Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for April 08, 2019

  1. Samvadi fb
    in.amongst  almost 6 years ago

    someone don’ like the artsci types!?!

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  2. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz  almost 6 years ago

    WEATHER is short term and local; CLIMATE is long term and of broad geographic scope; when discussing the issue of climate change, it is preceded by the adjective “global” which, to educate the illiterate debunkers, means “worldwide” which, again for the illiterate, is a pretty broad scale.

    Climate change warnings are about increasingly extreme FLUCTUATIONS of weather, with both LOWER COLD TEMPS as well as WARMER HI TEMPS, with an overall long-term trend toward INCREASING average global mean temperatures, which accounts for the term “global warming” (both “global warming” and “global climate change” are, in the long run, accurate terminology, but “climate change” is easier for uneducated CONservatives to understand when they see local exceptions).

    The idea that science and art has to go begging, while corporate welfare, tax giveaways to the few richest elites who already have the most and wars to enrich the oil corporations and “defense contractors” of the military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about (sacrificing our brave heroes on the blood-stained altar of corporate greed) brings tears to the eyes.

    Tears of blood.

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  3. Edwin photo 2
    santa72404  almost 6 years ago

    I see that they’re BOTH parked in front of the dumpster. Read what you will of this.

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  4. Trollspry
    Enter.Name.Here  almost 6 years ago

    “Will slap you silly for free for not knowing this information already as adults.”

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  5. Badger 4 360
    sirbadger  almost 6 years ago

    If the government did not fund art, would that be a problem?

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  6. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    After so many years on this site (GoComics) it has become apparent that some people are just being willfully ignorant. They have been told many times the difference between climate and weather, and what is causing the change. They act like children holding their hands over their ears, stamping their feet and yelling “I can’t hear you”.

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  7. Psx 20180717 164642
    Watcher  almost 6 years ago

    The Trump Effect.

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  8. Duck1275
    Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    Climate is the steady decrease in fresh water resources due to global cooling that occurred during the ice age and has not yet been reversed entirely. This aridity is marked by glacial recession, desertification, rising seas, and higher atmospheric temperatures. Weather is the process of distributing water from salty seas to inland fresh water resources by thermal energy acting on sea water. What we are told to fear is an increase in weather as the ice age climate slowly fades. And, in one or two thousand years, we may begin to see an increase in glacial ice and a greening of the deserts from climate change, with or without humans present, as the thermal energy in the seas rises enough to force water vapor farther inland against cooling, condensation and precipitation. The political climate is one of storms of higher frequency and greater intensity and a rapid incremental rise in taxes and regulations. Or is that political weather?

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  9. Missing large
    Mike Smith  almost 6 years ago

    Or you could just put all the weather stations in heat islands to get higher basic readings to push an agenda.

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  10. Millionchimps1
    tripwire45  almost 6 years ago

    Isn’t that what Google is for?

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  11. Bald eagle portrait
    Kilrwat Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    This link is pretty much the definitive compilation of the various effects, natural and human-made on the climate. Based on NASA data and research, it is the most effective graphic I’ve seen for separating all of the different influences and netting out their collective impact.

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  12. Gocomics
    dragonbite  almost 6 years ago

    A Sad state of affairs if that’s the only way to get funded.

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  13. Missing large
    dandye  almost 6 years ago

    When commenting please use the terms “denier” and “illiterate” often. Also use “corporate, elite, and selfish” as these terms will show that the writer really cares more than all the other selfish people. These terms are sure to make the writer feel superior and ensure that the “vast unwashed” know how smart and “woke” they are. :-)

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  14. Plsa button
    Richard S Russell Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    It’s hard to believe that, this deep into the 21st Century, we still have people who apparently don’t understand the difference between weather and climate. Here’s the deal:

     • Weather is short-term; climate is long-term.

     • Weather is individual measurements; climate is average measurements.

     • Weather is what you get; climate is what you expect.

     • Weather is umbrellas; climate is ice ages.

     • Weather is the city council; climate is the United Nations.

     • Weather is 3 minutes on TV; climate is doctoral dissertations.

     • Weather comes and goes; climate just keeps on coming.

     • Weather change kills off individual plants and animals; climate change kills off entire species.

     • Weather is Angry Birds; climate is The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.

    Any American adult who doesn’t understand this by now must be:

    1) a social promotion from a special-ed class.

    2) working for a fossil-fuel company and whose salary depends on the public not wising up during her or his lifetime.

    3) deliberately disingenuous.

    4) a religious fanatic who buys into the 2000-year-old lie that their favorite dead guy is due back tomoro, having disappointed a hundred previous generations of True Believers because he’s been waiting especially for YOU to be around when it happens, because that’s how important YOU are!

    These categories are not mutually exclusive.

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  15. Profile msn
    vaughnrl2003 Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    Well, it does make science and arts more accessible to the regular ‘Joe on the street’.

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  16. Pirate63
    Linguist  almost 6 years ago

    Support your local PBS stations !!

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  17. 690904ef 1e7c 4d36 a98a f46b185ca15f
    DCBakerEsq  almost 6 years ago

    Ah, the eternal debate. If only there were some way the government could tax me even more and then waste the money on bureaucracy and inefficiency. Any suggestions?

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  18. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  almost 6 years ago

    Funny thing. Hereditary aristocracy funded the arts and sciences because they wanted to decorate their homes, be amused, and indulge their curiosity. There were bad aspects to having a society like that too. :-)

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  19. Missing large
    rlaker22j  almost 6 years ago

    Way to Wyle really got them today

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  20. 0584 l
    1MadHat Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    It’s really simple. Climate is what you can expect. Weather is what you get, whether or not you like it……. 8^)

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  21. Missing large
    whiteaj  almost 6 years ago

    It’s what they deserve.

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  22. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  almost 6 years ago

    I’ve got a tip: When you need something that’s really hard to monetize (toll booths are very annoying and hard to run, e.g.), make it a government project and pay for it with taxes. It won’t be efficient, and it won’t be well maintained, but it will exist.

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  23. Erikeye
    tabby  almost 6 years ago

    Wow. I really wish education in the sciences was done better in the USA. So many people who don’t understand the fact gathering process in a scientific setting and the scientific method – and confuse it with religion! sigh

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  24. B wcaric
    bigpianoguy  almost 6 years ago

    This part of Ontario Canada that I’m on has been in the same place on Earth for about 4 billion years, with no major fault lines. I’m two elevations above the flood plain of our local river and well away from the edge. We’re pretty used to severe winters & summers here already but don’t have tornados, at least not enough to worry about yet. But the best bit is that I’m 62, and so will likely be dead before the really bad crap hits the windmill…later, kids!

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    mobile  almost 6 years ago

    Please send this Post to the White House, Attn POTUS.

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  26. Img 1610
    WCraft  almost 6 years ago

    Tax the rich! Right, Mr. Wiley?

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    krhinter  almost 6 years ago

    A course in babble 101

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    ad5w  almost 6 years ago

    DDWhiz… couldn’t have said it better… great!

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  29. Sulky chatin
    cwg  almost 6 years ago

    This strips deserves a W.T.F.

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  30. Missing large
    gsteele531  over 5 years ago

    Missing a table – “Misplaced religious dogma masquerading as science explained here” with no one in line at all.

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