Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for December 17, 2016

  1. Tumblr mbbz3vrusj1qdlmheo1 250
    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  about 8 years ago

    We are set for another crash maybe in the 2016 – 2018 time period as bad to worse than 1998, and 2008 because they won’t be ready for it and actually set it up to happen. Stupidly unless it is part of a plan to seize “emergency power” and suborn the Bill of Rights/Constitution for a “temporary” period.

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    strictures  about 8 years ago

    I’m a Democrat who’s anything but a fan of Obama. I think he’s a hopeless wimp, but he did save GM & Chrysler & the stimulus kept the economy going, while the austerity fools in Europe saw their economies collapse.The 2008 recession, which was totally the fault of Bush’s idiotic wars in Iraq & Afghanistan & his & the Republicans incompetent economic policies proved Keynes’s economic theories correct. When there’s a recession or depression, the government must spend & spend to create jobs & keep jobs.

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    asianwoof  about 8 years ago

    That used to say “Trump Tower”.

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    Varnes  about 8 years ago

    Nate, you won….Let it go….Stop whining and get down to business….Or are you going to keep on campaigning for four years…..I don’t think republicans know what to do now….They have been just reacting against Democratic ideas, like helping people and keeping bridges from falling down…..I’m pretty sure that the republicans won’t do anything for the next four years except campaign against Obama

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  5. Duck1275
    Brass Orchid Premium Member about 8 years ago

    “Liberalism should be found not striving to spread bureaucracy but striving to set bounds to it. True liberalism seeks all legitimate freedom first in the confident belief that without such freedom the pursuit of all other blessings and benefits is vain. That belief is the foundation of all American progress, political as well as economic.”

    -Herbert Hoover

    I’m not sure if that is for or against Trump.

    I’m not sure if I even care.

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    GiantShetlandPony  about 8 years ago

    Ya know, you guyz really have to come up with something better than ‘I know you are but what am I?’ Then again, you do speak like a true Chumpeter or is it just Trump’s Chumps. OK with the Russian mafia, KKK, and Nazi’s taking control of the land of the ‘free’. Seriously, left wing rascists, how dumb are you? Oh, right you voted for an idiot, so that would be pretty darn dumb. Of course you do that because real freedom is way too much personal responsibility for you chumps. Go ahead and do as you are told, but some of us like our freedom of thought as much as our freedom of speech.

    Oh, wait, are

    you a paid

    Russian stooge?

    Even if you are,

    it likely won’t work out as well for you as you think it might..

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  7. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  about 8 years ago

    According to some real estate and financial prophets, the next crash will result from the same ‘no qualification needed’ mortgage lending and resale/investment in those same sub-par loans that finally tipped the barrel in 2008. Except this time it won’t take 10 years to do it.

    Add the reported problems of the illegal activities at a bank that also has recently proven it can’t stand a big hit.

    Then consider that, while looking at only the one bank, regulators are very likely overlooking the same problem in other banks.

    The crash will be due to lack of specific regulations to control the actions of banks and financial interests and the lack of strength of character to enforce those already on the books.

    It isn’t just one person or party that gets that done. It is a political system whose members have only two goals: power and preservation of perks that accompany power. Their only legacy? Incompetence.

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  8. De6fdbq 5e0a21ac bc2f 4b76 855c 395d2ca0924d
    NRHAWK Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Still haven’t picked up a book yet have you? You do know that Faux News has been caught in so many lies and distortions of truth that they are no longer considered journalists. Integrity isn’t in their Koch brothers backed game plan. Seriously, when you come out here throwing out words like “leftwing racists” you just sound like an idiot. If you actually did the research you would see that your little susceptible mind has been manipulated to believe anything the 1% who now control all of our government tell you. I’ll bet you were one of those poor tea party yokels who stood up and yelled “Don’t tax the rich!” when your strings were pulled. Get a mind of your own, do the research and you will find that the Big Orange wants to make a confirmed racist the Attorney General over all judges, a woman who is known to have worked against public schools Education Secretary and a horribly failed governor of Kansas in charge of the purse strings. You cannot run a government successfully when you surround yourself with idiot sycophants (a## kissers in case your not that literate). Which, based on your trolling activities and lack of any facts to back up your rhetoric, you probably aren’t. So get used to being the object of ridicule the same way you were under Bush Jr’s administration . In case you have forgotten, they’re the idiots who put us in the economic spot we’re in and a never ending war. You might also find out that Obama Care was designed by Republicans (Nixon) and voted on by Republicans who then changed their minds down the road and shut down government for over seven years all at the behest of the Koch brothers and cohorts. Kind of hard to blame a president for your problems when he is immobilized by by the criminal elite. So, like I said, get used to being the brunt of comic’s jokes because the Big Orange is going to be supplying all the material we could ever need to make fun of the

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  9. De6fdbq 5e0a21ac bc2f 4b76 855c 395d2ca0924d
    NRHAWK Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Oops, ran out of room. The rest is ….Chumpsters. I just hope we don’t die laughing from his idiocy.

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  10. De6fdbq 5e0a21ac bc2f 4b76 855c 395d2ca0924d
    NRHAWK Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Sorry for being so long winded.

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    greyolddave  about 8 years ago

    I’m all in cash for the next few years.

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  12. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member about 8 years ago

    In 2008 I knew a crash was coming and prepared. I only lost 11% of my finances and I had a cellar full of food which I am still eating. Looks like time to stock up again. Canned food lasts a long time folks. Get tomato products in jars.

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  13. Billcat
    ACK! Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Name calling says more about the caller then his target.

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  14. Millionchimps1
    tripwire45  about 8 years ago

    I remember when everyone thought Obama was going to take our guns away. There were huge sales of firearms and ammo. Obama was the best thing to happen to firearms sales.

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    ladykat  about 8 years ago

    Boy, I just can’t wait to see the comments on tomorrow’s strip.

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    Varnes  about 8 years ago

    Department store, Huh? Who bought the Labor Department again? Devos bought the Education Department….That duffus from Texas is now in charge of the department he could remember he wanted to eliminate….

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    david_42  about 8 years ago

    Fourth longest recovery from a recession and wages are still stuck. My wife didn’t get a raise from 2010 to 2015, while her company had record profits 19 out of 20 quarters.

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    Al Nala  about 8 years ago

    Fools and their vanity are never parted.

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    patsysutcliffe Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Poor Mr. Wiley—no matter what his strip is about, it leads to extreme partisan oneupmanship.

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    vwdualnomand  about 8 years ago

    2016 can suck it.

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    dabugger  about 8 years ago

    (having damn ‘Chase’ ad does not help—intrusioon)

    times we have not our own now….

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  22. Skylark
    Skylark  about 8 years ago

    After reading every single word of the 56 comments here, all I can see is that the country remains terribly divided. HOW divided it stays will be the question as time passes. I don’t think if is 100% possible to try to foretell just what will happen. I DO feel that every POTUS tries to give it his all during his time in office. They surely don’t take the job and say. “Well…let’s have fun screwing this up!” I just pray Trump has the courage to try to also do his job well.. Maybe if he closes his Twitter account..?? Or someone has the balls to do it for him!! All any of us can do is as the comic suggested…hoard!

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  23. Cgc
    chain gang charlie  about 8 years ago

    Of course there is another Republican Recession coming…Duh?….Sell High… Buy Low….Works every time…Cash in while you can…

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  about 8 years ago

    “Recession” govt code for depression. No more use of the “D” word by either mummified party.

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    Teto85 Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Truth in advertising.

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    Dtroutma  about 8 years ago

    Just the stock report that 20% of the rise of the DOW since the election was due to Goldman Sachs benefiting. Gee, no wonder Trump is putting them all on his staff?

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    bigbadwolf49  about 8 years ago

    Is there nobody calling Nate’s open racism, calling Obama a monkey (O Bozo – hint hint)

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    washatkc  about 8 years ago

    I love coming here. Your whining and tears give me a laugh. He hasn’t even taken over yet. But your already blaming him for imaginary crises. Oh nrhawk you are a hypocrite. How many stories has your side lied about? Brian Williams, Dan Rather and Katie Couric off the top of my head. Hahahaah

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