The second one should be a crime, but I am glad it’s not. I believe in security through obscurity. Since I am not Bank of America, IRS, Target, Sony or some other big name, professional hackers aren’t after me.
As for the second-rate hackers, it’s like the two men in the woods who were being chased by a bear. One stops to put on running shoes. The other says, “You’re crazy; you can’t outrun a bear.” The other replies, “I don’t have to outrun the bear; I have to outrun you.”
There is a lot of low-hanging fruit out there before they get to me.
Guilty as charged. Me: I’d like a small coke. Them: We only have Medium, Large and Ginormous. Me: It would seem the Medium would be the smallest you have. Them: Yes. Me: Then I’ll take the SMALL one!
I am willing to do updates, but Windows 10 doesn’t allow any flexibility. Earlier versions allowed you to select which ones you wanted (if I didn’t have Office, why should I want updates), or take them in small bites instead of big batches.
mr_sherman Premium Member over 6 years ago
And if you’re guilty of all four, you get booted of Gocom
danketaz Premium Member over 6 years ago
Gasp, the very perfidy of some people.
whataboytjiex2 over 6 years ago
Thinks (Guilty of all charges, I just hope they don’t find out that I drink milk from the carton!)
TazzTec over 6 years ago
Me, me, me, me.
over 6 years ago
I have been skipping ads lately. I’m doomed!
blunebottle over 6 years ago
Wore white after Labour Day.
Little Caesar over 6 years ago
“Removed tag from furniture under penalty of law.”
Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 6 years ago
Put ketchup on a hot dog.
Stevefk over 6 years ago
You must be 18 to enter! – whoops, don’t have to worry about that one anymore.
Kaputnik over 6 years ago
How about never patronizes a place that calls a large cup a “venti”? And refuses to call the smallest size they have a medium.
DanFlak over 6 years ago
I’m with the first woman. I can’t order anything at Starbucks: I don’t speak the language.
DanFlak over 6 years ago
The second one should be a crime, but I am glad it’s not. I believe in security through obscurity. Since I am not Bank of America, IRS, Target, Sony or some other big name, professional hackers aren’t after me.
As for the second-rate hackers, it’s like the two men in the woods who were being chased by a bear. One stops to put on running shoes. The other says, “You’re crazy; you can’t outrun a bear.” The other replies, “I don’t have to outrun the bear; I have to outrun you.”
There is a lot of low-hanging fruit out there before they get to me.
bobpeters61 over 6 years ago
Had white wine with red meat.
rhpii over 6 years ago
Guilty as charged. Me: I’d like a small coke. Them: We only have Medium, Large and Ginormous. Me: It would seem the Medium would be the smallest you have. Them: Yes. Me: Then I’ll take the SMALL one!
DM2860 over 6 years ago
Yesterday I heard a guy ask for a “large, Venti coffee; 3 creams” I wondered if I heard him right but the lady went on like that was normal.
Nuliajuk over 6 years ago
Gives up before finally getting to "The one weird tip doctors don’t want you to know aboit. "
Teto85 Premium Member over 6 years ago
I still am waiting until Xmas before I update to Mojave. Have to wait for the peripherals to catch up.
Dr_Fogg over 6 years ago
Me too. AdBlock plus blocked 11 ads!!
Bobtul07110 over 6 years ago
I’m wondering about the perp’s number in panel 4. 1987 – 2018. Does that mean anything,Mark?
Zen-of-Zinfandel over 6 years ago
Expired coupons…it’s worth a try.
edreajr over 6 years ago
Panel 4 looks like some guy from “South Park”.
chromosome Premium Member over 6 years ago
I should have refused the last update for my 2-year-old Android phone… it really slowed down and uses up battery too fast!
Nuclear Nemesis over 6 years ago
I am willing to do updates, but Windows 10 doesn’t allow any flexibility. Earlier versions allowed you to select which ones you wanted (if I didn’t have Office, why should I want updates), or take them in small bites instead of big batches.
MDMom over 6 years ago
. . . how did Luann get arrested? :’(
whelan_jj over 6 years ago
Upper right is why I’m using Linux instead of Microsoft.
RWill over 6 years ago
Given that there is no autumn where I lived—and no seasons at all where I am now—I’m 100% guilty of the last one.
deepereyes over 6 years ago
The top left mugshot is Luann
news over 6 years ago
Luann? Is that you?