Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for February 25, 2017
Ned:'s the weather report, then off to school. Remote: Clik Television:...And the radar shows no snow for today, despite all of those alternative facts being circulated on Twitter......Which caused the schools to declare a snow day. In a related story, heads explode around town... Danae: Hey, you might be on TV, daddy.
somebodyshort almost 8 years ago
Tests scheduled for today will be written tomorrow.
Note teachers will take today to make the tests harder
in.amongst almost 8 years ago
Either way – a victory for democrazy …. err democracy! (my bad!)
darth_geekboy almost 8 years ago
that’s how president breitFART rolls and his puppet dRUMF.
mddshubby2005 almost 8 years ago
I’m amazed Danae agreed to watch a ‘fake news’ forecast at all.
sandpiper almost 8 years ago
More exploding heads means fewer reasonable thinkers
TossedSaladCartoon almost 8 years ago
Remember when news shows began showing what people were saying about a story on Twitter? That’s when I stopped watching the news.
MooseMaple almost 8 years ago
Around here, the weather people hype outrageous forecasts to drum up ratings, school officials believe them and cancel school, and then nothing happens. Over and over, all winter long.
Ermine Notyours almost 8 years ago
I hope Danae likes going to school until July 4th. You can delay it, but it still needs to be done.
garcoa almost 8 years ago
If you tell a lie often enough and with enough conviction, that’s what happens.
Radish... almost 8 years ago
One day everyone will notice it is not snowing, truth will out.
Can't Sleep almost 8 years ago
The day will come when we learn Danae’s mother is Kellyanne.
Can't Sleep almost 8 years ago
My wife, who was a reporter and news editor, once said, “The trouble with cable TV is that it treats news like gossip, and gossip like news.” She’s a very smart woman.
1953Baby almost 8 years ago
Anybody remember the movie “Matrix”? and its end. . .
LEOKEV almost 8 years ago
A “snow day” today just mean an extra day at the end of spring. Much worse to be stuck in class when it’s hot outside.
Alabama Al almost 8 years ago
Might be funny if it wasn’t so depressingly plausible.
Roadrunner Premium Member almost 8 years ago
The strategy was called the “Big Lie” and was Commie Propaganda oriented in the 40s and 50s. The idea is to use hyperbole, exaggeration, and puffery to sell a outrageous and improbable lie. Better than paying protesters instead, just brainwash them.
Germanshepherds4ever almost 8 years ago
STILL??? I’ll check back when I’m sure the psycho-brat and her equine hallucination go back in their basket.
Dtroutma almost 8 years ago
“Alternate facts” are sheep fodder being shoveled out online, and consumed without reading the label that has the skull and crossbones.
Can't Sleep almost 8 years ago
My fantasy is a Sunday strip where we see dad take her smart phone, set it in back of a tire, and back over it. Repeatedly.
Then sweep up the bits, put them into an old blender in the garage, and puree what’s left. Pour it into a paper cup and return the bits to Danae, and tell her she can get a replacement when she finishes reassembling it. Then dad goes inside and deletes her account, after adding a few comments of his own (Mu-ah-ha-ha-ha!)
Dr_Zinj almost 8 years ago
And so begins the reign of Darth Danae.
GeorgeSteele over 5 years ago
As I write this, it’s late 2019; the stock market is up 38% since Trump was elected. Feel much like a chump, Wiley?