The Scotland Trust has several estates where you can buy a square foot of land. That makes you a Scottish Laird, AKA, a Landowner. You get a certificate and map coordinates, so you can visit your land/see it on a map. You Cannot do any sort of building on your “square acreage”, but, your money helps preserve and take care of heritage, historic buildings and grounds. It’s real, not a scam…
kaffekup about 6 years ago
Star-bucks! Who could have a better name for Mel’s business?
Alabama Al about 6 years ago
Not a new idea. Ever hear of the “Star Registry”? Use to hear it advertised on radio about 10-12 years ago. Of course, a complete and utter fraud.
Bilan about 6 years ago
Starbucks? Does this mean that there will be a solar system with only one Starbucks?
therese_callahan2002 about 6 years ago
“Look! There’s the Arby’s Asteroid, the Sonic Supernova, and the Panera White and Red dwarves!”
Say What Now‽ Premium Member about 6 years ago
Stop at the next Subway Solar System for a steak sub sandwich.
mudak326 about 6 years ago
May I rename the sun? I hope to have its new name in place by next Elvisday.
tripwire45 about 6 years ago
…somewhere in the Ford Galaxy (with apologies to Mel Brooks).
LadyPeterW about 6 years ago
The Scotland Trust has several estates where you can buy a square foot of land. That makes you a Scottish Laird, AKA, a Landowner. You get a certificate and map coordinates, so you can visit your land/see it on a map. You Cannot do any sort of building on your “square acreage”, but, your money helps preserve and take care of heritage, historic buildings and grounds. It’s real, not a scam…
carlzr about 6 years ago
What are the names of the planets in the Starbuck’s system? Latte? Expresso? Moche Grande? Would that be a gas giant?
blakerl about 6 years ago
They will take me seriously, when I open Larry’s hotel and restaurant, on Mars’s Elysium Planitia. Yes they will!!!
Ermine Notyours about 6 years ago
Starbucks and Red Robin, two Seattle-based businesses. How long before we see Amazon women on the moon?
DCBakerEsq about 6 years ago
Better yet. Name planets after your body parts.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 6 years ago
Anyone is free to name any star any thing. Nobody may pay attention, but that’s a separate issue.
InquireWithin about 6 years ago
“Next to” on cosmic scales could be several light years… it would really suck if you missed your turn and had to backtrack!
JudyAz about 6 years ago
I prefer Larry Niven’s universe, where they named features after the first thing that was said upon encountering them.
So they have a planet named “We Made It”, and a geographical feature named “Mt. Lookatthat!”
craigwestlake about 6 years ago
I believe in Hollywood the “Star Registry” has been replaced by the “Star Mugshot”…