Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for May 01, 2015

  1. Image002
    hsawlrae  almost 10 years ago

    ā€œBURPā€? He can surely do better than that.

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    Itā€™s the eddy around Eddieā€™s burp that drove ā€™em off.

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    phylum  almost 10 years ago

    thank you eddie for being one of usā€¦I mean themā€¦.I meanā€¦oh ā€¦I donā€™t know what I mean..thank you for not being mean..well you know what I meanā€¦

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  4. Out little avatar
    dadoctah  almost 10 years ago

    Doesnā€™t the cafe have one of those signs that says ā€œwe reserve the right to refuse service to anyoneā€?.Or the tongue-in-cheek version that says ā€œwe reserve the right to serve refuse to anyoneā€?

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    Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    What a charming couple.

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    sarazan7  almost 10 years ago

    Glad this oneā€™s over.

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    tripwire45  almost 10 years ago

    Unrealistic caricatures created by editorializing cartoonist to misrepresent real human beings are out the door.

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    Varnes  almost 10 years ago

    Thanks, Millerā€¦.

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    whiteheron  almost 10 years ago

    @hsawlrae.The burp is just a breath of airThat comes from the heart,But when it hits the lower tractIt then becomes a poot.

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    puddlesplatt  almost 10 years ago

    the Burp scared the heck out of them, never hear, or ever did one.

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    puddlesplatt  almost 10 years ago

    is that a gas mask on Paulie?

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    katzenbooks45  almost 10 years ago

    Maybe they confused ā€œlobstahmanā€ with, well, you knowā€¦

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    Dour Scotsman  almost 10 years ago

    Love the gas mask on the Cat :)

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    Can't Sleep  almost 10 years ago

    Considering Capā€™n Eddieā€™s belch cleared the air and the diner, the next coffeeā€™s on me.Must have been some burp. It sent the seagull flapping, and Pauly had to put on a gasmask.(I also like the exclamation point from Eddieā€™s pipe!)

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    dabugger  almost 10 years ago

    Wow, peace at last. Yet wonders what the interloperā€™s little book on ā€˜themā€™ says?

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    Rarely528  almost 10 years ago

    Eddie isnā€™t ā€œusā€ or ā€œthemā€ but ā€œhimā€. ā€œindividualismā€ trumps the gang mentality of bigots. Itā€™s very challenging if you have to see someone from the group you hate as a real person and not just a gay, liberal, right winger, commie or whatever. Kind of puts a dent in the hatred. I guess those two werenā€™t up to the challenge of it.

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  17. Profilepic yellowwarbler
    Squoop  almost 10 years ago

    Love the seagull taking off, lol!

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  18. Hobo
    MeGoNow Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Thatā€™s why they call on him when the foghorn breaks down.

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    johnschutt  almost 10 years ago

    What a lovely, tolerant individual you are.

    You can only show tolerance when you disagree with someone else, but allow them to have their rights to differ with you. All else is that of yours and Wileyā€™s ā€“ totalitarianism.

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    ladamson1918  almost 10 years ago

    They thought that a lobsterman was someone who ate lobsters, which would make Eddie one of the 1%. As far as the religious debate, itā€™s been about profits, not prophets.

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    lindagommel  almost 10 years ago

    Wiley is lying, as liberals typically do. Memories Pizza, the bake shops, etc., did not refuse to serve gays in their places of business. They declined to serve gay weddings as a violation of their principles and faith. They have the right to that opinion and action. The Gay Mafia and the enabling media, including leftist comic strip artists, have decided that certain segments of society donā€™t have the right to their convictions. The Leftists and Gays are the intolerant, hateful people.

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    Gokie5  almost 10 years ago

    Thanks to Puddlesplatt, NightShade and all the pointer-outers of the little touches like the gas mask (I was going to ask about that one), the seagull, and Eddieā€™s pipe smoke. You help make us aware of amplifications of meaning (or words to that effect) we would not have otherwise noticed.And thanks to the people who put their own interpretations on who the bigots are. You helped illustrate Wileyā€™s point.

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    gjsjr41  almost 10 years ago

    I like the catā€™s gas mask.

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    bsox  almost 10 years ago

    hope that is the last of this garbage..get back to writing funnies

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    Joy Sabl Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Thanks for this, deftly handled.

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    UniqeUsername  almost 10 years ago

    It would have been great if ā€œTHEMā€ was Christians or Straight folks or something.

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    wherehaveallthetalentedartistsgone  almost 10 years ago

    Glad itā€™s over, but the truth is Millerā€™s not the only bigoted cartoonist drawing today.

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    luvdafuneez  almost 10 years ago

    Ooooo, by the looks of things (gas mask, etc.), that wasnā€™t a burp. It was a ā€˜furp.ā€™ They can be quite odiferousā€¦

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    Dr_Zinj  almost 10 years ago

    Yeah, but will she zero out Eddieā€™s tab for it?

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    dflak  almost 10 years ago

    I like the way Wiley avoided the word, ā€œBibleā€ or ā€œKoranā€ or ā€œTorahā€ or whatever and euphemized with ā€œField Guide.ā€ Still leaves it wide open.

    Well we donā€™t know if oral sex is a sin or not. Itā€™s not covered in the field guide.

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    PhantomPlumber  almost 10 years ago

    The most amusing part of this story arc has been seeing how many people in the comments section have had their consciences pricked.

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    tammyspeakslife Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    I hope they left a big tip.

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  33. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  almost 10 years ago

    This ending was appropriate, since so many of those commenting appeared to be full of gas! I predicted Eddieā€™s parting shot three days ago. To quote myself: (Eddie is one of my favorite current comic strip characters but Iā€™d be hard-pressed to put him into ANY category of ā€œthemā€ since heā€™s one of a kind!)

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  34. Pupil
    Ka`ōnōhi`ula`okahōkÅ«miomio`ehiku Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Cat with a gas mask! (Donā€™t blame it!)Anyone know the catā€™s name?

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    Dr.silly  almost 10 years ago

    For those who somehow think the characters portrayed in the strip this week were ā€œunrealisticā€ and ā€œover the topā€ caricatures, I offer you this:

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    Varnes  almost 10 years ago

    I for one think this was one of the funniest story arcs in a long time. But it was an audience participation pieceā€¦And Wiley purposely didnā€™t didnā€™t even name anybody, except bigots, yet look at all the flack he got! Oh, and dflac, thanks for pointing that outā€¦.Ha! Field Manual..Wiley is so slyā€¦ā€¦Went right over my headā€¦

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    Say What? Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    I always like the punctuation marks coming out of Eddieā€™s pipe. I think he just got an extension on his tab from Flo for his help.

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    Varnes  almost 10 years ago

    I guess what Iā€™m trying to say is that this the best there is in both cartooning and social commentaryā€¦.Iā€™m stunned by Millerā€™s talent and genius, as well as the idiocy of some of his readersā€¦You knowā€¦Themā€¦..And Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™s laughing as hard as the rest of us areā€¦ā€¦.

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    Tonksquawk  almost 10 years ago

    Love the mask on the cat after the burp!!

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  40. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  almost 10 years ago

    @VarnesI had a quick little post for you yesterday@Dr.sillyDid you ever learn not to mistake Thomas Jefferson for James Madison, per my reply to your embarrassing mistake, yesterday?

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    Mickeylacey  almost 10 years ago

    Very cool comment on intolerance of all kindsā€¦.was a generic overall cool idea!!!!

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    Rarely528  almost 10 years ago

    Itā€™s great the way Eddie just ignores these idiots and just continues acting naturally. The idiots canā€™t handle disinterest.

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  43. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  almost 10 years ago

    @Dr.sillyHere is your post from yesterday (your embarrassing mistake from yesterday):The phrase, ā€œseparation of church and stateā€ comes from a guy named Thomas Jefferson. You may have heard of him. He wrote the Constitution.

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  44. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  almost 10 years ago

    Here is my reply to you: (and WHY nobody corrected your mistake in either yesterday or todayā€™s comments saddens me)Erā€¦ā€¦no, he didnā€™t. Thomas Jefferson had as much to do with writing the Constitution as he did of writing the Magna Carta. He did write the first draft of that Declaration thingā€¦ā€¦..

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  45. Cathy aack Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    One of you was all it took to dump those sorry losers. :)

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