I still don’t get why media doesn’t censor cursive words or dialogs completely. Most of the time I end up seeing f#ck in articles and fa(beep) in the videos. If you are delivering the message why censor it? Are you being true to yourself in censoring the cursive words?
Nathan Daniels almost 6 years ago
If it’s an insult, is it discursive?
Radish... almost 6 years ago
grawlixDictionary result for grawlix
a string of typographical symbols (such as %@$&*!) used in place of an obscenity, especially in comic strips.
6turtle9 almost 6 years ago
Best to start ‘em young; right out of the #@&%in’ womb.
Stephen Gilberg almost 6 years ago
This will come up at the PTA meeting.
JudyAz almost 6 years ago
Somehow I don’t think kids need any lessons in that genre.
Charlie Tuba almost 6 years ago
That’s not cursive, that’s Grawlix!
Charlie Tuba almost 6 years ago
Isn’t that what the Sundance Kid said after he said, “I can’t swim!” and jumped off the cliff into the river.
Radish... almost 6 years ago
Curses, foiled again!
chromosome Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Now THIS is real cursive writing: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR6MRLbrmbHYH4haanMxB-PUCL9DZXyGglYIKW_HlYx06slmSgB
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] almost 6 years ago
That is called Grawlex.
Grayhair, The Pirate Formerly Known as Tom Powell Premium Member almost 6 years ago
No wonder schools are dropping it from the curriculum.
vp almost 6 years ago
I still don’t get why media doesn’t censor cursive words or dialogs completely. Most of the time I end up seeing f#ck in articles and fa(beep) in the videos. If you are delivering the message why censor it? Are you being true to yourself in censoring the cursive words?