Oh poor Elvis. What’s a pitiful guard cat to do when he’s stressed and has no one to guard? If there were any plants, I’m sure he would have eaten and thrown them up first.
And some member of the news team should try to track down who it was who pulled down all the curtains. I suggest this would be a good thing for Elvis to investigate.
R.O.F.L! In our living room, the east wall is composed of a mass of lath and plaster with 12 windows, each roughly 2×2 in size, in the center. M’lady, 40year seamstress and design maven that she is, took a LOT of time and hand cut and sewed fabric inserts on spring loaded rods to precisely fit these windows. It should have come as no surprise then, when the very next morning after installation, Tre-C (“The Deadliest Tabby”) had pulled two of the curtain panels out of their respective windows. “I just wanted to see the birds in the front yard, daddy.”
Someone. It is always “Someone”, isn’t it Elvis? I live with “Someone” and “Weshould”. ie “Someone should take out the garbage.”. “Weshould, clean out the basement”. ;)
Good morning and happy Tuesday/Bluesday, orbsters and orbabies. Elvis’ look in the last panel is priceless. I think we all know who pulled down the curtains.
On another note, Paul has his first radiation treatment today.
hehe, looks like our house if we go away for 2 nights. 3 litter boxes, 6 bowls of water, a 13×9 pan of food. Hubby shakes his head but what if we got in an accident and the grown kids were too busy to check on them? Must protect kitties!
A couple of comments here have believing it’s time to re-watch The Wizard of Oz. I will have my granddaughter over on Wednesday and Thursday, maybe then. Thanks to Sue Ellen (I will ignore the cat underneath the curtains) and Demon Oligarch (Bless my buttons!)
OMC, OMC, OMC, I just received my 2019 calendars, and they are FANTASTIC!!! I think they’re even better than last years!!!!! GREAT JOB, GEORGIA. i’d love to go on and on about each month, but don’t want to spoil it for anyone. This just made my day!
What would you like explained ? The basics are : the strip is based on the real life cats and other family members of the artist. Some events come right from real life, some are the product of her amazing, fertile and creative imagination. The cats report on events important to cats, such as empty food bowls.
Bill Thompson over 6 years ago
With some cats there’s no such thing as an unnecessary amount of food.
Jungle Empress over 6 years ago
The People are not there to give treats! Whatever shall a poor kitty do?
cat19632001 over 6 years ago
But reports have not mentioned ham yet.
cat19632001 over 6 years ago
Okay if we can’t have Pucky toe beans, Puck toe counting is an acceptable substitute. Intense Eyebrows also help.
cat19632001 over 6 years ago
Oh poor Elvis. What’s a pitiful guard cat to do when he’s stressed and has no one to guard? If there were any plants, I’m sure he would have eaten and thrown them up first.
Lady Bri over 6 years ago
Oh nooooo! Where is Elvis’ extreme close up???!!! :O Oh Georgia, why’d you have to cut that bit out? It was my favourite from this arc. (sob)
TammyHarris-Dearhouse Premium Member over 6 years ago
ikini Premium Member over 6 years ago
OMC! The look on Elvis’s face! Lololol!
awomanonwheels over 6 years ago
Did the people leave extra kitty litter boxes?
Sue Ellen over 6 years ago
Gee, Elvis, I hope you use your crack reporter skills to figure out who could possible have been responsible for the curtain caper!
Robin Harwood over 6 years ago
How is the excess food and water evidence of return? Looks more like the opposite to me.
Robin Harwood over 6 years ago
And some member of the news team should try to track down who it was who pulled down all the curtains. I suggest this would be a good thing for Elvis to investigate.
Charliegirl Premium Member over 6 years ago
Oh oh, Elvis won’t be the woman’s good boy anymore!
skykey over 6 years ago
R.O.F.L! In our living room, the east wall is composed of a mass of lath and plaster with 12 windows, each roughly 2×2 in size, in the center. M’lady, 40year seamstress and design maven that she is, took a LOT of time and hand cut and sewed fabric inserts on spring loaded rods to precisely fit these windows. It should have come as no surprise then, when the very next morning after installation, Tre-C (“The Deadliest Tabby”) had pulled two of the curtain panels out of their respective windows. “I just wanted to see the birds in the front yard, daddy.”
Kaputnik over 6 years ago
I’m sure that Elvis’s reports come from impeccable sources.
Rosette over 6 years ago
Awww Pucky’s counting toes!
Pet over 6 years ago
Someone. It is always “Someone”, isn’t it Elvis? I live with “Someone” and “Weshould”. ie “Someone should take out the garbage.”. “Weshould, clean out the basement”. ;)
ladykat Premium Member over 6 years ago
Good morning and happy Tuesday/Bluesday, orbsters and orbabies. Elvis’ look in the last panel is priceless. I think we all know who pulled down the curtains.
On another note, Paul has his first radiation treatment today.
Hugs, bumps and boops to everyone!
Grace Premium Member over 6 years ago
hehe, looks like our house if we go away for 2 nights. 3 litter boxes, 6 bowls of water, a 13×9 pan of food. Hubby shakes his head but what if we got in an accident and the grown kids were too busy to check on them? Must protect kitties!
redarmrest over 6 years ago
Butch totally understands Elvis, whenever we leave to visit my family we come back to c cushions knocked off the couch.
Lily.spokescat over 6 years ago
,,, Petsitter waving hands in the air!
Susanna Premium Member over 6 years ago
I was excited this morning to see an email from Amazon saying my BCN calendar has shipped and should arrive tomorrow.
LoveBritTV Premium Member over 6 years ago
A couple of comments here have believing it’s time to re-watch The Wizard of Oz. I will have my granddaughter over on Wednesday and Thursday, maybe then. Thanks to Sue Ellen (I will ignore the cat underneath the curtains) and Demon Oligarch (Bless my buttons!)
Ruth Brown over 6 years ago
I <3 Elvis.
Gloria Fleming over 6 years ago
OMC, OMC, OMC, I just received my 2019 calendars, and they are FANTASTIC!!! I think they’re even better than last years!!!!! GREAT JOB, GEORGIA. i’d love to go on and on about each month, but don’t want to spoil it for anyone. This just made my day!
spyroclub1 over 6 years ago
Im new to breaking cat news. Can someone explain this to me? Thanks.
Brein43 over 6 years ago
Welcome, Spyro !
What would you like explained ? The basics are : the strip is based on the real life cats and other family members of the artist. Some events come right from real life, some are the product of her amazing, fertile and creative imagination. The cats report on events important to cats, such as empty food bowls.
ditto(ditto) over 6 years ago
the last panel is funny!!!