Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for January 06, 2016
Um... Don't ya think leavin' the country just to avoid campaign ads was a little extreme, Todd? Yer right, Flo.. I suppose we shouldn't run away from our civic duty, no mattah how annoyin' it is Ah.. Well said, Deah ... But I meant ya could've just recordeed all of yawr tv programs and zapped past the ads like the rest of us. It's the american way A-yeah silly me
Argythree about 9 years ago
Doing your ‘civic duty’ shouldn’t mean you have to sacrifice your sanity…
Bilan about 9 years ago
Why? Does California own the TV stations?
Lycanthrope about 9 years ago
Too bad that’s pretty much “piracy” these days.
Renatus Profuturus Frigeridus Premium Member about 9 years ago
Surely he didn’t come here in Italy where we live a perpetual campaign , and not as ads , but in every talk show 2-3 hours long : he would got crazy suddendly
hildigunnurr Premium Member about 9 years ago
Doesn’t help very much running away. The rest of the world gets the US presidentials rubbed in the face anyway (ok not very much of the ads, though).
dadoctah about 9 years ago
I still have ten months to pick a candidate I know has no chance of winning. I just want to be able to say, no matter how the election turns out, “well, I didn’t vote for him!”
Aaberon about 9 years ago
I’d love to see what’s going to be written in the history books about this particular time in history; and the one thing we didn’t have when we were kids that would have been very cool, was YouTube. We DID have Walter Cronkite and the 20th Century (that was some great stuff).
Beleck3 about 9 years ago
History books, lol. Texas doesn’t allow “left” wing history to be recorded. this is America, folks. only Right wing “versions” are allowed. lol
boy the naivete of some people!!
Beleck3 about 9 years ago
History books, lol. Texas doesn’t allow “left” wing history to be recorded. this is America, folks. only Right wing “versions” are allowed. lol
boy the naivete of some people!!
JudyAz about 9 years ago
Who was it that said that if you love the law (and by extension, politics in general) or sausage, don’t ever watch either being made?
Vonne Anton about 9 years ago
Why can’t we pass a law forbidding campaigning outside the voting year? If the vote is in November of 2016, then campaigning would only be allowed as of January 1, 2016.
Why not? Because the ones campaigning are making the laws.
Ermine Notyours about 9 years ago
Ronald Reagan was a Democrat, and then switched to the Republicans.
Herb L 1954 about 9 years ago
Reagan,and Nixon were Republicants,you moron.
Al Nala about 9 years ago
He’s talking now, and the state legislature.
route66paul about 9 years ago
There are Ca Republicans. They are white, from families that got to Ca before WWI, and have lots of money. They are also smart enough to bide thier time to run for office, since they don’t like to waste money. Most made money from exploiting Ca’s resourses and Latinos. They were miners, farmers, lumber barons, controllers of fisheries. They own vast tracts of Ca and will control Ca again
dflak about 9 years ago
We watch all our TV shows pre-recorded during campaign season. It’s comical to watch their mouths flapping at 100 mph. We call it “trash compacting.”
What? Me worried ? about 9 years ago
I thought that there only fruits and nuts in Cal. .And of course that traitor "Jane the red Fonda !
hippogriff about 9 years ago
Beleck3I ran for state board of education in 2010. The corporate media never mentioned the fact, and the Dalla Snooze even said "because the Democrats are not running, that leaves only Republican and Libertarian candidates in the race. My request for a correction was ignored.
JudyAz about 9 years ago
I prefer the Cardassians
timbob2313 Premium Member about 9 years ago
I really hope that you are right and the GOP disappears completely from CA.Texas has nothing but Teahadists in state wide office and is going to dive the state into the poor house. as everything that the feds have come up with in the last 7 years have been fought by Texas. Then Texas whines about some help after rain/flood damage, US says OK, and then the very next day, Texas files suit against the feds again
Douglas Haire about 9 years ago
No, but the Democrats have controlled the legislature throughout those governorships.
Tarredandfeathered about 9 years ago
Fast Forward is Your Friend..It can save your Sanity in Campaign Season..
And, sometimes your TV if you’re one of those people who sometimes Throws stuff when confronted with Extreme Stupidity.
sandyzmolek about 9 years ago
About 3 years or so ago, you had a wonderful comic strip with Flo in the diner, and it involved Bob explaining why he considered Oprah to be the greatest living American today. The best part was the punch line where they agreed that she would truly be the greatest if she could just rid us of Donald Trump! Such a great comic strip! I have kept it on my refrigerator since! Please print it again, the time is right!
wiatr about 9 years ago
That’s the ONLY way I can watch American Movie Classics.Oh what a swamp that channel has become.
pbarnrob about 9 years ago
The Book of Faces? Nah. Television? Nah. Good for showing Netflix, is all. The Cable-modem works.
SanDiegoJack almost 9 years ago
And if we don’t speak up (fight FICA and the like) we soon will have no way to avoid those commercials.