Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for July 09, 2010

  1. Jack noire comic
    LordDogmore  over 14 years ago

    “And unfortunately it’s Tracy!”

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  2. Bren suit
    FLIGHT SUIT  over 14 years ago

    Dick needs his glucosamine.

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  3. Arches national park3
    Roger Smith  over 14 years ago

    Apparently the Stuka has now tipped back onto it’s belly. Which one is live? probably the stiff lying down. Anja would not be believable. Never heard the shots!! And no silencers either.

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  4. Emerald
    margueritem  over 14 years ago

    In this mess, I can’t guess. It could be Nothing….

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  5. Rimshot
    Panel-Panner  over 14 years ago

    Panel 3: Weird perspective. Instead of someone trapped under the plane, it looks like the legs are upright, that the Stuka grew legs and is tap-dancing.

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  6. Emerald
    margueritem  over 14 years ago

    If Liz had been doing her job, she wouldn’t need to ask Tracy what in the world he’s doing….

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  7. Arches national park3
    Roger Smith  over 14 years ago

    PP Why not? It’s about as logical as any other scenario we’ve seen so far.

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  8. Rimshot
    Panel-Panner  over 14 years ago

    Where’s SimonPenn been? The commenter who wrote:

    “Just another great strip today! A fun chase sequence and a great cliff-hanger. Great Stuff! Just enough of a cliff-hanger to keep us guessing without giving away the next day’s surprise.”

    And he also wrote:

    “Very exciting strip. No dialogue needed. Fantastic use of shadows and black to create drama. Still one of the best daily strips out there.”

    I wanted to remind him that there are only 168 days before Christmas!

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  9. Rimshot
    Panel-Panner  over 14 years ago

    So we don’t see Johnny Nothing’s face? Apparently he didn’t want to be seen in this strip. He wouldn’t be caught dead here.

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  10. Img 0021 2
    mikatt1  over 14 years ago

    We all hurt all over!

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  11. 1 5 2005 1
    shirttailslim  over 14 years ago

    What? How? Who? Why?

    All these morphings sre undecipherable?

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  12. 220px charles bowles aka black bart
    Steve Bartholomew  over 14 years ago

    Liz should kiss it and make it better.

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  13. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  over 14 years ago

    In inflicting pain that can’t be stopped The Tracy strip can’t be topped From inane dialogue and insane plots It makes a reader want to plotz As the Stuka dances a little jig Wishing that it were a Mig Lizz certainly does seem surprised To find that Tracy is not demised His death she had greatly hoped ‘cause he is really such a dope The canopy is repaired again It’s another continuity sin Now where have I seen that shape before Why it’s the rear turret on a B-24 Johnny Nothing has been shot Then he fell, the distance was quite a lot Still he lives, and by the plane he was missed You would think he would have been squished. Thanks Panel-Panner and (?) Margueritem from yesterday. Good observation on the dancing Stuka, PP.

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  14. Bren suit
    FLIGHT SUIT  over 14 years ago

    I heard on NPR today that the city of Naperville has been forced to cut a lot of police jobs due to the recession.

    True story.

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  15. Missing large
    mjmsprt40  over 14 years ago

    Liz, you really don’t want to know what Tracy was doing in there. Trust me on this. Further, Tracy really doesn’t want you to know what he was doing in there.

    Locher, the rest of us still want to know: Anja was firing at the Blank, then aiming at Tracy, from the left rear of the aircraft. At that position, there should have been no way for the plane to hit her. She had to run several feet to get under the nose of the plane once it started to fall…. maybe a sudden impulse to off herself?

     •  Reply
  16. 18e
    btmosley  over 14 years ago

    More comedy gold: http://joshreads.com/?cat=54

    Check back later today once the update becomes available.

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  17. Missing large
    veldy  over 14 years ago

    The propeller is back today, and someone should tell whichever idiot it is that if it’s still alive,it’s not “a body”

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  18. Oddball
    Morrow Cummings  over 14 years ago

    Howcum the prop went from 3-blades to 4?

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  19. Rick
    davidf42  over 14 years ago

    Panel 2 - “What in the world are you doing there?”

    Waiting for a streetcar. Haw! Haw! Haw!

    Panel 3 - Two bodies? Nothing makes 1. Anja makes 2, DT makes 3. I guess DT is the one that’s still alive.

    But I tell ya one dang thang. The plot is a whole lot easier to follow than Brenda Starr.

    And the plane landed before Gertie caught her crooks.

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  20. D and d bed 03sc
    Ray_C  over 14 years ago

    Those look like a woman’s shoes in the last panel, though that means nothing. I have to agree with Radish. I think Anja survives at least long enough to explain why she wanted to kill Tracy.

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  21. P6290172a
    436rge  over 14 years ago

    Gould used to draw Lizz with a “heart shaped” face not square jawed like she shares with Tracy. Also we never saw her pupils but had that curly q joining of eye/lash almost question mark like. She was also drawn almost always in the most provacative sexy dresses. I really dislike the way Locher has changed and made Lizz to look. Ugh!

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  22. Missing large
    Clevite Kid Premium Member over 14 years ago

    What about the body lying bleeding on the stage? He should be bled out and dead by now.

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  23. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member over 14 years ago


    I just love to type that

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  24. Missing large
    WaitingMan  over 14 years ago

    Truly heroic dialogue from the title character.

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  25. Missing large
    trickdacy  over 14 years ago

    436rge said, about 1 hour ago

    Gould used to draw Lizz with a “heart shaped” face not square jawed like she shares with Tracy. Also we never saw her pupils but had that curly q joining of eye/lash almost question mark like. She was also drawn almost always in the most provacative sexy dresses. I really dislike the way Locher has changed and made Lizz to look. Ugh!

    Well, 436 I can’t wrap my brain around the fact that Lizz looks different in every panel she appears in. It’s like snowflakes, no two Lizzes are alike! No consistency.

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  26. Silverknights
    JanLC  over 14 years ago

    morrow: one of them broke off in the fall and the other three migrated to compensate. (Makes as much sense as anything else in this strip.)

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  27. Odd spots 002
    sydney  over 14 years ago

    Sad thing is this story is so carelessly written the dead body on the stage won’t even be ‘MENTIONED’ again !

    Think about that, on July 17th asTracy on stage, bandage on head, apologises to the audience for the long intermission

    And hear the laughable rational (motive) for Anja’s action - * “she wanted to be in the spotlight”!*

    Is she perchance the grand-daughter of Selbert Depool (1941) With most of his life in an Insane Asylum we can’t even be sure if he was ever got in with a woman !

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  28. Odd spots 002
    sydney  over 14 years ago

    The SLOPPY Art (?)

    I used to blame Brozman (poor fellow) until I read in the recent Locher interview that he only “INKS” what Locher draws

    Not much to boast about. !

    See full Interview : http://dailycartoonist.com/index-phd/2010/06/24/interviewed-dick-locher-talks-about-his-cartooning-career-future-and-parkinsons/

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  29. Drmid nite head
    Dr. Midnight  over 14 years ago

    “One of the bodies is alive!!” Oh, wait. It’s just Tracy. He hasn’t been alive for years.

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  30. Missing large
    OldTracy  over 14 years ago

    Michael McMillan, ” At that position, there should have been no way for the plane to hit her. She had to run several feet to get under the nose of the plane once it started to fall…. maybe a sudden impulse to off herself?”

    Maybe she was trying to “catch a plane”. : )

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  31. Odd spots 002
    sydney  over 14 years ago

    The Cartoon Art Museum is currwently celebrating 60 years of Beattle Baily

    Relevance to Dick Tracy (?) :

    In a recent interview Mort Walker implied that his early success spured him to keep on doing better and stated that ”If you’re not moving forward in this business. you’re moving backward”

    Dick L. Somehow got it all “mixed up”. Tracy’s not moving forward to catch a bad guy he’s just running away till the bad guy gets killed by someone else, who he said, did it — “just to be in the “SPOTLIGHT” !

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  32. Professor chaos
    countoftowergrove  over 14 years ago

    Again, I say WTF?

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  33. 1939 11 adventure neff
    Donaldo Premium Member over 14 years ago

    After running and hiding like a little girl, our hero now whines about his bruises

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  34. 1937
    billdi Premium Member over 14 years ago

    awww the poor guy hurts all over after his plane ride and all the running, hiding and cowering he had to endure…

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  35. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  over 14 years ago


    It won’t get much better than this!

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  36. Dick t
    Groundzero  over 14 years ago

    Liz:” Dick! What are you doing there?! What about the play? Do I get my admission money back or what?”

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  37. Missing large
    mjmsprt40  over 14 years ago

    I was thinking the Blank had to be dead. He was standing on the fuselage just aft of the canopy when he was shot. No way to brace himself. From that height, even a flesh wound results in an uncontrolled fall which has to be fatal— probably a broken neck if nothing else.

    Anja got crushed under the nose of the plane— don’t ask how— so of course she’s dead.

    The guy Locher forgot died early on in this story and was ignored, even though the audience was full of cops. So, of course he’s dead.

    That leaves Tracy. He rode the plane down, and even given the miracle of getting back into the plane while it’s falling he wouldn’t have had time to strap himself in, so now he’s hurting and wishing he were dead. If Liz ever figures out how Tracy spent his time, she just might be inclined to fulfill that wish.

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  38. Oddball
    Morrow Cummings  over 14 years ago

    Absolutely, Michael! I think she has more cajones than Macy.

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  39. Smokey stover
    Araldite  over 14 years ago

    This is suppose to be a hero figure?!?! What a Sad Sack.

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  40. Missing large
    veldy  over 14 years ago

    HEY!!!! Don’t be slamming my buddy Sad Sack

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