Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for October 06, 2010

  1. Bren suit
    FLIGHT SUIT  over 14 years ago

    Oh boy, Dick’s making progress!

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  2. 220px charles bowles aka black bart
    Steve Bartholomew  over 14 years ago

    Two guys are a group? My friends are beginning to regret having abducted Tracy and changed his brain cells.

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  3. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  over 14 years ago

    Make him prove it, Thick! Ask to see his butterfly tattoo!

    What next? Are the men around him actually his loyal bodyguards? Do they stick with their boss through Thick and thin? And what can Thick do beyond ask him a few questions? Charge him with being a missing person?

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  4. Bren suit
    FLIGHT SUIT  over 14 years ago

    barticle35 said, 7 minutes ago

    Two guys are a group? ——————————–

    Locher was too lazy to draw additional people. He coulda done what he did when he drew the mass exodus from the circus tent and simply added piles of cereal to the picture, but I guess even that would have been too much trouble.

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  5. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  over 14 years ago

    I can’t wait for Thick and D-cubed to continue their conversation over the next couple of weeks, amid constant reminders of things we already know:

    Thick: “You’re dead!”

    D-cubed: “I am? You could have fooled me!”

    Thick: “Your wife said that you were a cold-hearted monster hated by one and all!”

    D-cubed: “And you believed her because …?”

    Thick: “Why are you hiding out like this?”

    D-cubed: “Because someone tried to kill me and this was the only way to stay safe.”

    Thick: “But you could have come to the Nappingville PD for protection!”

    D-cubed: “HA HA HA HO HO HA!”

    Or will they skip the chatter and cut to Thick’s big run and cower from gunfire scene? And when will Testicle Chin show up?

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  6. Missing large
    OldTracy  over 14 years ago

    Seeing that the person he sought for giving out $1000 bills was giving out $1000 bills was more of a shock to Spacy than seeing a dead man alive. Spacy has lost it.

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  7. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  over 14 years ago

    It is with considerable dismay That I read the strip today It puts me in a deep blue funk To see how low the strip has sunk “Well don’t read it then”, is said by some “And to this site do not come” But like a moth to flame I am drawn With the coming of each new dawn To see just where it will go Something even Locher seems to not know So to those who complain about what I post Just think of this as a roast Where people gather to heap abuse For deeds to which there is no excuse.

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  8. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  over 14 years ago

    Tigger was the first to say that D-cubed was Homeless Guy; he called it right away.

    Thick appears to have figured it out on 11 September:


    How he figured it out is impossible to say, as the reader was not shown enough evidence to justify this conclusion, neither did we see Thick explain his theory to Horn Hair.

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  9. Missing large
    puddleglum1066  over 14 years ago

    Tomorrow’s first panel: Tracy turns to D’Buckworth and says, “The Naperberry Police have determined that you are dead, murdered. Therefore, I now must shoot you.”

    Second panel: BANG!

    Third panel: Liz and testicle-chin show up, see the bullet-riddled corpse of D’Buckworth, and say, “Gee, Tracy, you really are the world’s greatest crime-solver.”

    They then all go out for pizza, which will be the beginning of the next case.

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  10. Missing large
    veldy  over 14 years ago

    “squeeze in” between two people?

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  11. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  over 14 years ago

    Elegant solution, puddleglum1066, although the Three Stooges will need a month to wrap up the case. When shot, D-cubed will have to tumble into the flames so Thick can say “The fat is in the fire!” And they have to find Sue Doko so Thick can make more bad jokes about her name. And once Thick figures out the widow lied to him, he’ll have to say he only got a penny’s worth of truth from her.

    Maybe D-cubed is really hanging out with the local Druid community, and when Thick repeats his line about getting warm, they’ll toss him in the fire.

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  12. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  over 14 years ago

    scuttlebutt99, they’re gonna bust Locher & Brozman for loitering in front of an easel.

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  13. Odd spots 002
    sydney  over 14 years ago

    Excellent solution puddleglum1066 !. It’s like a race horse with a fractured leg a quick bullet to end it all, along with this Group’s pain and mysery.

    At this stage, no one gives a HOOT what The MYSTERY was it would be difficult to have a new story as BAD as this one.

    Locher himsef, may have just ‘dodged’ a bullet, On the back of this, . TMS may have considered ’FIRING HIM’ for the second time, *–until they realized …hey ! His contract throws him out in December !

    No sympathy for good past work, you’re judged on - “now for now” !

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  14. Av1
    steveyorkdesigns  over 14 years ago

    “Hi gang”? What is this, the Little Rascals?

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  15. 1937
    billdi Premium Member over 14 years ago

    real subtle undercover work there macthick. maybe the gang will gang up on him so that we can finally get to the part when he runs, hides and cowers on the mean streets of macnapperville.

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  16. Scan2023 01 23 153155a
    Midnite  over 14 years ago

    And now D-Cubed yells ‘You fool! Youve blown my cover’ just as some snipers emerge from the rooftops. As we would expect theres a hail of gunfire. Dick runs for it, completely forgetting D-Cubed and why he was there. He gets at least three blocks before the Calvary comes out of nowhere with guns out and ready for action. Homeless men run for cover as all these people shoot and no one knows at what. Many innocents are hit. D-Cubed escapes in the fray, as we would expect. Snipers fall off rooftops as they get hit, some random guy starts singing ‘Its Raining Men’. It isnt until after just about every sniper is dead except for that last persistent one, you know theres always one that wont give it up, and they question him that Dick asks the question we all know hes wondering. ‘Have you any idea how to get to the nearest Krispy Kreme? Ive been out here for quite some time and I could use a cruller with some coffee.’ They hit the mean streets once more, now in quest of something to warm them in this ‘rain’ and to celebrate what should be a job well done. Dick goes into the restaurant and bumps into D-Cubed, spilling his just bought coffee all over him. Dick apologizes and runs to get him some napkins but is instead handed another thousand dollar bill… which he promptly uses for the meal. It is as a clerks asks him where in the World he got that kind of money and tells him they cant break it that the gears inside his head begin to turn and he remembers that he was supposed to get that guy. Too bad, D-Cubed is gone. Dick remembers that he accidentally made the man spill his coffee all over him and suggests they follow the coffee trail. It goes cold right at the front door. And for some odd reason it starts snowing. Dick suggests that he go undercover as a homeless man again and they oblige him, happy to have this wool head out of their hair. See, they had to pay the bill for the coffee and crullers and no one was amused. So Dick hits those mean streets again with coffee and bag in hand to find the man behind the ‘murder’. He reaches into the bag and finds that he grabbed the wrong one on his way out and has a couple of bear claws and jelly doughnuts. Little known fact, Dick hates bear claws. It is now his priority to find D-Cubed and give him those bear claws so they do not go to waste. Dick vanishes into the ‘rain’… and appears three weeks later in an old ‘Peanuts’ strip asking Snoopy about D-Cubed and bear claws.

    Excellent post wndrwrthg. Id bold your name but Im new here and dont know how to do that yet.

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  17. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  over 14 years ago

    Nvash, the instructions for italics, bold and bold italics are here:


    Basically, you use either asterisks or underlines for the typefaces, the same way you would use quote marks or parentheses. Single characters for italics, double characters for bold, triple characters for bold italics.

    Your scenario is interesting and plausible, although it’s probably too realistic for Spacyworld; it is unknown for Thick to follow an actual trail. And it would require Brozman to draw more than three characters in some panels, which is anathema to him.

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  18. Avatar 4101
    g6793  over 14 years ago

    ruh roh raggy…my cover’s blown….

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  19. Drmid nite head
    Dr. Midnight  over 14 years ago

    I’m frankly quite surprised that Tracy even remembers the guy’s name after so much time.

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  20. Drmid nite head
    Dr. Midnight  over 14 years ago

    BTW, Locher, that’s a trash barrel that the Homeless have built a fire in. They don’t have special “Fire Barrels” for that purpose.

    If I had a Fire Barrel, I know what I’d put in it….

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  21. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  over 14 years ago

    Dr.Midnight said, “BTW, Locher, that’s a trash barrel that the Homeless have built a fire in. They don’t have special “Fire Barrels” for that purpose.”

    For once, Locher is right. The homeless in my area refer to them as Fire Barrels. They are steel drums salvaged by the homeless and used as fire barrels.

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  22. Avatar2
    idarke  over 14 years ago

    He’s been saying that to every homeless person he’s met for the last six hours. Even the ladies. Sooner or later he’ll be right.

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  23. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  over 14 years ago

    Even for Thick this is a stupid move. What’s the idea? Does he plan to infiltrate whatever operation D-cubed has going among the homeless? “I know who you are, D-cubed, let me in and trust me or I’ll call the cops!”

    Now that Thick has established that D-cubed is not Butterfly McCorpse, he should wonder why the alleged widow lied to him. The story she gave Thick back in the Neolithic Era was filled with contradictions that he should have spotted at once. But that would mean investigating a real crime, and that could be dangerous.

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    Nimblejack  over 14 years ago

    Nice work, Tracy. Run him in…I don’t care what the charges are and I don’t care if he’s innocent or guilty. I just want this storyline to end!!! Please let it end!!!

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  25. Th
    marvee  over 14 years ago

    Is faking one’s own death a crime? There could be false reports, misuse of police time, possible fraud, and BTW, whose body was found and how did he die? Plenty of reasons to take D’Cube in for questioning. The only surprise here is that Tracy so quickly identified 3D. He might have gotten some valuable information by stayng undercover longer.

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  26. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  over 14 years ago

    marvee, Thick’s people haven’t even established that Butterfly McCorpse has any connection to D-cubed. Two cops found the body in the water and said it vaguely matched D-cubed’s physique. Mrs. D’apostrophe, whose behavior was already suspicious and whose testimony contradicted itself, is the one who identified the corpse as that of her husband. But so far there is no evidence that D-cubed himself has done anything illegal.

    If Thick is stupid enough to arrest D-cubed, then Thick will have to deal with all the lawyers a billionaire can hire. Unless the missus has absconded to Rio with his fortune, in which case the ACLU is always there.

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  27. Calvin
    SimonPenn  over 14 years ago

    Another GREAT Dick Tracy comic strip! Might have found the mysterious 3-D.

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