Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for June 18, 2019

  1. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 5 years ago

    Good morningā„¢, readers of old-time comics!

    Annie would be a fan of Dondi because itā€™s about an orphan. It was produced from 1955 until 1986, but apparently it is still being published in the Dick Tracy universe. At one time, it was in 100 to 200 newspapers, but it dwindled down to about 35 and when the New York Daily News dropped it, the creator decided it was time to retire it.

    Iā€™ll add some more links in a bit, but this is Dondi:


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  2. Jonah hex graphic
    jonahhex1  over 5 years ago

    Wonder what that sneaky looking guy is reaching forā€¦.a gunā€¦.a knifeā€¦..a blackjackā€¦ā€¦?

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  3. Tmdic190127 straightedge trustworthy
    HarryCK  over 5 years ago

    Good morningā„¢, spooling up killers !

    Is he waiting for Annie to clear off to do a kidnap or will he just pull the pistol or poison dart gun and let Gypsy have it ?

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  4.   aa96125949 815708099062159 6596033479821734402 n  1
    dennis4476 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    I would LOVE to see a Dondi crossover!

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  5. 3c5489f7 fee3 4df6 aca6 bff93749dc57
    artsyguy65  over 5 years ago

    I remember reading Dondi in The Buffalo News.

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    oscssw  over 5 years ago

    Dondi! I used to read it and Annie in the New York Daily News, with Dick Tracy who was always the first piece in the comic section.

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    corpcasselbury  over 5 years ago

    I read ā€œDondiā€ back in the early 1970ā€™s.

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  8. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member over 5 years ago

    The creator of Dondi, Irwin Hasen, died just a few years ago.

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  9. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  over 5 years ago

    Dondi a WWII war orphan. I used to read it in the New York Daily News Sunday edition.

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  10. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  over 5 years ago

    Ominous man in uniform appearing! Also Gypsy looks great today. Looking forward to tomorrow!

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    rickmac1937 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    2dollars for Sunday paper, please tell me where so I can buy.

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  12. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Gun in pocket? Cloth impregnated with chloroform? A 2$ bill to pay for the paper? Guess weā€™ll seeā€¦..

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  13. Unnamed
    Another Take  over 5 years ago

    1- ANNIE: See that guy over there? 2- ANNIE: Is it Rob Halford, the gay front man of heavy metal band Judas Priest? 3- GYPSY TRAMPSNTHIEF: Well heā€™s got the hat and the ā€˜stache but I donā€™t think so. May I point out that that sure is an obscure reference for one of my customers to make. ANNIE: Well, everybody outgrows Megadeath sooner or laterā€¦

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  14. Me 2020
    Don Bagert Premium Member over 5 years ago

    So does the Hotel Siam carry the Chicago Tribune, or it that the Tracyville Tribune? LOL

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    buckman-j  over 5 years ago

    Why is Tom Selleck in that store? Dondi??, OMG. Please donā€™t give these guys any more crossover ideas.

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  16. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  over 5 years ago

    I see they also carry the Wall Street Journal!

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  17. Stan lee2
    tsull2121  over 5 years ago

    Yā€™knowā€¦. I was just thinking about how this story is totally and completely ridiculous, and suddenly it makes sense.

    Mike has been throwing turkey after turkey at us for years now, and the ā€œdiehardsā€ have been ā€œgobbling them upā€ (see what I did there?) because ā€œItā€™s better than what we used to have.ā€

    But I think that, as loyal fans and followers of the strip and characters we deserve a little more respect and a straightforward story with a beginning, a middle and an end that flows smoothly AND makes sense without the trainwhistles in the distance. Once of these days Mike will understand that and learn how to better budget his time so that the Sweatbox Ending can be avoided.

    However, this particular story is even MORE ā€œunfeasibleā€ than others have beenā€¦ and I finally figured out why!

    Seems as if Cherilyn Sarkasian has taken out the ink and paper and penned this adventure! How do I know? Well Whitney Houston, allow me to explain.

    Weā€™ve got Gypsys (naturally), Tramps (Annie..go on, look up the definition) and THIEVES (B.B. Eyes) so its OBVIOUSLY the reason why this story is even worse and more far fetched than the others over the last several years!

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  18. Rick
    davidf42  over 5 years ago

    I wish GoComics would add Dondi to their site.

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    dsjwriter  over 5 years ago

    Dondi had the sort of eyes you see in Japanese manga publications, but way before the start of that art form.

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  20. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 5 years ago

    i can recall doing 50+ years ago essentially the same thing that Annie is doing here today, but I did not have some creepy Muscle in black with his hand on a weapon of some sort in his pocket sneaking up primarily on the clerk (Gypsy Gay) but with me (i.e., Annie) as possible Collateral Damage.

    Yo, Asp, have the 15 minutes passed yet? (I have no doubt that the Asp would easily take down the Creep, if only he were there in time; but I fear he will be Too Late in some senseā€¦.)

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