Time to take Endtown off my “check every day” stack and give things a rest. I know I’ll come back to it eventually, but I think I need more than a month’s rest… we’ve had unremitting downers since Gustine saved Al’s life many years ago, and I can’t take any more without a major rest break.
I’m still thinking the pork conspiracy is over and all we were seeing for the last couple of weeks was a “fond farewell” to the fallen in the last arc.
One of you has said Wally is coming back for the next arc.
To any newcomers to Endtown: This image is only a placeholder, and a reminder of the last story “arc”. The segment, which began in December of 2016, is a long, emotional story detailing how many people suffered the ills of Endtown society…and how some were cured.
During the hiatus, how about an Endtown trivia quiz? I’ll start with a question. First one that answers correctly (with reference to the appropriate installment so we can all see), posts the next question. All questions must relate to something revealed within the strip (no insights from Mr. Neathery, or from elsewhere).Also, include the link to strip containing the answer so all can see. If you want to play…first question: “Who sent Gustine on her quest to find the mystery plant?”
I think olongapojoe made a good connection between the spec-wearing wolf who chased Portia at the beginning—and the drug dispenser she shot later. Because of that comment I re-read the next early strip. I think it foreshadowa Portia’s actions a year later (in our time). Wow…. https://www.gocomics.com/endtown/2017/01/06
Question 3.In the lizard town Unity, what was the memorial to the non-lizard species who perished in the early days of the colony?A) A statue of a can of beans perpetually dripping bloodB) A statue of a rabbit with an arrow sticking through himC) A mouse-shaped cauldron with an eternal flame that eventually fell over and burned the place downD) A vintage stereogram that piped out meaningless beat poetry
Question 4: In Holly’s flashback, she is still all human, and pregnant. At her baby shower, she was given a dozen: a) jewelled eggs b) donuts c)talking bombs d)financial credits
Question 5: Made famous in a 1970’s popular folk song by Gordon Lightfoot, which ill-fated ship was found crashed in the desert of the Great Waste? a) The Titanic b)The Marie Celeste c) The Edmund Fitzgerald d) The Love Boat e) The Cutty Sark f) The Calypso g) all of the above
Question 6: Captain Flask was a voluptuous, anthropomorphic female cat. Why didn’t she have a tail? a) It startled her one day, so she bit it off. b) She lost it in a bar room fight with Allie the alligator. c) Doc Chase surgically removed it so she could infiltrate a Topsider base. d) She never had one.
Question 7: What is the name of Endtown’s news outlet? a) The Endtown Examiner b) The Entrail Examiner c) The End Of Times Examiner d) Electromatic Radio
Question 8: Topsiders Sarah and Jim actively sought mutation into cartoon animals for what goal? a) The Nobel Peace Prize. b) A cure for cancer. c) A Top 10 record hit. d) Marital bliss.
Question 9: Three Endtown women were put through a gruelling show trial over the possession of what? a) Revolutionary literature. b) Beer. c) Cookies. d) Milk.
Question 10: Beans, as they seem to be the predominant canned food that survived the apparent End of All Civilization—have become unpopular through repetition. What was the special spice that was used by Maurice the Chef to make his pot of beans more tasty—and therefore more popular? a) chile powder —BAM! b) vanilla extract c) a dead mouse d) a live rat
Question 12: The outpost named Unity was mostly populated by a specific type of reptile anthro. This was achieved through inspection of each egg and nurturing those which contained reptilians. How many new eggs contained"reptilians"? a) 50 in 100 b) 1 in a million c)25 in 100 d)1 in 200
Question 14: Before Wally Wallechinsky made it to Endtown, he rescued 2 Endtowners who were held prisoner in a Personal Transport by using an improvised weapon made from: a)cans of beans 2)a blaster 3)a fire hydrant 4)glass shards
Question 17: Topsider “Personnel Transporters” have made numerous appearances in the Endtown adventures. But one in particular actually changed character, due to intervention by Flask. This was because Flask was alerted to a past connection to this Personnel Transporter because of something he/it called her. What did the Transporter call Flask? Was it a)Philomena b)Pretty Kitty c)Blackie d)Technologist Flask
Question 18: During the Milk Trial period, an angry brawl in the street blew up into an all-out riot after a dog named Spike was shot dead. What object was he carrying when he was shot through it? a) A scale model of The Edmund Fitzgerald. b) A teddy bear with a silly hat. c) A 1950’s style radio. d) An enormous piece of cheese.
Question 19: Kirbee(along with her anthro subtype) shows the general characteristics of various lizards. They produce eggs. She can lose her tail when threatened. She also has shown the ability to: a) cling to walls b) change color c)snare things with her tongue d)shed her skin
#20: The Lucranians’ apparent chief industry is salvage & resale. They collect all manner of debris & salvage across several dimensions. One particular item of collected “junk” is esteemed as currency in one of those dimensions. Is it: a)microwave ovens b)bread makers c) toasters d)percolators e)food processors?
Question #21 During the adventures within Endtown, we have seen Wally Wallechinsky in a LOT of tough spots. But…in one instance, the strip showed that he was killed. What was the method of his demise? a) head wound from a blackjack b) drowned in the Endtown canal c) dismembered by “spif the sand creature” d) strangled by a MUTT e) chopped to death by an airship propeller f)turned to dust by a Topsider ray gun g)shot by an assault rifle h)handgrenade blast in a confined space i) stabbed in the back with a broken bottle
Jenner Premium Member over 6 years ago
Aaron Neathery deserves a break. Boy, does he ever!
Jenner Premium Member over 6 years ago
See your favourite characters in the flesh.
backyardcowboy over 6 years ago
Same Bat time, same Bat channel.
Kyneris Premium Member over 6 years ago
Enjoy your break, Aaron! I’m looking forward to the continuation of the story when you get back. :-)
ACK! Premium Member over 6 years ago
♪ Let’s all go to the lobby… ♫
ckcsmum Premium Member over 6 years ago
Those snacks seem to be mostly pork derived. I’m so hungry I could wolf them down.
rudym300 over 6 years ago
Hope it’s not illness related Aaron. If you’re just taking a break, enjoy!
Jean-Renaud over 6 years ago
A fine display of pork products here. Morbidly cute.
crookedwolf Premium Member over 6 years ago
I think this is the first break this year. Enjoy some time off, Aaron!
josh_bisbee over 6 years ago
Let’s all go to the lobby, let’s all go to the lobby, let’s all go to the lobby, and get ourselves a snack.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 6 years ago
Thats cool. Decompress.
Willywise52 Premium Member over 6 years ago
Ok,I’ll meat you back here in October.Hopefully I will still be able to comment/see comments.
Ida No over 6 years ago
We all need time to process this.
TravisVaughn over 6 years ago
I…. Don’t know how to feel about this.
Diat60 over 6 years ago
You realize I’ll still be checking every Monday, Wednesday and Friday? Just in case? (Giving up smoking was hard too.)
Plods with ...™ over 6 years ago
I’ll be waiting with baited breath…
Ptui! Gotta stop eating bait.
contralto2b over 6 years ago
Nice representation of the different kinds of pork products LOL
Robert Nowall Premium Member over 6 years ago
See ya then, then.
Space_cat over 6 years ago
Let’s all go to the Lobby Let’s all go to the Lobby Let’s all go to the LobbyAnd get yourself some pig!
ganhammer64 over 6 years ago
Maybe the comic will be approached with a little more optimism on the return, but I’m probably getting my hopes up for nothing.
Bronkster Premium Member over 6 years ago
Gosh! How will I fill the days until October? Hey, I know! I’ll read those neat Endtown books I bought! :3
MrSpiral over 6 years ago
Time to take Endtown off my “check every day” stack and give things a rest. I know I’ll come back to it eventually, but I think I need more than a month’s rest… we’ve had unremitting downers since Gustine saved Al’s life many years ago, and I can’t take any more without a major rest break.
Urbane Gorilla over 6 years ago
Nice to have a notice.
Dragoncat over 6 years ago
Enjoy your break, Mr. Neathery. You’ve earned it. See you later!
Cheapskate0 over 6 years ago
I’m still thinking the pork conspiracy is over and all we were seeing for the last couple of weeks was a “fond farewell” to the fallen in the last arc.
One of you has said Wally is coming back for the next arc.
We shall see.
22-Oct-18 it will be.
Jelliqal over 6 years ago
Somehow that intermission art seems tasteless
Palabrajot over 6 years ago
Enjoy your wait staff, everybody!
Baarorso over 6 years ago
Enjoy your vacation Aaton! Meanwhile I’m sure that come October 22nd, we’ll be BACON your cast of HAMS to be at it again.
Saucy1121 Premium Member over 6 years ago
Enjoy the time off, you deserve it. I’ll be waiting when you return.
Radical Gopher over 6 years ago
I wonder if anything containing pork bi-products comes from gay porcines?
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 6 years ago
I could use a rest. Soon it will be back!!!
Urbane Gorilla over 6 years ago
Glad nobody’s beefing about the intermission artwork.
Jenner Premium Member over 6 years ago
There’s just one snag.
Diat60 over 6 years ago
Is it October 22 yet? Is it? Is it?
Robert Nowall Premium Member over 6 years ago
By the way…you’re not gonna leave that up till October 22nd, are you? Some pre-seen artwork would be nice…
RickD Premium Member over 6 years ago
I just thought I’d come by and feed the crickets.
backyardcowboy over 6 years ago
Hope you’re doing okay Aaron!!
RickD Premium Member over 6 years ago
To any newcomers to Endtown: This image is only a placeholder, and a reminder of the last story “arc”. The segment, which began in December of 2016, is a long, emotional story detailing how many people suffered the ills of Endtown society…and how some were cured.
RickD Premium Member over 6 years ago
During the hiatus, how about an Endtown trivia quiz? I’ll start with a question. First one that answers correctly (with reference to the appropriate installment so we can all see), posts the next question. All questions must relate to something revealed within the strip (no insights from Mr. Neathery, or from elsewhere).Also, include the link to strip containing the answer so all can see. If you want to play…first question: “Who sent Gustine on her quest to find the mystery plant?”
Jenner Premium Member over 6 years ago
My question: When Wally showed Holly his only photograph of himself as a pre-mutation human, what did she do?
RickD Premium Member over 6 years ago
I think olongapojoe made a good connection between the spec-wearing wolf who chased Portia at the beginning—and the drug dispenser she shot later. Because of that comment I re-read the next early strip. I think it foreshadowa Portia’s actions a year later (in our time). Wow…. https://www.gocomics.com/endtown/2017/01/06
Jenner Premium Member over 6 years ago
Question 3.In the lizard town Unity, what was the memorial to the non-lizard species who perished in the early days of the colony?A) A statue of a can of beans perpetually dripping bloodB) A statue of a rabbit with an arrow sticking through himC) A mouse-shaped cauldron with an eternal flame that eventually fell over and burned the place downD) A vintage stereogram that piped out meaningless beat poetry
RickD Premium Member over 6 years ago
Question 4: In Holly’s flashback, she is still all human, and pregnant. At her baby shower, she was given a dozen: a) jewelled eggs b) donuts c)talking bombs d)financial credits
Jenner Premium Member over 6 years ago
Question 5: Made famous in a 1970’s popular folk song by Gordon Lightfoot, which ill-fated ship was found crashed in the desert of the Great Waste? a) The Titanic b)The Marie Celeste c) The Edmund Fitzgerald d) The Love Boat e) The Cutty Sark f) The Calypso g) all of the above
Jenner Premium Member over 6 years ago
Question 6: Captain Flask was a voluptuous, anthropomorphic female cat. Why didn’t she have a tail? a) It startled her one day, so she bit it off. b) She lost it in a bar room fight with Allie the alligator. c) Doc Chase surgically removed it so she could infiltrate a Topsider base. d) She never had one.
Jenner Premium Member over 6 years ago
Question 7: What is the name of Endtown’s news outlet? a) The Endtown Examiner b) The Entrail Examiner c) The End Of Times Examiner d) Electromatic Radio
Jenner Premium Member over 6 years ago
Question 8: Topsiders Sarah and Jim actively sought mutation into cartoon animals for what goal? a) The Nobel Peace Prize. b) A cure for cancer. c) A Top 10 record hit. d) Marital bliss.
RickD Premium Member over 6 years ago
These are all good questions. Someone else surely knows the answers.
Jenner Premium Member over 6 years ago
Question 9: Three Endtown women were put through a gruelling show trial over the possession of what? a) Revolutionary literature. b) Beer. c) Cookies. d) Milk.
Jenner Premium Member over 6 years ago
By the way, at the end of thi quiz, I’ll judge a prize winner.
RickD Premium Member over 6 years ago
Question 10: Beans, as they seem to be the predominant canned food that survived the apparent End of All Civilization—have become unpopular through repetition. What was the special spice that was used by Maurice the Chef to make his pot of beans more tasty—and therefore more popular? a) chile powder —BAM! b) vanilla extract c) a dead mouse d) a live rat
Jenner Premium Member over 6 years ago
Question 11: Chic the bird-boy has a pet named Irving. Irving is a… a) Chicken-hawk. b) Bug c) Alligator. d) Giant amoeba.
Diat60 over 6 years ago
RickD Premium Member over 6 years ago
Question 12: The outpost named Unity was mostly populated by a specific type of reptile anthro. This was achieved through inspection of each egg and nurturing those which contained reptilians. How many new eggs contained"reptilians"? a) 50 in 100 b) 1 in a million c)25 in 100 d)1 in 200
gigagrouch over 6 years ago
Question 13: For whom did Linda bake a cake?a)Mr. Cooper? b)Mr. Hopper?,c)Mr.Foxworthy? d)Mr. Anderson?
davidf42 over 6 years ago
That was a good quiz. I got all but one of them correct.
RickD Premium Member over 6 years ago
Question 14: Before Wally Wallechinsky made it to Endtown, he rescued 2 Endtowners who were held prisoner in a Personal Transport by using an improvised weapon made from: a)cans of beans 2)a blaster 3)a fire hydrant 4)glass shards
Jenner Premium Member over 6 years ago
Question 15: Holly worked in… a) the cafe. b) the bar. c) the laundry. d) the lab.
gigagrouch over 6 years ago
Question 16: Aaron Marx “won” the Opabinia Queen in a game of: a)poker b) blackjack c) checkers d)go fish
Bonus question: Who did he win her from?
RickD Premium Member over 6 years ago
Question 17: Topsider “Personnel Transporters” have made numerous appearances in the Endtown adventures. But one in particular actually changed character, due to intervention by Flask. This was because Flask was alerted to a past connection to this Personnel Transporter because of something he/it called her. What did the Transporter call Flask? Was it a)Philomena b)Pretty Kitty c)Blackie d)Technologist Flask
Jenner Premium Member over 6 years ago
Question 18: During the Milk Trial period, an angry brawl in the street blew up into an all-out riot after a dog named Spike was shot dead. What object was he carrying when he was shot through it? a) A scale model of The Edmund Fitzgerald. b) A teddy bear with a silly hat. c) A 1950’s style radio. d) An enormous piece of cheese.
RickD Premium Member over 6 years ago
Question 19: Kirbee(along with her anthro subtype) shows the general characteristics of various lizards. They produce eggs. She can lose her tail when threatened. She also has shown the ability to: a) cling to walls b) change color c)snare things with her tongue d)shed her skin
gigagrouch over 6 years ago
#20: The Lucranians’ apparent chief industry is salvage & resale. They collect all manner of debris & salvage across several dimensions. One particular item of collected “junk” is esteemed as currency in one of those dimensions. Is it: a)microwave ovens b)bread makers c) toasters d)percolators e)food processors?
RickD Premium Member over 6 years ago
Question #21 During the adventures within Endtown, we have seen Wally Wallechinsky in a LOT of tough spots. But…in one instance, the strip showed that he was killed. What was the method of his demise? a) head wound from a blackjack b) drowned in the Endtown canal c) dismembered by “spif the sand creature” d) strangled by a MUTT e) chopped to death by an airship propeller f)turned to dust by a Topsider ray gun g)shot by an assault rifle h)handgrenade blast in a confined space i) stabbed in the back with a broken bottle
RickD Premium Member over 6 years ago
Question #22 What do Topsiders call their ray-projecting sidearms? a)blasters b)mutie dusters c)zero guns d)Amesworth hand projectors
Bronkster Premium Member over 6 years ago
Diat60 over 6 years ago
♬Tomorrow, tomorrow, it’s only a day away♬
WoodstockJack over 6 years ago
Urbane Gorilla over 6 years ago
I can just see trying to get on here tomorrow with all the readers signing on at once.
Kyneris Premium Member over 6 years ago
Hooray, the story continues tomorrow!!! :D
RickD Premium Member over 6 years ago
Does anyone else feel like this is Christmas eve, and wondering what presents will appear tomorrow?
alikgator over 5 years ago
This story is fantastic. I just found it yesterday an read it from the beginning. Juste barely managed to go to work…
alikgator over 5 years ago
Is the patreon still up and running?