The reality is that not only does Elly (or any wife with a part-time outside job) do a lot of work around the house to make sure food is on the table on time, clean clothes are available as needed, people don’t need to wade through dog hair, bugs don’t invade piles of debris left on the floors, and kids arrive where the need to be, but she has to juggle that around a work schedule. -So, yeah, John’s remark is an oink.
I guess I’ll not try to defend John today…I caught enough grief for yesterday’s comment. I like this comic and understand Lynn to a degree, but occasionally someone has to come to John’s defense. I still stand by what I said yesterday…..attitude is everything.
I don’t know how much longer I can read this comic – I was curious where the new line was going to go – apparently downhill. degrading women, or men for that matter, is not funny.
I have always considered a stay at home parent (mom or dad) more like being self employed, they don’t have a boss telling them what to do so they are considered to have a bit more freedom than being in the work place, however they still have to listen to their customers and take care of them. As such they often work as much as on the job or more.
only in this case the children are the customers and need to be taken care of, and you don’t get paid money you get paid later on in life by having responsible decent children.
I found out the hard way that unless the person assaulted presses charges, the assaulter does not go to jail. I can’t see John pressing charges, no matter how chauvinistic he was in those days.
I know this is intended as a joke, for a chuckle. Having been a homemaker for around 5 years as not to spend my income on daycare, I know my work was a lot more than my husband did at work. Homemaking IS work. And amazing that there are women who work AND go home to continue working at home. During John’s time, men go home only to sit around and relax as was expected of his gender. If Elly were working, she would still come home to cook dinner, watch the kids, clean up the kitchen, supervise kids’s baths and bedtimes. John? Nothing but watch TV and eat dinner.
I love it!! I always wonder if I’m the only one that thinks this way. And, I never am! I used to buy these comic books and others for my daughter to encourage her to read (and it did). She developed her love for reading around the 4th grade. Now a 3rd grade teacher!! I believe I read that this particular comic is similar to Lynn’s own life! I would be sorry for her if it were true. No wife who chooses to stay at home and raise her children deserves to hear these type of chauvinistic comments. Kudos to those who choose to or have to work outside the home and still raise their children.
This is it: the last of this strip I will ever read…. I can’t stand John. I really can’t. I really don’t like these characters enough to continue caring what happens to them on a daily basis.
Baarorso almost 10 years ago
Why John Patterson, you chauvinist PIG! You don’t consider what Elle does around the house WORK?
Argythree almost 10 years ago
The reality is that not only does Elly (or any wife with a part-time outside job) do a lot of work around the house to make sure food is on the table on time, clean clothes are available as needed, people don’t need to wade through dog hair, bugs don’t invade piles of debris left on the floors, and kids arrive where the need to be, but she has to juggle that around a work schedule. -So, yeah, John’s remark is an oink.
Can't Sleep almost 10 years ago
John never was the sharpest crayon in the box.
lightenup Premium Member almost 10 years ago
So you both work hard… can’t that just be acknowledged and both parties properly appreciated?
Strider Premium Member almost 10 years ago
I think someone is about to get smacked on the back of the head.
Egrayjames almost 10 years ago
I guess I’ll not try to defend John today…I caught enough grief for yesterday’s comment. I like this comic and understand Lynn to a degree, but occasionally someone has to come to John’s defense. I still stand by what I said yesterday…..attitude is everything.
Ikemeister almost 10 years ago
OMG people! It’s a comic strip! Can’t you just have a chuckle over an obvious joke?
debx2 almost 10 years ago
Having been both a stay at home Mom and a 9 to 5 wage earner, I can tell you that the position of Mom is much harder.
poodles27 almost 10 years ago
Oh yeah try being a housewife for a week and see if it’s not working John, you chauvinistic Pig!
drdougsteward almost 10 years ago
You did it quite well!!!
ahnk_2000 almost 10 years ago
John’s daily routine: Open mouth “A”, insert foot “B”. Repeat.
catmom5 almost 10 years ago
I don’t know how much longer I can read this comic – I was curious where the new line was going to go – apparently downhill. degrading women, or men for that matter, is not funny.
Guilty Bystander almost 10 years ago
I doubt if she was a multimillionaire in the 1980’s…book royalties probably weren’t close to what they are now.
angelfiredragon almost 10 years ago
I have always considered a stay at home parent (mom or dad) more like being self employed, they don’t have a boss telling them what to do so they are considered to have a bit more freedom than being in the work place, however they still have to listen to their customers and take care of them. As such they often work as much as on the job or more.
only in this case the children are the customers and need to be taken care of, and you don’t get paid money you get paid later on in life by having responsible decent children.
Whimsical Cats almost 10 years ago
As she tells the next appointments — “The doctor will see you after he gets his broken jaw fixed.”
JanLC almost 10 years ago
I found out the hard way that unless the person assaulted presses charges, the assaulter does not go to jail. I can’t see John pressing charges, no matter how chauvinistic he was in those days.
whiteaj almost 10 years ago
OK Lynn. We get the point. How many times do you have to ram it down our throat?
9thCapricorn almost 10 years ago
I know this is intended as a joke, for a chuckle. Having been a homemaker for around 5 years as not to spend my income on daycare, I know my work was a lot more than my husband did at work. Homemaking IS work. And amazing that there are women who work AND go home to continue working at home. During John’s time, men go home only to sit around and relax as was expected of his gender. If Elly were working, she would still come home to cook dinner, watch the kids, clean up the kitchen, supervise kids’s baths and bedtimes. John? Nothing but watch TV and eat dinner.
bernerlover almost 10 years ago
I love it!! I always wonder if I’m the only one that thinks this way. And, I never am! I used to buy these comic books and others for my daughter to encourage her to read (and it did). She developed her love for reading around the 4th grade. Now a 3rd grade teacher!! I believe I read that this particular comic is similar to Lynn’s own life! I would be sorry for her if it were true. No wife who chooses to stay at home and raise her children deserves to hear these type of chauvinistic comments. Kudos to those who choose to or have to work outside the home and still raise their children.
Ed Brault Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Aaaannnd THAT’S when the fight started!
or…And THAT, Your Honor, is when I hit him!
slsharris almost 10 years ago
I remember the original arc. Hated it back then and hate the recycled version…
Sheila Hardie almost 10 years ago
This is it: the last of this strip I will ever read…. I can’t stand John. I really can’t. I really don’t like these characters enough to continue caring what happens to them on a daily basis.
westny77 almost 10 years ago
Well John looks like you be sleeping over at Ted’s tonight.
slsharris almost 10 years ago
She should have divorced him years ago…