For folks that see life in terms of black and white, i.e, no middle ground, life can be like that. To them, it’s the tv news that doesn’t seem to work in a way they can appreciate.
My adult, high-functioning autistic daughter has problems understanding the neurotypical. She has problems with “shades of gray” in behavior. To her, everyone should be consistent in their behavior and it confuses and stresses her when they don’t. She is starting to get the hang of it because she is aware she has problems with it, but, boy, have I had to do a lot of explaining about people to get her there.
People usually start off young and idealistic. I can remember in 1968 discussion in the lounge at MSU where people would espouse that if they were drafted they could never shoot another human being. As you age and move through life your experiences shape your outlook and mind set. Which is why older people are more conservative than younger people.
As I reverse-engineer it, maybe it’s the black-and-white TVs’ fault that people as old and older than me can’t see issues in colors and shades. Maybe that’s it. No, wait. I should act my age. That’s DEFINITELY it, and nothing you say is going to make me change my mind.
Oh, and yes, of course that’s a John Prine shirt. Blow up your TV. Black and white, color or HD, blow up your TV.
pony21 Premium Member about 6 years ago
It ain’t the TV. But it may very well be the channel that’s to blame.
Lenavid about 6 years ago
With Moral Relativism, it’s easy to justify small shades of amorality.
Ignatz Premium Member about 6 years ago
Do kids still even use the phrase “Color TV”?
sandpiper about 6 years ago
For folks that see life in terms of black and white, i.e, no middle ground, life can be like that. To them, it’s the tv news that doesn’t seem to work in a way they can appreciate.
jpayne4040 about 6 years ago
It’s not the TVs that aren’t working right here…
Serial Pedant about 6 years ago
Yeah! Like Amos ’n Andy. Wait. They were both white.Drat!
contralto2b about 6 years ago
My adult, high-functioning autistic daughter has problems understanding the neurotypical. She has problems with “shades of gray” in behavior. To her, everyone should be consistent in their behavior and it confuses and stresses her when they don’t. She is starting to get the hang of it because she is aware she has problems with it, but, boy, have I had to do a lot of explaining about people to get her there.
Richard S Russell Premium Member about 6 years ago
The beginnings of the scientific method: (1) Make an observation. (2) Come up with a hypothesis to explain it. But don’t stop there.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member about 6 years ago
People usually start off young and idealistic. I can remember in 1968 discussion in the lounge at MSU where people would espouse that if they were drafted they could never shoot another human being. As you age and move through life your experiences shape your outlook and mind set. Which is why older people are more conservative than younger people.
winamoe about 6 years ago
Love his t-shirt, btw. I never saw a color tv set until I was about 14. I always wondered what color the uniforms were, on Star Trek…
car2ner about 6 years ago
I think way too many people want the simplicity of world of black and white but in reality don’t want to live it.
billswingle about 6 years ago
Brilliant strip today!
LeftCoastKen Premium Member about 6 years ago
OK, how many thought this one was about vision, i.e., eyesight?
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 6 years ago
Frazz14 hrs ·
As I reverse-engineer it, maybe it’s the black-and-white TVs’ fault that people as old and older than me can’t see issues in colors and shades. Maybe that’s it. No, wait. I should act my age. That’s DEFINITELY it, and nothing you say is going to make me change my mind.
Oh, and yes, of course that’s a John Prine shirt. Blow up your TV. Black and white, color or HD, blow up your TV.
COL Crash about 6 years ago
But all the magic is in the gray area.