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All cats need to have an Emergency Preparedness kit for when a vacuum might strike. Authorities suggest tennis balls, mounds of hair, and torn up pillows to disable the beast.
Hi everyone. I talked to Brein43 earlier. She is in good spirits – even joked about the current state of our government. Although I’m not sure if that says more about her or the painkillers! She hopes to go home in a few days, where her crew of four reporters can let her be the biggest spoon.
I don’t dare say how long it has been since my masters have been threatened by the vacuum. I don’t think my new dog knows I even have one…
My cats HATE the vacuum, which is why I don’t use it as often as I should. (That’s my story and I’m sticking to it – but I don’t like the vacuum much either.) Raven zooms off and hides under the bed. Diesel poofs up and stands his ground hissing at it.
I love how oversized their Vacuum Awareness badges are. And the return of Elvis’ yellow raincoat!
Personally I thought it was hearing the wheels on the vacuum before it’s switched on and then heading for the hills was what kept cats from getting sucked in. That and the hose being too small to actually suck a cat into it. Now a newborn kitten, that’s a terrifying thought.
We discovered that the kittens would be coming back Saturday AM. We took all of about 1 minute to choose their names.
I guarantee we did so BEFORE we saw the Sunday strip. Call it karma, call it destiny, but we had already decided on Tommy and Sophie. We are all paper towels.
As I type this Sophie is already out and about, we know not where. There have been several visits into the bathroom by Bandit, but she spends most of her time roaming the castle. Tommy has not ventured out yet but I doubt he will wait much longer. So many interesting sounds and smells, and giant humans and cats strolling past the door on a regular basis.
@Georgia Dunn I have been reading the last years comics for suggestions for your Rubin Award submissions.
It’s kinda apropos that you are starting a new Vacuum Cleaner arc. I think that the one with the baby Dust Buster is a good combination of funny, cute, and story telling. Fun Stuff.
I have a cat so mellow he’s not afraid of the vacuum cleaner. You can actually vacuum him. He’s the only one I’ve seen that lets you do that. You can also give him a bath.
Being as I was raised in Los Angeles, this strip appeared shortly after they moved to the Los Angeles area and was obviously inspired by earthquake preparedness announcements. Happily, they were able to move after just a few months. To end confusion, this strip came long before the one about the mother vacuum.
I received the following from Jeanne, Skykey’s widow, this morning:
" Dear Ladykat, I am writing in response to Leonard’s, son of Linda, kind words about skykey. I ‘m still trying to retrieve the end of his last adventure from his computer. I still can’t poston the site and I have requested help to no avail. I can read all the comments. I will be having Gil’s memorial service around the spring solstice. It will probably be in Redondo Beach area of Los Angeles. IAll will be welcomed, as you meant so much to him. I’m grateful he found his voice with such positive feedback from all. My email is Ladykat, if I could impose on you yet again, would you post this for me please? I thank you in advance. Sincerely, Jeanne, Mrs. Skykey."
I was wondering if any of our readers live in the Los Angeles area and if they would be able to go to the memorial. It would mean a great deal to Jeanne to have some of Skykey’s friends there.
On the BCN front, and I may be hallucinating because of my head cold, didn’t the boys already strike a truce of sorts with the vacuum and her baby dustbuster?
On the home front, my head cold has descended into my chest. I am an unhappy camper.
last year sometime, Georgia posted a short video on FB the real Lupin & the vacuum cleaner, it was so cute!! I’ll try to find it tonight and post the link tomorrow.
The question of the Richter scale reading for vacuum cleaners made me think.
And this is pretty much apropos of nothing, but…
Have you ever experienced an earthquake? Or earthquakes? Rarely or often? Barely noticeable or catastrophic or somewhere between? What part of the country or world?
In the new year I forced myself to do a semi-annual vacuuming — including that part of the kitchen that crunched with every step I took from a Miralax mishap, and I was so proud of myself. Yesterday I was putting away the finely powdered Miralax that I add to Cricket’s wet food, and the plastic tub flew out of my hands, emptying the contents over a wide swath of the kitchen including on top of poor Bill who was minding his own business eating his supper. Despite vacuuming the scene of the crime, as well as following the path that startled Bill took to escape, there’s a crunching underfoot all through the house now. And worse, wherever Bill stops to groom himself, a little white pile of Miralax marks the spot.
I’ve had it! No more vacuuming! Every time I do, something like this happens. I think my house is haunted by a домовой, a household spirit that Russians believe are behind all the mischief and mishaps in the home.
I’ve experienced a few small ones, in West Virginia and Virginia. Just rumbles mostly, although in the worst one I could actually feel the brick building rocking a little. No damage.
@Elvis: But probably quadrillions of creatures will be utterly obliterated by Hyperbole! It must be stopped this very instant, before it engulfs the universe!
“Where will YOU be when the vacuum cleaner strikes?”
Well, considering my two quadruped leeches never get off their furry little cans and help around the house, I’ll probably be the one pushing the damned thing!
The boys need to set up an alarm on the vacuum cleaner closet so when the Woman opens the door the alarm sounds. That way they will know when the dreaded vacuum is coming out to hunt them.
We have hidden the part of the vacuum cleaner runs around on the floor, and thus far the Yarn Lady has been unable to find it. This has been working for us thus far, as the Yarn Lady has resorted to a broom and dust pan, and that’s just fun for us! Broom-chasers, ahoy!
I was playing “fetch” with Sooti (she brings a cat toy to where I am sitting at my desk, drops it, I use a grabber to pick it up, she jumps around trying to get it off the grabber, then I use the grabber to “throw” it across the room, she runs after it, brings it back and the game starts all over).
Anyway, I tossed it and it hit the wall, landing behind a piece of furniture where it’s not easy for her to get at, so I went to get it for her. When I looked, there were three cat toys back there, so I used the grabber to pull them all out and tossed them to the other side of my room, where Sunny was over joyed to find that one of the toys was his favorite!
Hello! I’m new to commenting. I’ve been following BCN & the comments for a few months. I really appreciate how y’all are so thoughtful & friendly. Thx for making this a nice place to spend time. And thx to Georgia for her wonderful art, wit & insight into cats because, obviously, without her this would not exist.
I’m elderly (although, where-oh-where did the years go?), handicapped, retired & live in a small apartment in north TX. I read in some of the comments that it seems like many of the commenters are night people. That’s me, too! I’m usually up all night & sleep days. I found BCN when searching for cat comics on GoComics. Now, I look forward to seeing it every night & then usually also check the comments sometime during the day. I just started reading Swan Eaters, too, when I saw it mentioned here a few days ago.
I have a 6 yr old female, DSH, grey tiger rescue named Marcy who is very intelligent & equally stubborn. She has her sweet ways but she can be utterly obnoxious if I try to make her follow her vet-recommended diet. She was overweight when she came to me (honest =^••^= ) this past Spring & was the boss @ her former home. I can be stubborn also so it’s a battle of wills here in TX. :) We have all the other issues (brushing, ear cleaning, nail trimming, etc) settled…just her diet [zxt1%#xy] (that’s her cussing; she’s reading over my shoulder).
I do have a question. I haven’t read the comments back to the beginning of BCN so the answer might be there but…How did the terms orb & orbster come about?
Thank you, Georgia, & all the commenters, for making me smile every day!
One of my friends actually had a central vac system installed to deal with all the cat hair. At the time she had 5, she’s down to 4 right now. Mighty Max is probably the biggest culprit for noticeable hair tumbleweeds. He’s about 25 pounds of orange Maine Coon Floof.
Sue Ellen about 6 years ago
I was hoping to hear that there was nothing outside, but this is a good one as well. I wonder if it will be modified to include Baby Buster.
DennisinSeattle about 6 years ago
All cats need to have an Emergency Preparedness kit for when a vacuum might strike. Authorities suggest tennis balls, mounds of hair, and torn up pillows to disable the beast.
zorak950 about 6 years ago
Jungle Empress about 6 years ago
How much does the vacuum cleaner measure on the Richter scale? Inquiring minds must know!
littlegraymonster about 6 years ago
Hi everyone. I talked to Brein43 earlier. She is in good spirits – even joked about the current state of our government. Although I’m not sure if that says more about her or the painkillers! She hopes to go home in a few days, where her crew of four reporters can let her be the biggest spoon.
I don’t dare say how long it has been since my masters have been threatened by the vacuum. I don’t think my new dog knows I even have one…
Le'letha Premium Member about 6 years ago
My cats HATE the vacuum, which is why I don’t use it as often as I should. (That’s my story and I’m sticking to it – but I don’t like the vacuum much either.) Raven zooms off and hides under the bed. Diesel poofs up and stands his ground hissing at it.
I love how oversized their Vacuum Awareness badges are. And the return of Elvis’ yellow raincoat!
knight1192a about 6 years ago
Personally I thought it was hearing the wheels on the vacuum before it’s switched on and then heading for the hills was what kept cats from getting sucked in. That and the hose being too small to actually suck a cat into it. Now a newborn kitten, that’s a terrifying thought.
about 6 years ago
All those poor cats must be kept safe immediately!
Andylit Premium Member about 6 years ago
Kitten Update:
We discovered that the kittens would be coming back Saturday AM. We took all of about 1 minute to choose their names.
I guarantee we did so BEFORE we saw the Sunday strip. Call it karma, call it destiny, but we had already decided on Tommy and Sophie. We are all paper towels.
As I type this Sophie is already out and about, we know not where. There have been several visits into the bathroom by Bandit, but she spends most of her time roaming the castle. Tommy has not ventured out yet but I doubt he will wait much longer. So many interesting sounds and smells, and giant humans and cats strolling past the door on a regular basis.
All is well.
jimmjonzz Premium Member about 6 years ago
OK cat-boys, this is important. Do Not attempt to cross the panel borders into to day’s Nancy comic strip.
catmom1360 about 6 years ago
Love the buttons Elvis is sporting; one I know is a upright vacuum cleaner and the other a baby duster? I couldn’t quite make that one out.
catmom1360 about 6 years ago
Or maybe the second is the top of the microphone. Yeah, that’s it.
Robin Harwood about 6 years ago
If you are not prepared for the vacuum, you’re … Well, you know by now.
Nuliajuk about 6 years ago
Not sure a raincoat will hell…
Kim Metzger about 6 years ago
I’ve got some big dust bunnies that are making some of these same comments.
dadoctah about 6 years ago
Pretty sure I posted this before the strip got onto GoComics, but I’ll repeat it now for those who weren’t there:
I named my cat Nature. She abhors the vacuum.
asrialfeeple about 6 years ago
You can often hear it coming. If you do, I strongly suggest heading for the hills.
Sue Ellen about 6 years ago
Did anybody else get a whole batch of notifications of likes and comments from September 16? I checked to see if any of them were new. They weren’t.
More_Cats_Than_Sense about 6 years ago
Different cats have different reactions to vacuum cleaners……….
cat19632001 about 6 years ago
Ha – and I decided yesterday that today I will do my weekly cleaning including bringing out ::GASP:: the dreaded V.C.
cat19632001 about 6 years ago
Cats can never be too prepared for the Vacuum Cleaner. Lives are at stake here, people.
WelshRat Premium Member about 6 years ago
Elvis, ready for battle!
davanden about 6 years ago
Have they forgotten their previous encounter, where they came to terms with the vacuum cleaner and her child?
I AM CARTOON LADY! about 6 years ago
Last week it was, ‘Celebrating The Annual Coughing of the Hairball’…they still have not figured out it leads to, ‘Vacuum Preparedness Week!’
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 6 years ago
@Georgia Dunn I have been reading the last years comics for suggestions for your Rubin Award submissions.
It’s kinda apropos that you are starting a new Vacuum Cleaner arc. I think that the one with the baby Dust Buster is a good combination of funny, cute, and story telling. Fun Stuff.
Ignatz Premium Member about 6 years ago
I have a cat so mellow he’s not afraid of the vacuum cleaner. You can actually vacuum him. He’s the only one I’ve seen that lets you do that. You can also give him a bath.
SunflowerGirl100 about 6 years ago
Being as I was raised in Los Angeles, this strip appeared shortly after they moved to the Los Angeles area and was obviously inspired by earthquake preparedness announcements. Happily, they were able to move after just a few months. To end confusion, this strip came long before the one about the mother vacuum.
stairsteppublishing about 6 years ago
Does Georgia sign her name Georgie or I am not reading it correctly. My aunt Georgia always answered to Georgie.
ladykat Premium Member about 6 years ago
I received the following from Jeanne, Skykey’s widow, this morning:
" Dear Ladykat, I am writing in response to Leonard’s, son of Linda, kind words about skykey. I ‘m still trying to retrieve the end of his last adventure from his computer. I still can’t poston the site and I have requested help to no avail. I can read all the comments. I will be having Gil’s memorial service around the spring solstice. It will probably be in Redondo Beach area of Los Angeles. IAll will be welcomed, as you meant so much to him. I’m grateful he found his voice with such positive feedback from all. My email is Ladykat, if I could impose on you yet again, would you post this for me please? I thank you in advance. Sincerely, Jeanne, Mrs. Skykey."
I was wondering if any of our readers live in the Los Angeles area and if they would be able to go to the memorial. It would mean a great deal to Jeanne to have some of Skykey’s friends there.
On the BCN front, and I may be hallucinating because of my head cold, didn’t the boys already strike a truce of sorts with the vacuum and her baby dustbuster?
On the home front, my head cold has descended into my chest. I am an unhappy camper.
Gloria Fleming about 6 years ago
last year sometime, Georgia posted a short video on FB the real Lupin & the vacuum cleaner, it was so cute!! I’ll try to find it tonight and post the link tomorrow.
Lily.spokescat about 6 years ago
Thank you, little graymonster. Please give my good recovery wishes to Brein43 ❤️
jimmjonzz Premium Member about 6 years ago
The question of the Richter scale reading for vacuum cleaners made me think.
And this is pretty much apropos of nothing, but…
Have you ever experienced an earthquake? Or earthquakes? Rarely or often? Barely noticeable or catastrophic or somewhere between? What part of the country or world?
Ravioli's Gale Premium Member about 6 years ago
diskus Premium Member about 6 years ago
Heck these new whiny vacuum cleaners scare me
la_momcat about 6 years ago
arghhhh! not vacuum cleaners…
In the new year I forced myself to do a semi-annual vacuuming — including that part of the kitchen that crunched with every step I took from a Miralax mishap, and I was so proud of myself. Yesterday I was putting away the finely powdered Miralax that I add to Cricket’s wet food, and the plastic tub flew out of my hands, emptying the contents over a wide swath of the kitchen including on top of poor Bill who was minding his own business eating his supper. Despite vacuuming the scene of the crime, as well as following the path that startled Bill took to escape, there’s a crunching underfoot all through the house now. And worse, wherever Bill stops to groom himself, a little white pile of Miralax marks the spot.
I’ve had it! No more vacuuming! Every time I do, something like this happens. I think my house is haunted by a домовой, a household spirit that Russians believe are behind all the mischief and mishaps in the home.
redwolfio about 6 years ago
saving life of cats is a good thing
Catmom about 6 years ago
I’ve experienced a few small ones, in West Virginia and Virginia. Just rumbles mostly, although in the worst one I could actually feel the brick building rocking a little. No damage.
Code the Enforcer about 6 years ago
Elvis has a look something like the narrator of the classic (and WAY campy) movie, Reefer Madness, especially near the end of the film…
But here, in CN’s case, it might be called: “VACUUM Madness”!! :)
Elvis may conclude his report with: “Don’t let THIS happen to YOU!!” ;)
rs0204 Premium Member about 6 years ago
Cat Axiom: It’s the vacuum that you don’t see that gets you.
heathcliff2 about 6 years ago
I’m surprised no slash across the vacuum image.
StephenRice about 6 years ago
@Elvis: But probably quadrillions of creatures will be utterly obliterated by Hyperbole! It must be stopped this very instant, before it engulfs the universe!
Andrew Sleeth about 6 years ago
“Where will YOU be when the vacuum cleaner strikes?”
Well, considering my two quadruped leeches never get off their furry little cans and help around the house, I’ll probably be the one pushing the damned thing!
miscreant about 6 years ago
The boys need to set up an alarm on the vacuum cleaner closet so when the Woman opens the door the alarm sounds. That way they will know when the dreaded vacuum is coming out to hunt them.
adlpated about 6 years ago
We have hidden the part of the vacuum cleaner runs around on the floor, and thus far the Yarn Lady has been unable to find it. This has been working for us thus far, as the Yarn Lady has resorted to a broom and dust pan, and that’s just fun for us! Broom-chasers, ahoy!
FrannieL Premium Member about 6 years ago
Can’t wait to see what the preparation is going to be or not.
RonnieAThompson Premium Member about 6 years ago
Praying for Brein43.
willie_mctell about 6 years ago
We had a cat who liked to be vacuumed. Her name was originally Louise but we quickly changed it to Weezie.
Maizing about 6 years ago
Heh, heh.
I was playing “fetch” with Sooti (she brings a cat toy to where I am sitting at my desk, drops it, I use a grabber to pick it up, she jumps around trying to get it off the grabber, then I use the grabber to “throw” it across the room, she runs after it, brings it back and the game starts all over).
Anyway, I tossed it and it hit the wall, landing behind a piece of furniture where it’s not easy for her to get at, so I went to get it for her. When I looked, there were three cat toys back there, so I used the grabber to pull them all out and tossed them to the other side of my room, where Sunny was over joyed to find that one of the toys was his favorite!
Le'letha Premium Member about 6 years ago
I don’t know if anyone can hear me, but – Lupin and his Hat of Adventure are on the GoComics header today! “Adventure abounds!”
TXD2 about 6 years ago
Hello! I’m new to commenting. I’ve been following BCN & the comments for a few months. I really appreciate how y’all are so thoughtful & friendly. Thx for making this a nice place to spend time. And thx to Georgia for her wonderful art, wit & insight into cats because, obviously, without her this would not exist.
I’m elderly (although, where-oh-where did the years go?), handicapped, retired & live in a small apartment in north TX. I read in some of the comments that it seems like many of the commenters are night people. That’s me, too! I’m usually up all night & sleep days. I found BCN when searching for cat comics on GoComics. Now, I look forward to seeing it every night & then usually also check the comments sometime during the day. I just started reading Swan Eaters, too, when I saw it mentioned here a few days ago.
I have a 6 yr old female, DSH, grey tiger rescue named Marcy who is very intelligent & equally stubborn. She has her sweet ways but she can be utterly obnoxious if I try to make her follow her vet-recommended diet. She was overweight when she came to me (honest =^••^= ) this past Spring & was the boss @ her former home. I can be stubborn also so it’s a battle of wills here in TX. :) We have all the other issues (brushing, ear cleaning, nail trimming, etc) settled…just her diet [zxt1%#xy] (that’s her cussing; she’s reading over my shoulder).
I do have a question. I haven’t read the comments back to the beginning of BCN so the answer might be there but…How did the terms orb & orbster come about?
Thank you, Georgia, & all the commenters, for making me smile every day!
Slappy Squirrel about 6 years ago
One of my friends actually had a central vac system installed to deal with all the cat hair. At the time she had 5, she’s down to 4 right now. Mighty Max is probably the biggest culprit for noticeable hair tumbleweeds. He’s about 25 pounds of orange Maine Coon Floof.
metagalaxy1970 about 6 years ago
I always warn my two find their “hidey holes” when I vacuum. I know that they appreciate it.
RonBerg13 Premium Member about 6 years ago
Ah, the one thing cats and dogs agree on – vacuum cleaners!
Fennec! at the Disco Premium Member almost 2 years ago
“Sucked into” – heh! Elvis, I saw what you did there!