Man: It's been a great teleconference, Lou. Now as to the last item on your agenda. How 'bout we put a pin in it for now?
Rat: How 'bout I jam this pin in your @## for using that stupid expression?
Rat: It's a powerful disincentive.
BE THIS GUY almost 9 years ago
Oh, Rat, it’s a good thing your creator is a lawyer.
knight1192a almost 9 years ago
Rat, he looks like the kind of guy who will pummel you senseless, if you had any to begin with that is. Do stand still so he can make it hurt three times as much and possibly, though highly unlikely, put some sense into you.
cdgar almost 9 years ago
Good thing Mr. Cool didn’t say “put a sock in it”.
Oshietekun almost 9 years ago
Strangely enough, there’s an option on the menu line below this strip that says “pin it”. I think I’ll pass.
Templo S.U.D. almost 9 years ago
Rat shouldn’t be eavesdropping.
StCleve72 almost 9 years ago
I don’t get the point of this strip.
dadoctah almost 9 years ago
Stick a fork in him, he’s done.
Sisyphos almost 9 years ago
I loves me some Rat-acular direct action!Stick it to ’em, Rat, my man!
Brian Fink almost 9 years ago
Sorry, but I don’t have enough bandwidth to work on this project. I do have some spare time if that would work instead. :)
Charlie Fogwhistle almost 9 years ago
More than once I’ve wished I was a cartoon so I could stick a pin in someone and get no lasting effects for my effort.
Daniel J. almost 9 years ago
I think the ghost of Charlie Sheen has inhabited Rat. What? Sheen’s not dead? Could have fooled me!
Thanksfortheinfo2000 almost 9 years ago
At least he didn’t (ab)use “hack”
Saddenedby Premium Member almost 9 years ago
i’m surprised that rat didn’t release all the hot air and the suit go flitting off into the sky! phhhhiittttttttt
Ermine Notyours almost 9 years ago
Somebody run him up the flagpole, see if anyone salutes.
e.groves almost 9 years ago
Going Forward. It Works For Me.
patsysutcliffe Premium Member almost 9 years ago
good job.
albzort almost 9 years ago
The “pin” in “put a pin in it” refers to the safety pin of a grenade. ( I read it on the Internet, so it must be true!). If the suit uses the phrase again, Rat can escalate his response. I’m sure Guard Duck could supply a grenade.
kaffekup almost 9 years ago
YouTube the scene from the Reno 911 Miami movie – Dwayne Johnson and the grenade. It’s hilarious.
Guilty Bystander almost 9 years ago
I’ve never heard “put a pin it it” either but, to paraphrase Groucho, I’d never work for a business that would hire me.
jud03005 almost 9 years ago
Considering my loathe for that phrase, I applaud rat.
Sherlock Watson almost 9 years ago
Somewhere, a voodoo doll in the shape of a douchebag just said, “Ow!”
JBBLAW almost 9 years ago
From Urban Dictionary (I had to look it up, never heard it before):
Put a pin in thatA douchey/ middle management way to say “let’s come back to that later,” or, “hold that thought.” Increasingly popular in business speak.
Possibly originally from WWII, referring to putting a pin back in a hand grenade so it won’t go off.
SalsaForTwo almost 9 years ago
I’m just glad he isn’t “reaching out” to me.
nathanbtlr almost 9 years ago
Thanks, Rat. He needed that.
nuclear_Kittens over 7 years ago
i hate that expression
NErDysprosium over 5 years ago
Once, I was reading about cases in he pre-Depression 1900s when women used hat pins (large pins like the one Rat has designed to hold decoration on the hat — the more decoration, the bigger the pin) as (short) swords or (long) knives in self defense. There were even guide booka on how to defend yourself using a hat pin, assuming the article was trustworthy and I’m remembering correcty. It’s been a long time since I read it.