I was trying to get my coffee ready in a motel room where my husband was sleeping. Afterwards he said it seemed like I was stirring and clinking the spoon in the cup for at least an hour.
My ex-wife would have ‘anxiety’ and decide that she needed to stay up all night watching movies. At about 3x the volume she used during daylight hours. She’d also eat cereal while watching the movie and constantly bang the spoon on the bowl. But of course, I was being mean for asking her to stop doing this sort of thing.
alasko about 7 years ago
The sounds of breakfast gets Pavlov’s kitty moving.
John Smith about 7 years ago
His mistake was washing the plate
Tyge about 7 years ago
That’s us all over. :o)
well-i-never about 7 years ago
I’m as silent as possible. Don’t even eat. But I have this quiet laptop.
Going Nuts about 7 years ago
In a deep sleep, my wife can smell bacon cooking from a mile away.
cabalonrye about 7 years ago
There’s those things called ear plugs. They work like a charm.
joeatwork212 about 7 years ago
Call it sexist if you want, wives don’t like us mess around in the domain.
Emperor Rick about 7 years ago
Socks, Arlo.
timbob2313 Premium Member about 7 years ago
My wife of 50 years is the same, I apparently make to much noise
sid w about 7 years ago
Worst of all is when the spouse tries to be quiet… You just lay there listening to figure out what they are doing.
blschumann Premium Member about 7 years ago
I was trying to get my coffee ready in a motel room where my husband was sleeping. Afterwards he said it seemed like I was stirring and clinking the spoon in the cup for at least an hour.
BrettShaff about 7 years ago
My ex-wife would have ‘anxiety’ and decide that she needed to stay up all night watching movies. At about 3x the volume she used during daylight hours. She’d also eat cereal while watching the movie and constantly bang the spoon on the bowl. But of course, I was being mean for asking her to stop doing this sort of thing.
janis nerowski about 7 years ago
My house exactly!
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 7 years ago
interesting feet
Ahuehuete about 7 years ago
Their walls must be paper thin.