Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for March 27, 2015
Ned: So you believe the government always lies to us? Man: Yep. Ned: No matter who's in office? Man: Yep. Ned: So all politicians are dishonest? That's pretty cynical. Man: Ok...are you honest? Ned: Man: So......would you ever run for Congress? Ned: No, but... Man: That leaves what kind of person? Ned: Um......Crazy doesn't always equal dis-honesty, Bob. Man: We're getting closer to a con-sensus, though.
Varnes almost 10 years ago
Mr. Miller I salute you. Take the rest of the day off…You nailed it buddy…
Varnes almost 10 years ago
I see the colorist decided more beer should have been drunk between panel 1 and 2…Urp!
Argythree almost 10 years ago
No,Bob, not yet a consensus. There are plenty of dishonest people who don’t bother to run for office…
Varnes almost 10 years ago
neeeurothrush, point well taken…It’s magic….
Zero-Gabriel almost 10 years ago
Speaking of…“…Crazy doesn’t always equal dishonesty…”Gohmert To FCC: ’You’re Playing God With The Internet!‘Ted Cruz: I’m Like Galileo For Denying Climate Change
Wasn’t (Cuban Canadian) Senator Ted Cruz among the 47 Treasonous Traitor Senators, and now wants to be President of (USA) 2016…?? And was he also AGAINST Obama Care…??Hypocrite Sen. Ted Cruz Joins Obamacare While Condemning It
Salinasong almost 10 years ago
Jesse Unruh: “If you can’t take their money, drink their booze, eat their food, screw their women and vote against them, you don’t belong here (politics).”
phylum almost 10 years ago
remember mr.cruz led the shut down of government with his reading of green eggs and ham that cost us a lower national credit rating..his main motive was to totally repeal Obama care..lets watch as he squirms his way out of why he is now accepting affordable health care..
Arianne almost 10 years ago
Heck, just try telling the truth all the time, and see if people don’t call you crazy.
Say What? Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Generalizations tend to make thinking easier, but not often for the better.
tripwire45 almost 10 years ago
Political parties are irrelevant. They all lie.
kaystari Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Wow, so is this the logical method that is used to determine ‘truth’? No wonder you dont believe in it.
“All elephants are blue. Nellie is blue. Nellie must be an elephant.”
Frankly, I’d rather deal with the politician, who may or may not lie, than someone who uses logic in this way.
pbarnrob almost 10 years ago
It’s become increasingly likely (with occasional exceptions) that anybody who wants the job should not be allowed anywhere near it.A national (or state) lottery, perhaps from I dunno, licensed drivers (who’ve proved they can read, write, and get around the block at least) drafted for ONE term in the lower house. If they don’t blow it, another draft lottery among those for ONE term in the Senate. Then home.A growth industry in auditors – of everything with money.
sbischof almost 10 years ago
I think it might actually be appropriate to say every American politician has had to be dishonest at least once. I specify because there are some places with / used to have non-elected politicians who can sometimes get away with getting in everyone’s face, but here… even if its only about someone’s baby, outfit, or haircut, I’m pretty sure all of them have lied. The reality is most have probably lied about something far bigger, but I’m pretty sure all have lied about something
Dour Scotsman almost 10 years ago
Not so….by voting out a politician who is corrupt, a hypocrit or an ignorant bat poop crazy republican, then those that follow may learn a lesson……….not voting simply lets the most active and crazy minority to sieze control.
Dr_Zinj almost 10 years ago
The difficulty lies in figuring out who the ultimate buyer is. Politicians are outstanding in the field of selling their souls to multiple buyers.
Zero-Gabriel almost 10 years ago
…simply Pray.
Oh-yeah, no kidding, like that’s ever going to go well with a lot of “OTHER” People…
Zero-Gabriel almost 10 years ago
Old Cruz also DID this…Ted Cruz Forces Liberty University Students To Attend His Speech-The Daily Show – Democalypse 2016 – Ted Cruz Is In
dabugger almost 10 years ago
And maybe that is why so few voted. Jefferson was against the so-called ‘two-party’ system. He was right. Present practices shuts out compromise and thwarts good judgement and ethics. Leaving governing to those who can afford the price of the office.
Guilty Bystander almost 10 years ago
I’m just going to vote for whoever is NOT an incumbent (even if it has to be a write-in) because both major parties have sold us all down the river. Whoever thinks one is any less venal than the other has been hitting the Kool-Aid a little too hard but, hey, a tool is a tool.
Charles Haacker Premium Member almost 10 years ago
I know you’ve all heard it, but “How can you tell a politician is lying? His lips are moving.”
gamer2k4 almost 10 years ago
Talk about poor logic. “That leaves what kind of person?” Um…women? Guys without red hair? Senior citizens? People who don’t drink? People without two daughters? Who knows?
You can’t just take one aspect of a person and say, “The opposite of you is a person without this quality.” That’s beyond ridiculous.
Zero-Gabriel almost 10 years ago
Still not convince Ted Cruz is not a Hypocrite just by saying “fallowing the text of the law”?? Get a load of this, pay very close attention to between Time Index 00:29 ~ 01:11 and the rest…Lying Hypocrite: Ted Cruz Wants You To Think He Was Required to Sign Up for Obamacare
vanaals almost 10 years ago
Bob has another reason to distrust the government. The vast majority of those elected are lawyers. He knows the animal.
goweeder almost 10 years ago
“An honest politician………”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Isn’t that an oxymoron?
Banjo Gordy Premium Member almost 10 years ago
It’s not the dishonest or intentionally ignorant politician that is cause for concern, it’s the people who vote them into office that are the problem. Or the people who buy them into office.
arhazade almost 10 years ago
@pbarnrob @Redkaycei RepocIt was Arthur C. Clarke who came up with the idea for drafting people into politics:
“For the last century, almost all top political appointments [on the planet Earth] had been made by random computer selection from the pool of individuals who had the necessary qualifications. It had taken the human race several thousand years to realize that there were some jobs that should never be given to the people who volunteered for them, especially if they showed too much enthusiasm. As one shrewed political commentator had remarked: “We want a President who has to be carried screaming and kicking into the White House — but will then do the best job he possibly can, so that he’ll get time off for good behavior.” —Imperial Earth
You were close on Heinlein, who said, "He’s an honest politician — he stays bought." —Stranger in a Strange Land
matzam Premium Member almost 10 years ago
it don’t think it much matters who is in office. I’m sure many start out with the best of intentions, but the nature of the government beast is a sink hole that drags all down
KEA almost 10 years ago
this is part of the problem – politicians are so thoroughly and widely criticized and vilified that no one in their right mind wants to run for office; vicious circle.
phoenixnyc almost 10 years ago
“Every nation has the government it deserves.”—Joseph de Maistre
calliopejane almost 10 years ago
♥ Elizabeth Warren ♥
Whether or not her principles match yours, you have to admire that she has managed to keep them even in Washington.
echoraven almost 10 years ago
Politics in his work was interesting. In StarShip Troopers only those who served should vote because they understand sacrifice. I alway found that interesting.
dogday Premium Member almost 10 years ago
“Crazy doesn’t equal dishonesty..” No, of course not! There are the crazy politicians, and then there are dishonest politicians. Take yer pick…
strictures almost 10 years ago
I’ll take Martha over any Republican, any day. And she shouldn’t have been charged with a crime, just an administrative mistake & fined, just like all the rest of those who did the same but who weren’t Democrats.
echoraven almost 10 years ago
“Here’s a parable, let’s see if you can get the correlation, …”.Here is a more accurate correlation.Obama: OBEY ME I AM THE MESSIAH!!!Republicans: No you aren’t.Democrats: Praise and glory be to the one true god: Obama.The Democrats attitude could be typified by Harry’s Reid’s remarks when it came to the Republican bill for funding cancer treatment for children “why would we want to do that” (actual words). In other words according to Harry Reid letting children rot with cancer was preferable to going against his messiah.
Say What? Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Depends on who you ask. Stereotypes are often images and generalizations are often statements, but they can work hand-in-hand. And I have seen that meme before.
dflak almost 10 years ago
The United States has the finest politicians money can buy.
NathandeGargoyle almost 10 years ago
Lazarus Long / Robert A. Heinlein IIRC?
Varnes almost 10 years ago
American conservatives have shamed themselves in front of God, their children, and the world…Why they went that way, I don’t know…..It troubles me…
attius9 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
So those who don’t want any government interfering with their individual rights to bully others, steal or use any means to climb over the bodies of masses to get what they want are correct…..Am I understanding you correctly?
Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Government is corrupted by the Big Money that it controls. The less power a government has, the less corruption it is capable of sustaining.
Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 10 years ago
So all caesarians are also banned from office?
hippogriff almost 10 years ago
pbarnrob: The problem with term limits is that it gets rid of the few who actually serve the public, while the tools of the powerful are simply replaced by another tool of the powerful,
Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 10 years ago
The money corrupting government is the money it controls, and its ability to favor one portion of the population or economic sector over another. It is power that corrupts. Money is only an instrument of power. This is why the government is meant to be limited in its power, so that it is less able to cause harm, and strictly prohibited from acting directly against the people it is meant to serve.We have our best lawyers working on ways to give government more power and allow its members to obtain more wealth by use of their power, though.
QuiteDragon almost 10 years ago
“But not a natural born U.S. citizen.”See my above response.