Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for May 21, 2010

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    jnik23260  almost 15 years ago

    Is it a coincidence Nate looks a little like Pat Buchanan?

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    riley05  almost 15 years ago

    That last panelā€™s comment is SO Faux News!

    Glenn Beck, for certain.

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    ianrey  almost 15 years ago

    Nate the Neocon is one of my top 3 favorite recurring serials in TTDB, up there with Lucky Ducky and, oh letā€™s say Dinkle.

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  4. Possum
    Possum Pete  almost 15 years ago

    Full page spread of ā€œHow to Draw Dougā€ please!

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  5. Beehive
    poohbear8192  almost 15 years ago

    Nate, the Texas State high school history books will make you a hero.

    Just Wait!

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  6. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Crossover potential! Nate the Neocon educates Louis about why God-Man made Lucky Ducky so lucky!

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    Ushindi  almost 15 years ago

    I want more GOD-MAN!

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    aardvarkseyes  almost 15 years ago

    Harley, taking something ā€œto the nth degree of stupidā€ is a comic device called reductio ad absurdum (literally, reducing something to its most absurd state). This is the way some humour works. What you really donā€™t like is the point the cartoon is making about right wing pundits. If you can answer a simple question without changing the subject, please try this one: how often HAVE Fox pundits admitted they were wrong?

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    Charles Brobst Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    KILL BP!!

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  10. Skipper
    3hourtour Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    ..sure everyone one is worried about the poor oilled up geese..but what about poor ā€˜ol haliburton??..

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    Donaldo Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    I want more with the floating death-head of the ghost of James Caan. That always cracks me up.

    ā€œBut Iā€™m NOT dead.ā€

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    jpozenel  almost 15 years ago

    Itā€™s difficult to argue with Nateā€™s logic.

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    riley05  almost 15 years ago

    I donā€™t think Nateā€™s comments count as ā€œlogicā€. More like Glenn-Beckian ā€œdisingenuousnessā€.

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    tobybartels  almost 15 years ago


    Probably a coincidence. Although it doesnā€™t say so up top on this cartoon, this is Nate the Neo-conservative. And Pat Buchanan, for all his faults, is not a neoconservative.

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    riley05  almost 15 years ago

    So Glenn Beck would also be a neo-conservative, since this dialog is obviously taken directly from his disingenuous style?

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    tobybartels  almost 15 years ago

    Sadly, Glenn Beck didnā€™t start this style. (FWIW, I would not consider Beck a neocon. That only makes him a different kind of idiot, of course.) And perhaps Nate is not supposed to be a neocon in this strip, either.

    But heā€™s an old character, not based on Buchanan. Actually, if I had to guess, Iā€™d say Sean Hannity.

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  17. Master dave cu shirt i225m1251 dscn2233
    MasterDavidGoodmen  almost 15 years ago

    In this strip, Nate presents with the symptoms of classic Wing-Nut Personality Disorder. This is the blindness which causes someoneā€™s want du jour to be mistaken as the basis of the functioning of the universe.

    Anything contradicting the self-created party line is just plain wrong. Thus his rejection of his recorded statements as being his. Rather predictably, science and logic are anathema to the WNPD person. WNPD is a sociopathy, resulting in many people being hurt by its carriers.

    Still, when no one is being hurt by it, it is rather funny! Somewhat like a non-benign Mister McGoo!

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    smurf_farts  almost 15 years ago

    Politics aside, this is one obvious joke stretched over nine panels, and about as subtle as a kick in the groin. Really Michael Moorer style preaching to the choir, and who aspires to that?

    Harvey Richards would wreck Nate, probably with the classic ā€œIā€™m rubber, youā€™re glueā€ doctrine of reciprocal taunts.

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