Pickles by Brian Crane for January 23, 2019

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    enigmamz  about 6 years ago

    No, he can’t remember if he took one already or not.

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    Templo S.U.D.  about 6 years ago

    oh, these senior citizen moments

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    Breadboard  about 6 years ago

    PBS Pun Time ?

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    donwalter  about 6 years ago

    Oh, I’m perfectly comfortable with that. I visit it every day…

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    jpayne4040  about 6 years ago

    The answer is three! (-:

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    jagedlo  about 6 years ago

    Opal with the facepalm!

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    e.groves  about 6 years ago

    The last bottle of One-a-day vitamins I bought said to take two daily.

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    david_42  about 6 years ago

    I set out our vitamins every day, my wife takes her’s about 4 times a week.

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    iggyman  about 6 years ago

    Earl: “What time does the 11:00 news come on”?

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    micromos  about 6 years ago

    One? I take 27.

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    rcjournal  about 6 years ago

    Everyone seems to have missed the bigotry in the referenced vitamin.

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    WCraft  about 6 years ago

    So…what is the answer? :-)

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    bookworm0812  about 6 years ago

    Actually, I take the One A Day gummies, but the dosage is two gummies once a day.

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    lagoulou  about 6 years ago

    Earl should get gummy vitamins..something sweet to look forward to…

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  about 6 years ago

    Many a multivitamin tells you to take one per day but when you look you see it only had 7% of the RDA of various vitamins or minerals.

    Someone always points out that you don’t need them if you eat a perfectly balanced meal. It lets you get what you need without hours of searching and cooking special meals.

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    w16521  about 6 years ago

    Earl is about as dumb as a Trump supporter.

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    Linguist  about 6 years ago

    I’m curious … My wife’s doctor put her on a calcium/vitamin supplement for her bones. He suggested Ensure or something similar, which she been taking for the last few months with great results – no more pain in the joints and more energy. What does a can of that stuff cost in the U.S?

    We just got back from the supermarket and it was $15.95 per can. Ecuador’s prices for vitamins and food supplements vary, depending on if they’re imported or manufactured here.

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    sousamannd  about 6 years ago

    You vitameatavegamin lovers will die healthy, that’s the only difference between you and me!

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    Mariah13  about 6 years ago

    The One-A-Day for Women I have has a dose of 2!

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