Frazz by Jef Mallett for April 10, 2019

  1. Bluedog
    Bilan  almost 6 years ago

    You wouldn’t see it if the tree fell on you.

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  2. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    We should all be self-correcting.

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    The Brooklyn Accent Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    The teacher brings enlightenment.

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    DiminishedFirst  almost 6 years ago

    Is this a new teacher?

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    cervelo  almost 6 years ago

    Ok, last we saw him he had white hair, right?

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  6. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  almost 6 years ago

    Will be interesting to follow this sub’s responses to the children. Already countered Caulfield.

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    cervelo  almost 6 years ago

    Knew it, June 19th, 2014.

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    Uncle Bob  almost 6 years ago

    Today’s question: does a hyphen turn two words into one?

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    MichaelHelwig  almost 6 years ago

    Hey, they do have another teacher.

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  10. Penfold
    Bill Löhr Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    It’s called a cloudy day.I’ve often wondered if anyone ever wrote a science fiction story in which a planet was always covered in clouds. How would people react on that day when the clouds broke through…

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    Fido (aka Felix Rex)  almost 6 years ago

    Maybe a slick reference to Isaac Asimov’s classic Nightfall

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  12. Dk
    kunddog  almost 6 years ago

    I would go with a nuclear war, all the survivors if any would be underground

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    ChukLitl Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    If a particle isn’t observed, does it have neither position nor velocity?

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    Darwinskeeper  almost 6 years ago

    I figured the reason nobody saw the sunrise was that they were all in bed, watching TV or playing with their phones.

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    Stephen Gilberg  almost 6 years ago

    That has to be the dumbest thing Caulfield ever said onstage.

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  16. Andi   silhouette
    JudyAz  almost 6 years ago

    Did you hear about the man who stayed up all night wondering where the sun went, until finally it dawned on him?

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    rstove428 Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    The sun doesn’t “rise”, the earth rotates while the sun stays in (relatively) the same spot. The concept of “rising” has no validity with an observer… a life form I guess… to see observe it that way. Or am I just being a doofus? Or mansplaining?

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    STACEY MARSHALL Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    It would be dark because you are not very bright this morning!

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    aunt granny  almost 6 years ago

    The answer to Caulfield’s question is "A fairly large disaster has occurred.

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  almost 6 years ago

    PostsFrazz15 hrs ·

    Mr. Nielsen, my 8th-grade algebra teacher, would start each year with a big, thick note pad that he had taken a big, thick Magic Marker to and written “0” on the top sheet, “1” on the second sheet, “2” on the next and so on. He then pasted it onto a cardboard frame with the prominent label “Mistakes.” Catch him making an error and he’d tear off a page. He’d also display how many mistakes he’d been caught making the previous year, and the record year. He was a good teacher, so we paid attention anyway, but that helped a lot.

    Nowadays, we have comments sections, so Mr. Uhrmann won’t have to decide whether to tear off a page of his own Mistakes Pad when someone tries to call him on “self-correcting” being two words held together with a hyphen. That one will fall to me. Though I might not get to it as quickly as Mr. Nielsen.

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    Michael McKown Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    I’m surprised there’s someone aside from Mrs. Olsen.

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    MarioFan85  almost 6 years ago


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