Ah. Back to the story, and away from the nonsense of the obsessed doctor and Reichenbach Falls.BTW – The doctor looked like British actor John Williams, who was featured in “To Catch A Thief” and “Dial M For Murder.”
I’m impressed by the “full spectrum recording.” This gang really does have the latest gadgetry at their disposal. So they captured a recording of the electromagnetic waves that Rikki is using to control the traffic cameras probably. In any case they can now identify her coming, even without a visual. Her taunting them as she drove by may not have been the brightest thing she could have done.
Tracy is brought up to speedLizz and Sam share facts they needMangled bodies tend to bleedRikki Mortis did these deeds.Rikki on the flat screenNever good to be seenJaws of death so obsceneVictims die with loud screams.Lizz in pearls is smashingSam’s bowler hat so dashingSoon crime spree shall be crashingWhen squad car lights start flashing.
Wait a second….when did the MCU actually get a visual of Rikki? When she kidnapped Ray and Bonnie?!? I don’t think they’ve ever actually **SEEN**her, Abner had her leave before Tracy showed up when he tried to trap him in cement… and I don’t think Bonnie and Ray were likely to take cell phone pictures at the time they were abducted…maybe they gave Junior a description and he sketched her?
Anybody out there have the date of the panel where SOMEONE on Tracy’s team actually gets a good look at Rikki?
For those of us who like to see actual detective work in what we consider a detective strip, today’s panorama of the MCU Roundtable session, flanked by electronic imagery, is great!We learn that the MCU has the tech-smarts to get a step ahead of reckless, emotion-driven Rikki (though her targetting of Pat Patton may take them by surprise). Hard times in Tracyville are coming for some….And, yes, Pequod, pearl-bedight Lizz looks ab fab!
Someone help me out here, please. I cannot remember – what actually happened to Notta and Blaze? Were they arrested? Today’s strip says they talked to the MCU about Bribery, but I can’t remember that, either. Thanks in advance!
AnyFace over 8 years ago
A single, information-packed panel today.
AnyFace over 8 years ago
Curious as to what form the crossover with The Spirit will take, and how long it will run.
Can't Sleep over 8 years ago
Ah. Back to the story, and away from the nonsense of the obsessed doctor and Reichenbach Falls.BTW – The doctor looked like British actor John Williams, who was featured in “To Catch A Thief” and “Dial M For Murder.”
Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray over 8 years ago
Good morning Bill and Rikki watchers !
Neil Wick over 8 years ago
I’m impressed by the “full spectrum recording.” This gang really does have the latest gadgetry at their disposal. So they captured a recording of the electromagnetic waves that Rikki is using to control the traffic cameras probably. In any case they can now identify her coming, even without a visual. Her taunting them as she drove by may not have been the brightest thing she could have done.
Neil Wick over 8 years ago
This is all progress towards eventually catching Mr. Bribery, too.
blunebottle over 8 years ago
The Thot Plickens!
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ over 8 years ago
.Good morning fellow DT and Rikki Mortis fans!
Pequod over 8 years ago
Tracy is brought up to speedLizz and Sam share facts they needMangled bodies tend to bleedRikki Mortis did these deeds.Rikki on the flat screenNever good to be seenJaws of death so obsceneVictims die with loud screams.Lizz in pearls is smashingSam’s bowler hat so dashingSoon crime spree shall be crashingWhen squad car lights start flashing.
jrankin1959 over 8 years ago
What a coincidence you have the bait sitting in the Chief’s office…
tsull2121 over 8 years ago
Wait a second….when did the MCU actually get a visual of Rikki? When she kidnapped Ray and Bonnie?!? I don’t think they’ve ever actually **SEEN**her, Abner had her leave before Tracy showed up when he tried to trap him in cement… and I don’t think Bonnie and Ray were likely to take cell phone pictures at the time they were abducted…maybe they gave Junior a description and he sketched her?
Anybody out there have the date of the panel where SOMEONE on Tracy’s team actually gets a good look at Rikki?
Tain'tPelagius over 8 years ago
Ms. Gomez already has me thinking about something.
Morrow Cummings over 8 years ago
I mean, all they have to do is look up at their “cash register” screens and see a full-color rendering of Rikki.
abdullahbaba999 over 8 years ago
Bring Dick up to speed. That’s the Spirit !!!
Sisyphos over 8 years ago
For those of us who like to see actual detective work in what we consider a detective strip, today’s panorama of the MCU Roundtable session, flanked by electronic imagery, is great!We learn that the MCU has the tech-smarts to get a step ahead of reckless, emotion-driven Rikki (though her targetting of Pat Patton may take them by surprise). Hard times in Tracyville are coming for some….And, yes, Pequod, pearl-bedight Lizz looks ab fab!
ssledge over 8 years ago
ENOUGH pf Kadaver and Mortis. Time to lighten up. Will we EVER see Attitude Plenty???
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ over 8 years ago
Rikki and her Vampire Mechanique…
Ken in Ohio over 8 years ago
Someone help me out here, please. I cannot remember – what actually happened to Notta and Blaze? Were they arrested? Today’s strip says they talked to the MCU about Bribery, but I can’t remember that, either. Thanks in advance!