Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for December 27, 2016
December 26, 2016
December 28, 2016
ring, ring.
Arlo: Was that my phone? Did you hear my phone?
Janis: It was on the TV!
Arlo. Oh
Janis: If you'd change that old-man ringtone, you wouldn't still have this problem!
I have the ‘bell’ ringtone for the OLD contacts on my phone. And at this time of year, I have the ‘Grinch’ ringtone as the default. After the new year, I will change the default.
If the “ringing phone” was the only ring tone available, imagine being in a store and all around you phones are ringing… I see wisdom in personalized ringtones, unless you turn your phone off or leave it in the car.
I have my ringtones personalized for groups (one for family, one for friends, one for business associates, etc.) plus a default ringtone so I can decide from the ringtone how important it is for me to answer my phone.
I prefer the standard bell ringtone, It is not only simple and easy to hear but I also use it as a filter. I only put a special musical ringtone on the people I know based on what they like. This way I can identify who is calling and choose to answer or not plus I can ignore all other calls leaving them the option of leaving a Voice Mail ( Text messages I don’t read, If I’m not worth Talking to, then don’t bother. Besides I read and speak English not BS Text. ) this works great.
There’s a special place in Hell for those who ride others about individualized ringtones, but ask others around them EVERY time if it’s their phone that’s ringing…
Flash Gordon about 8 years ago
I happen to like the bell ringtone.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 8 years ago
Dani Rice about 8 years ago
Gosh, Ralph, can you explain what you mean? What’s your problem?
Plods with ...™ about 8 years ago
Hey. What wrong with old man?
Cozmik Cowboy about 8 years ago
Call me old, too, but I want my phone to sound like a phone.
(If you know how to get it to make the rotating clicks when I “dial” too, I’ll love you forever…)
Cozmik Cowboy about 8 years ago
Still never touched a girl, eh Ralphie?
I was FRAMED!!!!!! about 8 years ago
I have the ‘bell’ ringtone for the OLD contacts on my phone. And at this time of year, I have the ‘Grinch’ ringtone as the default. After the new year, I will change the default.
FosterGrant about 8 years ago
And you’re married to him.
DDrazen about 8 years ago
There’s still no better term for a phone than “ringing” even though they haven’t had actual bells inside them for decades.
jeffiekins about 8 years ago
There’s a special place in hell for whoever first decided a phone could play music when someone calls.
Thechildinme about 8 years ago
If the “ringing phone” was the only ring tone available, imagine being in a store and all around you phones are ringing… I see wisdom in personalized ringtones, unless you turn your phone off or leave it in the car.
archipelago Premium Member about 8 years ago
Retro is so fashionable.
TossedSaladCartoon about 8 years ago
I’ve had this exact conversation!
jarvisloop about 8 years ago
I favor “Vibrate All” myself.
david_42 about 8 years ago
My phone can’t download tones and all of the built-in choices are annoying.
KEA about 8 years ago
i’m an old man and my ring tone is the red phone alert from ‘In Like Flint’… just sayin’
(it does get people’s attention)
Tyge about 8 years ago
YIKES! Janis is a tech snob!
Tyge about 8 years ago
Make that a pseudo-neo-tech snob.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 8 years ago
If you mean Alzheimer’s then say so.
gordol about 8 years ago
My default ringtone is the opening cacophony from Pink Floyd’s “Time”
Ladylagomorph1976 about 8 years ago
I have “The Psychiatric Office Answering Machine” ring tone. It’s hilarious.
drmickeyg about 8 years ago
I have my ringtones personalized for groups (one for family, one for friends, one for business associates, etc.) plus a default ringtone so I can decide from the ringtone how important it is for me to answer my phone.
jppjr about 8 years ago
My ringtone is a Thunderbolt overhead fire siren…no one else mistakes it for theirs.
Space & Kitten about 8 years ago
I prefer the standard bell ringtone, It is not only simple and easy to hear but I also use it as a filter. I only put a special musical ringtone on the people I know based on what they like. This way I can identify who is calling and choose to answer or not plus I can ignore all other calls leaving them the option of leaving a Voice Mail ( Text messages I don’t read, If I’m not worth Talking to, then don’t bother. Besides I read and speak English not BS Text. ) this works great.
Mary McNeil Premium Member about 8 years ago
I the store where I work, every time that ring sounds, all of us “that age” grab for our cell phones !
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 8 years ago
The ring for a ring tone is logical to me. It means nothing else.
slsharris about 8 years ago
There’s a special place in Hell for those who ride others about individualized ringtones, but ask others around them EVERY time if it’s their phone that’s ringing…