "How is the structure of this tissue, organ, system, etc. related to its function)?
In one case, when studying the nervous system, my AP biology teacher (who was also one of the track coaches) came to class to deliver the test. He was unusually fidgety that day. He checked, double checked and triple checked the attendance records for that day, verifying that all in the class were “present and accounted for.” After verifying, he comes out with the test papers in his hand. He says, “We’ll get started with the test in a minute, but first……” *BLAM…BLAM…BLAM!!!.
He had pulled out one of his track “starter pistols” and shot it at us! 8-O The test question… “Describe all the nervous system responses your body just did, given what happened.” Be sure to include visual and auditory responses, olfactory sensations, hormonal reactions, etc. etc."
Of course, he’d be fired for cause if he did that today, but…. this is the kind of dedication these teachers had. I wish public education teachers could do that.
notbornyesterday about 10 years ago
Being an athlete doesn’t mean you’re stupid..what a lame stereotype
RSH about 10 years ago
Hopefully this plot thread is just picking up where Luann left off (before the Peru episode) in her search for a major and a career direction. I don’t think (as other have) that any of these Pitts Community College instructors are here to stay (as strip characters). Even Mr. Fogarty and Miss Phelps are gone now that they no longer serve a purpose.
Airman about 10 years ago
Instructor Bozo is a little over the top for a community college.
31768 about 10 years ago
he’s getting an “A” on that class.
JayBluE about 10 years ago
“Brought to you by”… – ‘Reign On’ Parade Supplies…