Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for May 22, 2015
Pig: Uh-oh. We have a big flying here. I don't want it landing on the dinner I'm serving. Rat: Just swat it. Pig: Oh, gosh, no. I can't kill a living thing. It has as much of a right to be here as we do. Rat: Fine. What's for dinner? Pig: Lamb. I'm hoping it died of old age.
Sherlock Watson over 9 years ago
Mary had a little lambWith peas and mashed potatoes…
knight1192a over 9 years ago
Well, just about everything that exists naturally that we ingest is alive at some point. The irony is the folks who don’t want to eat certain things often claim what they do eat as not being a living thing.
AGED_ENGINEER Premium Member over 9 years ago
Is that Chucky the non-anthropomorphic sheep?
Boots at the Boar Premium Member over 9 years ago
I prefer veal. I hear they die of boredom from being chained to a rail to keep their muscles soft.
phylum over 9 years ago
about all I can afford to eat anymore are the three little pigs…or maybe chicken little…and then only when on sale…
Defective over 9 years ago
I haven’t heard of not eating some things because they’re not alive. Perhaps having to do with intelligence, not life. Most of the issues boil down to abuse and health and has nothing to do with living, or intelligence. I’ve never heard of a stalk of corn being abused (GMO aside, which is another issue). Chickens, on the other hand, wind up in the news because of it. Eating a pig is the same as eating a dog. Actually, pigs are more intelligent. People acutally eat dolphins, too, though it’s not as wide spread as it was.
Sisyphos over 9 years ago
Uhh, Pig, do you own a dictionary? Look up “lamb.” Ex definitione, a lamb cannot die of old age. So, let that be on your conscience!
cdward over 9 years ago
What utter nonsense. I lived by the hog farms & chicken processors. That’s real stuff. I’m no vegetarian, but there are real abuses, and PETA has nothing to do with them.
juicebruce over 9 years ago
Moody Blues, We decide which is right and which is wrong which is an illusion……………
smoore47 over 9 years ago
Complete and utter BS.
mjb515 over 9 years ago
Do sheep get progeria?
whiteheron over 9 years ago
How does Pig make a pig of himself?
sarah413 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Ewe are joking, pig? Right?!
singlefemalelaywer over 9 years ago
Roadkill, perhaps ?
HARDSKULL9000 over 9 years ago
well it did??????????????????????????????????????????????????????i am guessing
Fido (aka Felix Rex) over 9 years ago
Sort of reminds me of a commercial from a few years ago —Buddhist-monk like man walking along a path, stops to help a small creature (turtle?) cross the path, rescues a kitten from a tree limb, adroitly side-steps a caterpillar, etc.Stops to blow his nose – then notices the product claims to “kill 95% of germs”…
tahoeh2o over 9 years ago
If it did, then it must be mutton…
kaffekup over 9 years ago
How would Pig like it if a lamb invited him to a breakfast of bacon and eggs?
Rose Madder Premium Member over 9 years ago
Mary had a little lamb…boy, was she surprised!
weatherford.joe over 9 years ago
I have some bad news for you, Pig….
Hope you never try to cook veal, or worse, suckling pig.
unca jim over 9 years ago
It’s a dog-eat-dog world as it has ever been and ever shall be.
dre7861 over 9 years ago
I once worked in a bar with a boss who was the meanest most vicious SOB on the planet, except when it came to rats. Then he was all for capturing them humanely and releasing them back in their natural habitat. When I pointed out to him that the garbage dumpster in the back alley is their natural habitat he threaten to fire me. I always figured his compassion for the rats came from a sense of kinship.
tim over 9 years ago
Mary had a little lamb, You’ve heard this rhyme before.Then she passed her plate againAnd had a little more.
HAL69 over 9 years ago
Mary had a little lamb,little lamb,little lamb.Mary had a little lamb…
…and the doctor fainted.
whiteheron over 9 years ago
Now that is a new one to me!
abbybookcase over 9 years ago
douglas adams — the restaurant at the end of the universe, a cow appears that’s been especially bred to say how happy it is to be cooked and eaten. “you meet the meat”. the main character arthur is very uncomfortable and demands a salad while the rest of the group chows down on beef. genius
Brass Orchid Premium Member over 9 years ago
It was like this when I found it.
Gretchen's Mom over 9 years ago
Asharah over 9 years ago
I heard some people were disturbed about Charlie Brown Thanksgiving because they showed Woodstock eating turkey. CANNIBALISM!
claire de la lune. over 9 years ago
Meat is murder.
librarian4hire over 9 years ago
Huskies always look like they’re up to something.
alantain over 1 year ago
Technically, you didn’t kill it, so you have nothing to worry about.