Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for March 22, 2015

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    BE THIS GUY  almost 10 years ago

    First, they are Daddy-boys and Alex will have to accept that.Second, one is clearly smarter than the other.

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    George Alexander  almost 10 years ago

    They’ve grown! Classy family. Thanks, GT.

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    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Yow. Bet THAT wasn’t covered in any of the Dr. Spock books.

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    cdward  almost 10 years ago

    For what it’s worth, most boys after about the age of 5 spend more time trying to emulate their dads. That’s just developmental progression. They still love their moms, but they shift their focus. Second, I saw nothing in leftwingpatriot’s comment to suggest criticism of Alex. Third, one of the boys does seem a little quicker on the uptake.

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  5. Formal cat
    JusSayin  almost 10 years ago

    As Doonesbury only runs new strips on Sunday, I may have missed a month of Sundays. Are these boys twins? Did Trudeau jump the entire arc ahead five years, or just Alex and Toggle, and the children? Are both children boys? It’s hard to tell because some parents keep little girls’ hair short, to avoid problems with tangles, gum, ice cream and kittens.

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    sarazan7  almost 10 years ago

    It is hard to follow when you only have 1 new strip a week and 6 reruns for the rest.

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    JLG Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. It’s great to see this little family, but JEESH. Those boys are much bigger than they should be. They were only born in 2013, I think. They’re not even two, yet! Here, they appear to be about five, at the least! They’ve age-jumped.Doonesbury may be a soap opera strip, but this is taking the “soap opera” part a little too far!

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    ladykat Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    It’s nice to see a new strip with Alex, Toggle and the boys, criticism from the peanut gallery notwithstanding.

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    felinefan55 Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    It hasn’t even been 2 years. With all of the flashback strips it seems like Garry normally does not time jump. I’m happy to see Alex & Toggle again. The way the birth of the twins happened was funny, but then poof nothing. We got a week of useless Jeff & then reruns. At the time it saddened me that Garry didn’t show the aftermath of Alex giving birth at graduation.

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    meillered  almost 10 years ago

    As the great politician Pat Paulson was famous for saying, “picky, picky, picky.” Just enjoy the strip.

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    Sarge56  almost 10 years ago

    I think this is Trudeau’s swan song. The repeats are giving us the chronological overview while the Sunday strips are wrapping things up. When the repeats catch up to the Sunday strips, it will be a nicely wrapped goodbye.

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    JeNagVaz  almost 10 years ago

    This is just wrong! I was looking forward to twin toddlerhood a la Alex! Especially after seeing the classic strips of her parents’ courtship.

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  almost 10 years ago

    Avoid war unless you want to speak funny(and this assumes you survive).

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  14. Mrnatural
    zenguyuno  almost 10 years ago

    I believe they are fraternal twins. One has Alex’s nose & hair color, the other has dad’s nose & hair color.

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    Kip W  almost 10 years ago

    Seeing the recent-ish daily quoted reminds me how much I miss fresh daily strips, much as I like the selected reruns. The rhythm of the dailies seems tighter, and the little touches add up faster.

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    montanalrc Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Bummed that the kids grew up so quick…not in front of our eyes…

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    Godfreydaniel  almost 10 years ago

    Trudeau has a long history of pretty fluid time in his strip but I feel like this time-jump is counter-productive. Lots of laughs can be head with “talking” babies, after all.

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    warester  almost 10 years ago

    Doonesbury nose out, toggle nose is in.

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    Gokie5  almost 10 years ago

    Today’s strip is marvelous! Thanks, Garry!

    I don’t think that Jeff’s irritating personality was necessarily caused by Joanie’s “bad parenting.” From what I’ve observed, given a minimal level of nurturing, often kids turn out however they’re going to turn out, no matter what.

    I’ve also observed that indeed boys try to mimic their fathers. When my grandson was ten months old, a picture of him in his Infanseat or whatever you call it shows him trying to assume a “tough” expression like his dad. When his voice changed, he sounded exactly like his dad, give or take.

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    braindead Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    The invasion of Iraq. The gift that keeps on giving. Eternal thanks to The Decider and The Dick.

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    ChrisV  almost 10 years ago

    Wow, they’re still together? Lasted longer than I thought they would!

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    Asharah  almost 10 years ago

    Very precocious considering they were born in June 2013, less than 2 years ago.

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  23. Cathy aack Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    It’s nice to see the boys, I too would have liked to see a little toddlerhood. Also would be nice to know what Alex is up to since graduation. I can see where the boys would emulate their father, but I don’t see Alex having a problem with that in this strip. I’m simply amazed that commenters feel a need to “hate” comic characters — really? — that just seems a little strong to me.

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    JusSayin  almost 10 years ago

    Thanks to all for the clarification and date of the strip of the twins’ nativity.

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