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Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for April 08, 2015
April 07, 2015
April 09, 2015
Quill: "I forgot- did you say one finger means yes and two fingers mean no?"
Quill: "ok, good, 'cuz I have a question: Wanna come to New York with me this summer"
Quill: "Is that ten yeses or five noes?"
Qulll is ”Draggin’ net” and Luann is “hooked”! She’s so jazzed, she answers yes with ”Three Bops” of her hands, plus more…..-Stunt shots of Luann in mask were done by “Pruneface”…….
“Digital Display” “A Handsome Reply”“Coup de Plaster” “The Apple Of Her Eye”“A Ten, Shunned?”“Digital Confirmation”“A Goth(ham) Girl”“No Sign Of Languish”Or“She Is The Walrus”
Careful with those signals, Luann. One finger means yes, you’ll go to New York.. Two fingers mean no, you’ll stay here. Ten fingers mean you want to go to Peru instead. (You’ll come back a changed person, we’re told.)
Is tomorrow’s strip the one where Quill has trouble getting the mask off Luann’s face, causing her to walk around blind and breathing through straws until she can stand in the shower long enough to melt it off?
And if Frank and Nancy aren’t around, will Quill help in the shower?
Quill will be an intern in NY, right? So he will need a roommate who has an actual job, to pay the bills. I hope NYC has a Weenie World franchise for Luann to start in on her career in fast food service!
I like answer “d”. They can have a ridiculous non-romance, and Luann can somehow get a free ride home on a tour bus. Afterwards, she refuses to shave her legs.
He must go to New York because that’s the only place with theaters to workshop his musical in the entire country, thanks to the inexplicably poor planning of the Moony U. drama department.
“Okay, I understand the reason for the hand signals, but why can’t Luann just simply nod or shake her head for yes or no?”^I think I can answer that one… if the pasty, mushy, oatmeal like gloop has to harden, then she has to keep still, so that it can set. She might look like a California Raisin, but that stuff has to stay in place, to come out right. Though as has been mentioned several times, a lot of important steps were already “skipped”, proceedurally….
“Summer, Come Along, Eh?”“Straw Vote”^And maybe add to that, “Meme For A Summer Place” (♫)_ “Summer, Come Along, Eh?”“Straw Vote”_
Gunther didn’t have a problem with coming up for money for Peru, and watch Luann won’t have a problem coming up with Money for this. Not like Quill could bring her as his assistant but knowing Evans she’ll find a super special art thing to give her money and ask her to go to NY.
Gunther didn’t have a problem with coming up for money for Peru, and watch Luann won’t have a problem coming up with Money for this. Not like Quill could bring her as his assistant but knowing Evans she’ll find a super special art thing to give her money and ask her to go to NY.
I’m wondering if this is the vehicle to create a little space in the strip for Brad & Toni’s wedding. With Lu and Q in NY for the summer, they can focus on Brad and Toni’s wedding and their “settling down,” afterwards. It might also be helpful to settle some other things like TJ and whatever’s going to happen between Bern and Dez and co. Or, if anything will happen with Frank/Nancy, with a “semi” empty-nest.
Ooooh! Luann and Quill, alone together in the Big Apple! Now there’s an adventure in so many ways!—If, of curse, Frank and Nancy permit it. Our little girl is growing up so fast!
They don’t need a vehicle, though. We spent months with Gunther and Rosa, taking only very short breaks to see what others were doing. If Evans wants to focus on Brad/Toni, he need only do it.
But you must admit, having Lu & Q in NY makes things much more facilitated.
I don’t believe TJ will ever be settled, he’s a Deus Ex Machina.
Short Term settling. TJ will need a place to live once Brad & Toni get married. I’d think that Brad and Toni will take over the Horner House and pay rent to Frank & Nancy. Perhaps TJ will rent Toni’s old apt., or build some kind of living quarters in the warehouse.
That got resolved. We met Dez, she’s different, and Bernice likes her more than Luann.
Are we sure? I get the impression that Bern is still quite undecided in re: Dez’s “eccentricities.” I don’t think that’s completely resolved, yet.
LOL, and before you say it, there’s probably a way around the “logistical issues” with swapping places…..– Such as a private landlord for Toni’s place (vs. renting from a commercial leasing company) who wouldn’t mind, so long as rent was paid up and rental history was clean. Ironically, for a schemer, TJ may have pretty good credit…
Before Quill walked in the door, did we know that he was going to New York this summer? More to the point, did Luann??? Given how possessive she has been of his even spending time in Pitt pursuing acting rather than courting her, it’s hard to imagine that she had agreed to Quill’s going to NYC to work in the theater business and leaving her behind. So is this whole New York adventure, not just his invitation to take her along, a complete surprise to Luann today?
I sadly have to admit that now I yawn whenever Quill is present. I tried for the longest time to enjoy his character, but alas, I now admit defeat. I hope Quill goes to New York WITHOUT Luann, so we may see her in other arcs.
Ship Quill off to NYC, and let Luann attend the summer semester at Pitt CC or get a job here at home. Either way, she will meet new people, and that would make the strip more interesting than a trip to the big city would. What would Luann do there – answer telephones for some doctor’s office, or gather sticks and rake up rocks in Central Park?
Ooh, I hope they both go to New York this summer. That would be a great story line. I can see them at the Statue of Liberty and maybe Shakespeare in the Park. Yes, please!
Dave…. is there any hope for Quill? I cannot say there is NONE, but his case of being comedically challenged seems to be a terminal case. For Quill to become more “interesting” as a character, I think there may be need for some rather RADICAL surgery. I would personally suggest that he somehow be separated from Luann and Gunther….. in both roles he has been a rather mimimally interesting “sidekick”. To “jump start” his character, I think he needs to do something more substantial. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Initially I was going to say he needed to do something more dramatic…. but then realized… hell… he is a drama (theater) major already. :) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Perhaps an interesting way that Greg could potentially make Quill more interesting as a character would be to have him become a character that becomes more ISOLATED. I know it sounds a bit silly perhaps, but what if we started to learn more about Quill as a character through a series of quiet, contemplative soliloquies from Quill himself…. maybe fairly heavy, psychological soliloquies? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Again, these are just general ruminations I am have while having a pipe break between classes.
I can’t see any point in “redeeming” Quill by making him interesting. He was Luann’s high School boyfriend, and they were steadies for two academic years, so he’s already served his purpose in the strip of showing that Luann can be “serious” about one guy for an extended time. Since they’ve both graduated and they go to separate schools, clearly now it’s time for them both to move on (and apart). Let Luann find some new romantic interests at Pitt CC, and let Quill accept some wonderful job offer at a new dinner theater back home in Sydney. G’day, Q-man!
And who knows how much the bill was for Gunther and Rosa to stay in that luxury hotel in Lima, all the while that Uncle Leo was in Europe. It doesn’t matter. If Frank can rent a warehouse and turn it into a nightclub for $60K, then basically money is meaningless in this strip.
I suspect this is in fact the first time he has let Luann know he is planning to go to NYC this summer. I base this belief on the fact that he is still alive.
Note that just a few panels ago, Quill was informing the deGroots that he “applied” for a summer internship. It’s not a done deal as yet.
I guess if Greg/Karen see any humor potential in them taking that trip to NY together, somehow, Quill will get accepted into that internship…. ;-) He might get accepted anyway… if that’s the vehicle to break them up, as well.
“…Not all can be “zany” after all !”^Quill doesn’t have to be “zany”, no. But… he barely even “registers” when it comes to “presence”, except as a “support” for either Luann or Gunther. In effect, he displays zero flaws. One doesn’t have to be “over the top” to have flaws….you yourself dislike Delta, and she isn’t “wacky”, at all! Bern is pessimistic and sometimes a tad insecure, but she’s not “zany”…
And don’t forget transportation costs in NY! – Even with the Metro card system (bus, train), one hopes that they don’t have to go too many stops.
Horner lives in a retirement home now, and Frank bought her house. So I would think that Greg has her “riding off into the sunset” without having to deal with that, one way or another….that is, probably it’s “reader’s choice”, as in what has happened to her. Or if you think about it, once they helped her move out, that was her “retirement party” in exiting the strip….
Greg said that there’d be some “trauma” on the way to B and T’s wedding. Do you suppose that means that Mrs. Horner might die?
No, I don’t think that’s the “drama and trauma” to which Greg referred. As Jay says, Ms. Horner sold the house to Frank & Nancy. She’s out of this particular picture.
I think the drama and trauma will, somehow, involve Brad & Toni themselves, and/or Lu, or something that puts a wrench in the works of the ceremony (like a “general alarm” fire call). Or, perhaps, something in re: Shannon and a potential adoption (or a custody fight for her)… something like that. Ultimately, I do think Brad and Toni will marry, eventually, but it might be a bit bumpier road and take longer than anticipated or desired.
Templo S.U.D. almost 10 years ago
Luann’s speechless.
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
Qulll is ”Draggin’ net” and Luann is “hooked”! She’s so jazzed, she answers yes with ”Three Bops” of her hands, plus more…..-Stunt shots of Luann in mask were done by “Pruneface”…….
Mordock999 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Ohhhhhhh, O-Kay, Q-Ball.
But Poppa Frank is coming along with a Cattle Prod to “Chaperone.”
krys723 almost 10 years ago
That’s an interesting time to ask somebody if they want to come to New York…
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
“Digital Display” “A Handsome Reply”“Coup de Plaster” “The Apple Of Her Eye”“A Ten, Shunned?”“Digital Confirmation”“A Goth(ham) Girl”“No Sign Of Languish”Or“She Is The Walrus”
ShagsCA almost 10 years ago
Oh, come now…
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
And there’s enough “porridge” in there to have some for breakfast…with some fruit in it…
seismic-2 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Careful with those signals, Luann. One finger means yes, you’ll go to New York.. Two fingers mean no, you’ll stay here. Ten fingers mean you want to go to Peru instead. (You’ll come back a changed person, we’re told.)
kenhense almost 10 years ago
Sounds like it will be a Full Service relationship if they go to NY together.
Airman almost 10 years ago
DoesDick Tracy realize that “Pruneface” is hiding out in Luann’s house?
Kymberleigh almost 10 years ago
Is tomorrow’s strip the one where Quill has trouble getting the mask off Luann’s face, causing her to walk around blind and breathing through straws until she can stand in the shower long enough to melt it off?
And if Frank and Nancy aren’t around, will Quill help in the shower?
seismic-2 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Quill will be an intern in NY, right? So he will need a roommate who has an actual job, to pay the bills. I hope NYC has a Weenie World franchise for Luann to start in on her career in fast food service!
SactoSylvia almost 10 years ago
sniff our little Luann is growing up! sniff
38lowell almost 10 years ago
Skababa almost 10 years ago
You know, I was worried the paper mache would take off her eyebrows, but now I see that they are free range eyebrows and I needn’t have worried.
dre7861 almost 10 years ago
I guessing its 10 yeses!
Boy Luann is a beauty today. Now that’s love!
Caldonia almost 10 years ago
I like answer “d”. They can have a ridiculous non-romance, and Luann can somehow get a free ride home on a tour bus. Afterwards, she refuses to shave her legs.
Caldonia almost 10 years ago
She did! He just don’t care!
Caldonia almost 10 years ago
He must go to New York because that’s the only place with theaters to workshop his musical in the entire country, thanks to the inexplicably poor planning of the Moony U. drama department.
Pointspread almost 10 years ago
So is Luann giving him the finger?
SpicyNacho Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Good thing she is only a comic character, or I would worry all day.
Doctor Go almost 10 years ago
No this means give us a smooches.
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen almost 10 years ago
“Take me, I’m yours.”
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
Ha ha, thanks!!!!!
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
“Okay, I understand the reason for the hand signals, but why can’t Luann just simply nod or shake her head for yes or no?”^I think I can answer that one… if the pasty, mushy, oatmeal like gloop has to harden, then she has to keep still, so that it can set. She might look like a California Raisin, but that stuff has to stay in place, to come out right. Though as has been mentioned several times, a lot of important steps were already “skipped”, proceedurally….
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
“Summer, Come Along, Eh?”“Straw Vote”^And maybe add to that, “Meme For A Summer Place” (♫)_ “Summer, Come Along, Eh?”“Straw Vote”_
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
Well, I wonder if it will be a matter of telling people her “good news”, while she is stuck in the mask….
thebigboot almost 10 years ago
Gunther didn’t have a problem with coming up for money for Peru, and watch Luann won’t have a problem coming up with Money for this. Not like Quill could bring her as his assistant but knowing Evans she’ll find a super special art thing to give her money and ask her to go to NY.
thebigboot almost 10 years ago
Gunther didn’t have a problem with coming up for money for Peru, and watch Luann won’t have a problem coming up with Money for this. Not like Quill could bring her as his assistant but knowing Evans she’ll find a super special art thing to give her money and ask her to go to NY.
TORAD_07 almost 10 years ago
I’m wondering if this is the vehicle to create a little space in the strip for Brad & Toni’s wedding. With Lu and Q in NY for the summer, they can focus on Brad and Toni’s wedding and their “settling down,” afterwards. It might also be helpful to settle some other things like TJ and whatever’s going to happen between Bern and Dez and co. Or, if anything will happen with Frank/Nancy, with a “semi” empty-nest.
Lots of possibilities, here.
Sisyphos almost 10 years ago
Ooooh! Luann and Quill, alone together in the Big Apple! Now there’s an adventure in so many ways!—If, of curse, Frank and Nancy permit it. Our little girl is growing up so fast!
terry almost 10 years ago
Go, not come.
TORAD_07 almost 10 years ago
They don’t need a vehicle, though. We spent months with Gunther and Rosa, taking only very short breaks to see what others were doing. If Evans wants to focus on Brad/Toni, he need only do it.
But you must admit, having Lu & Q in NY makes things much more facilitated.
I don’t believe TJ will ever be settled, he’s a Deus Ex Machina.
Short Term settling. TJ will need a place to live once Brad & Toni get married. I’d think that Brad and Toni will take over the Horner House and pay rent to Frank & Nancy. Perhaps TJ will rent Toni’s old apt., or build some kind of living quarters in the warehouse.
That got resolved. We met Dez, she’s different, and Bernice likes her more than Luann.
Are we sure? I get the impression that Bern is still quite undecided in re: Dez’s “eccentricities.” I don’t think that’s completely resolved, yet.
ACTIVIST1234 almost 10 years ago
This is going to be a spooky death mask, with the model portraying—- happiness,- disgust-joyall while the mask is drying. Should be a smear.
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
LOL, and before you say it, there’s probably a way around the “logistical issues” with swapping places…..– Such as a private landlord for Toni’s place (vs. renting from a commercial leasing company) who wouldn’t mind, so long as rent was paid up and rental history was clean. Ironically, for a schemer, TJ may have pretty good credit…
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
Good one!!! – Also puts me in mind of “Enjoy The Silence” (Depeche Mode)…
David Rickard Premium Member almost 10 years ago
I think that’s “The straws slipped & I’m suffocating!”Of course, that’s just my wishful thinking, I could be wrong.
seismic-2 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Before Quill walked in the door, did we know that he was going to New York this summer? More to the point, did Luann??? Given how possessive she has been of his even spending time in Pitt pursuing acting rather than courting her, it’s hard to imagine that she had agreed to Quill’s going to NYC to work in the theater business and leaving her behind. So is this whole New York adventure, not just his invitation to take her along, a complete surprise to Luann today?
Pipe Tobacco Premium Member almost 10 years ago
I sadly have to admit that now I yawn whenever Quill is present. I tried for the longest time to enjoy his character, but alas, I now admit defeat. I hope Quill goes to New York WITHOUT Luann, so we may see her in other arcs.
harkherp almost 10 years ago
If she could make it there, she’ll make it anywhere, New York, New York….New York!!!!!
seismic-2 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Ship Quill off to NYC, and let Luann attend the summer semester at Pitt CC or get a job here at home. Either way, she will meet new people, and that would make the strip more interesting than a trip to the big city would. What would Luann do there – answer telephones for some doctor’s office, or gather sticks and rake up rocks in Central Park?
seismic-2 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Nothing interesting will happen in NYC until the last week, when Luann gets on a tour bus of Manhattan with a bunch of Sun City Senior(ita)s.
Lilikoi70 almost 10 years ago
Ooh, I hope they both go to New York this summer. That would be a great story line. I can see them at the Statue of Liberty and maybe Shakespeare in the Park. Yes, please!
Jim Kerner almost 10 years ago
Looks like Q’s got Lu right where she wants him.
Pipe Tobacco Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Dave…. is there any hope for Quill? I cannot say there is NONE, but his case of being comedically challenged seems to be a terminal case. For Quill to become more “interesting” as a character, I think there may be need for some rather RADICAL surgery. I would personally suggest that he somehow be separated from Luann and Gunther….. in both roles he has been a rather mimimally interesting “sidekick”. To “jump start” his character, I think he needs to do something more substantial. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Initially I was going to say he needed to do something more dramatic…. but then realized… hell… he is a drama (theater) major already. :) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Perhaps an interesting way that Greg could potentially make Quill more interesting as a character would be to have him become a character that becomes more ISOLATED. I know it sounds a bit silly perhaps, but what if we started to learn more about Quill as a character through a series of quiet, contemplative soliloquies from Quill himself…. maybe fairly heavy, psychological soliloquies? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Again, these are just general ruminations I am have while having a pipe break between classes.
seismic-2 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
I can’t see any point in “redeeming” Quill by making him interesting. He was Luann’s high School boyfriend, and they were steadies for two academic years, so he’s already served his purpose in the strip of showing that Luann can be “serious” about one guy for an extended time. Since they’ve both graduated and they go to separate schools, clearly now it’s time for them both to move on (and apart). Let Luann find some new romantic interests at Pitt CC, and let Quill accept some wonderful job offer at a new dinner theater back home in Sydney. G’day, Q-man!
seismic-2 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
And who knows how much the bill was for Gunther and Rosa to stay in that luxury hotel in Lima, all the while that Uncle Leo was in Europe. It doesn’t matter. If Frank can rent a warehouse and turn it into a nightclub for $60K, then basically money is meaningless in this strip.
seismic-2 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
I suspect this is in fact the first time he has let Luann know he is planning to go to NYC this summer. I base this belief on the fact that he is still alive.
TORAD_07 almost 10 years ago
Note that just a few panels ago, Quill was informing the deGroots that he “applied” for a summer internship. It’s not a done deal as yet.
I guess if Greg/Karen see any humor potential in them taking that trip to NY together, somehow, Quill will get accepted into that internship…. ;-) He might get accepted anyway… if that’s the vehicle to break them up, as well.
Jim Kerner almost 10 years ago
You’re under arrest. And you’re being charged with a 412. A 412! What’s a 412!? Over acting. St. George and the Dragonette. RIP Stan.
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
“Just wondering how they’ll clear it with the ’rents …”^My guess is the story will call for a “divide and conquer” strategy…
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
“…Not all can be “zany” after all !”^Quill doesn’t have to be “zany”, no. But… he barely even “registers” when it comes to “presence”, except as a “support” for either Luann or Gunther. In effect, he displays zero flaws. One doesn’t have to be “over the top” to have flaws….you yourself dislike Delta, and she isn’t “wacky”, at all! Bern is pessimistic and sometimes a tad insecure, but she’s not “zany”…
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
And don’t forget transportation costs in NY! – Even with the Metro card system (bus, train), one hopes that they don’t have to go too many stops.
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
It may not be a done deal, but Rosa didn’t get conformation until grad day. Maybe same thing, at the last minute…
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
Quill seems more “prickly scalp” than “Flattop”, LOL!
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
Yeah, it was the “along” part that “threw me off”. But all the same, I’d still be reminded of “Summer Place”….
Argythree almost 10 years ago
SPOILER ALERT!-Technical difficulties to be faced…
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
Horner lives in a retirement home now, and Frank bought her house. So I would think that Greg has her “riding off into the sunset” without having to deal with that, one way or another….that is, probably it’s “reader’s choice”, as in what has happened to her. Or if you think about it, once they helped her move out, that was her “retirement party” in exiting the strip….
TORAD_07 almost 10 years ago
Greg said that there’d be some “trauma” on the way to B and T’s wedding. Do you suppose that means that Mrs. Horner might die?
No, I don’t think that’s the “drama and trauma” to which Greg referred. As Jay says, Ms. Horner sold the house to Frank & Nancy. She’s out of this particular picture.
I think the drama and trauma will, somehow, involve Brad & Toni themselves, and/or Lu, or something that puts a wrench in the works of the ceremony (like a “general alarm” fire call). Or, perhaps, something in re: Shannon and a potential adoption (or a custody fight for her)… something like that. Ultimately, I do think Brad and Toni will marry, eventually, but it might be a bit bumpier road and take longer than anticipated or desired.
Naldrin about 1 year ago
What if actually one finger meant “no” and two meant “yes”, so Luann was telling Quill he got it wrong? How could he tell it?