Pluggers by Rick McKee for August 11, 2017

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  over 7 years ago

    Luckily I’m not yet of that age; I still happen to pick up coins lying around on the asphalt and pavement.

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  2. Large goat riddance
    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  over 7 years ago

    If they were the Canadian plated steel coins a magnet on a stick is all she would need.

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  3. Rick o shay
    wiatr  over 7 years ago

    I’d say bend at the knees but that might be more treacherous than just bending over. I’ve got a knee that’s ‘iffy’ at times.

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  4. Opus   bill
    DW Premium Member over 7 years ago

    When I see a coin, I tend to leave it for kids to find. I remember how happy my kids were finding a coin, and would rather let a kid be that happy.

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    brain Les  over 7 years ago

    actually I too have to decide if something is worth trying to bend down to get or let some one else get it for me….

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    nyssawho13  over 7 years ago

    I’m in that boat, but I believe the fact that a Plugger is willing to pick up found money is a major point. ‘A penny saved is a penny earned’!

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    Olddog1  over 7 years ago

    At 74 I’ll pick up any coin. Kids around here won’t. Too cool.

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    david_42  over 7 years ago

    Whether or not I pick up a coin depends more on how fast the dogs are going.

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    pcolli  over 7 years ago

    I once watched someone drop a coin at the bus stop. He said that it was too small to worry about. I then mentioned that one day he might be that much short of the price of a beer….. he bent down and retrieved it!

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  10. I go pogo
    I Go Pogo   over 7 years ago

    I’ll pick up any coin, unless it’s a tails-up penny.

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  11. Picofme150
    Rogers George Premium Member over 7 years ago

    I have said for years that you’re not Old until it’s too much work to pick up a penny.

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  12. 00712 whiteheron
    whiteheron  over 7 years ago

    My best monetary find was a $20 bill. I damn sure picked that up

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  13. Maxresdefault
    More or Less Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Ima not pickin up anything aint foldin.

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