Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for October 21, 2018

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    willispate  over 6 years ago


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    Nachikethass  over 6 years ago

    That’s why politicians love wars. CiP – Saudi Arabia and it’s bloodthirsty prince. Of course, there are a few more obvious ones…

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    Watcher  over 6 years ago

    What have you done Nebbish? Bringing about the downfall of the Earl or making a play for power yourself?

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    feverjr Premium Member over 6 years ago

    … if he could just find someone or something to blame every perceived evil on… hmmm… how about the poor or the immigrant, better yet the poor immigrant from a s#@thole country.

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    Random Nick Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Sad, but true. I’m sorry to say.

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    the lost wizard  over 6 years ago

    He gives a whole new meaning to seeing the light.

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    Lenavid  over 6 years ago

    The sky is falling!The climate is changing!

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    Silly Season   over 6 years ago

    ExxonMobil is the world’s most profitable corporation. Its sales now amount to more than $1bn a day. It makes most of this money from oil, and has more to lose than any other company from efforts to tackle climate change. To safeguard its profits, ExxonMobil needs to sow doubt about whether serious action needs to be taken on climate change. But there are difficulties: it must confront a scientific consensus as strong as that which maintains that smoking causes lung cancer or that HIV causes Aids. So what’s its strategy?

    The website, using data found in the company’s official documents, lists 124 organizations that have taken money from the company or work closely with those that have. These organizations take a consistent line on climate change: that the science is contradictory, the scientists are split, environmentalists are charlatans, liars or lunatics, and if governments took action to prevent global warming, they would be endangering the global economy for no good reason. The findings these organizations dislike are labelled “junk science”. The findings they welcome are labelled “sound science”.

    Among the organizations that have been funded by Exxon are such well-known websites and lobby groups as TechCentralStation, the Cato Institute and the Heritage Foundation. Some of those on the list have names that make them look like grassroots citizens’ organizations or academic bodies: the Centre for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, for example. One or two of them, such as the Congress of Racial Equality, are citizens’ organizations or academic bodies, but the line they take on climate change is very much like that of the other sponsored groups.

    By funding a large number of organisations, Exxon helps to create the impression that doubt about climate change is widespread.

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    NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Nebbish seems to have an interesting power.

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    tripwire45  over 6 years ago

    It’s interesting that fear is the motivator and justification for outrage and violence, regardless of political party. There are always two (or more) sides to the story, and in the end, it isn’t political or social views that are good or evil, but the very nature of human beings (not that we can’t overcome it, but that would take work, and who wants to do that?).

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    Packratjohn Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Not to worry, there will always be a boogeyman…

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    whiteaj  over 6 years ago

    Well… the Kavanaugh nomination didn’t seem to work… guess they’ll just have to go back to mob violence.

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    For a Just and Peaceful World  over 6 years ago

    The cast of Characters: Earl played by Trump, Nebbish played by Steve Bannon which is not a perfect fit but then no one in the White House is, Sir Where Do We Start played by Mike Pence, The Sky is on Fire mob played by the American voter because half of the voters are below median intelligence.

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    Holden Awn  over 6 years ago

    This toon is a Rorschach; we see what we want based on our political ideology. My first impression was it’s a scene of a top Democrat strategist on the lookout for a new flashpoint he can use to incite an identity/victims group into mob action.

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    Richard S Russell Premium Member over 6 years ago

    “Hatred is the most accessible and comprehensive of all the unifying agents. Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a God, but never without belief in a devil.” —Eric Hoffer (1902-1983), US philosopher

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    timbob2313 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Looks like if the sweeper imagines it, it happens. Hmmm……wonder what Wiley is going to draw for Sunday Nov 4? And, what will he do for Nov 11? Or will he, as some Cartoonists have over the years, draw 2 entirely different strips, one if the POT=Party of Trump keeps the House and Senate, One if the POT loses.Trump is doing his damnedest to make the Dems into mob hungry Brown Shirt equivalents out to destroy everything that Trump wants to do. Sadly, that will work for the POT base. Question then is, will enough people vote to prevent it?Trump is IMVPO the #1 reason why so many white people are now calling the cops on Black Americans for doing things that they are totally entitled to do. The question in my mind is, why are the cops being so zealous in busting the totally legal Black guy while letting the white person go free.I have thought about this and believe that Trump has planted the idea in his POT base that all Blacks are criminals, and that very unfortunately, the cops have decided to agree with that position

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    whelan_jj  over 6 years ago

    Amazing! Wiley is becoming conservative. A strip that lampoons both the Obama administrations and the global warming farce.

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    lordhoff  over 6 years ago

    Best parody I’ve seen so far on former President Obama!

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    bakana  over 6 years ago

    So, Nebbish has Hidden Talents.

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    Call me Ishmael  over 6 years ago

    ..and black or brown, don’t forget them !

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    keenanthelibrarian  over 6 years ago

    An earlier conservative Prime Minister of Australia could always get back into power by bringing out the “reds under the bed” bogey man. That scare fell flat when the Soviet Union got itself dismantled. For a long time afterwards that same party went looking for another scare, but couldn’t find one. Then refugees and asylum seekers began arriving by boat … the rest is history.

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    doihafta  over 6 years ago

    The bottom panel in this should be on Democrat political ads until we eat the sharks.

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    Timothy Madigan Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Trump or Bernie…or Warren in disguise. Could easily be any of them.

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    gsteele531  over 5 years ago

    Right – we should continue to blow 150 billion dollars a year on people who break our laws – because, you know, it benefits the middle class that the libs are always screaming never get a break.

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